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Posts posted by Silent_Stalker

  1. If attacking alliances "because we don't like you and we want you dead" is your version of honour, my friend, then you are truly lost to us.

    I do not fight for honor, I fight to uphold it. I have no interest in this war and little patience for either side, but I'll be damned before I leave an alliance during times of war.

    Troll harder everyone, I want my final posts to contain at least some wit.

  2. i feel bad for the guy who got declared on

    admin has 7.2K infra

    3K tech

    5 nukes

    1K NS

    theotherguy has 15 infra

    0 tech

    1K NS

    if that were me I'd wet myself

    They are also both in peace mode.

  3. Katsumi, you're oh so right.

    The problem is what fueled this is ludicrous. It's ludicrous to assume Polaris is in a "worse" position after having treaties of theirs cancelled with alliances that wouldn't stick with their friends through thick and thin. If anything Polaris is in a better position than ever, they can see who their true friends are. Polar still has the light of franco, and muscle to back them up.

    All those cancelling, frankly, are losing a true ally.

    You seem much more intelligent today, and are exactly right.

  4. i find these surrender topics as insulting, if a GS nation wants to surrender they would pm their aggressors.

    I respect my opponents enough to not send taunt message to goud them to surrender.

    We aren't even fighting you...why should you even care?

    And who is taunting, we were just getting the terms out into the open.

  5. The Brigade has 38% of its membership in Peace Mode, and is posting surrender terms?

    Hopefully the Order and her allies were reign in postings like this <_<

    edit :Hmm, actually my stats are a bit out. should wear my glasses

    edit 2: Oh that was a zero :D


    Still 30% of an alliance in peace

    Oh yes, a bunch of tech heavy nations in peace mode...I guess that one went over your head.

  6. I was poking fun at the typo. Of course I know who the Golden Sabres are.

    GOONS may have done more damage, but it was GGA that started the war in the first place. Stop ignoring the past and bringing shame to the once great name of Viridia. Hell, you could've just stayed neutral.

    Sorry for double post but, we arent really doing this for GGA, but more to support our uber secksi friends int he NpO.

    And why would Viridia do something unjust anyway?

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