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Posts posted by brcmville

  1. I'll join if you guys all go purple. Need to stay in sphere for Alliance reasons.

    I have aluminum and rubber.

    I can't guarantee that everyone would go to purple but if we get this guild filled out, we will be getting a good happiness bonus anyways.

    I will put you on the list, if its ok with you that some people may be different colors. Ideally, we would all switch to one color before the trade and then begin trading, but that might not be possible. The build gives us 11 happiness already, so I think thats pretty good overall.

    Please reply man :)

  2. I also wish to add that you do not need to cancel any trades you are a part of currently. The idea here is that we get a solid circle going and then as a group, we choose the color we want and switch to it and begin our trading.

    This way, everything works out smoothly and we get the bonuses from our matching colors.

    I understand that some may be in alliances that require you to be a certain color, and if that is the case, we will either try and match your color or find someone else to take the spot.

    I hope some of you decide to sign up for this trade circle. It benefits each nation greatly, especially the newer ones like mine who need the infrastructure deductions for quick growth.

  3. Alright, this trade circle has a litle bit of everything with a major focus on cheap Infra.

    There is no main color yet, so if you are interested in this guild and can switch colors, this is for you!


    The Required resources are:

    Coal, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Oil, Marble, Gold, Cattle, Rubber, Aluminum, Wheat and Water

    The Bonus resources are:

    Steel, Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles, Scholars, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Beer

    Trade Circle List:

    Cattle - Me

    Coal - Me

    Iron - Meleetch

    Lead - Syphus

    Lumber - Syphus

    Oil - Meleetch



    Rubber - SirDelirium (purple)

    Aluminum - SirDelirium (purple)




    Initial infrastructure cost: -42%

    Infrastructure upkeep: -23%

    Population increase: 13%

    Citizen income increase: $6

    Population happiness increase: 11

    Initial land cost: -20%

    Purchased land area increase: 40%

    Technology cost decrease: -13%

    Environment increase: 20%

    Environment decrease: -1

    Soldier increase: 38%

    Soldier cost decrease: $-6

    Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5

    Tank cost decrease: -13%

    Tank upkeep cost: -13%

    Aircraft cost decrease: -16%

    Aircraft upkeep: -20%

    Aircraft limit increase: 10

    Cruise missle cost decrease: -20%

    Cruise missle upkeep: -20%

    Nuke cost decrease: -20%

    Nuke upkeep: -20%

  4. HELP YOURSELF! Trade!!!!!!!!1

    Citizens: +20.89%

    Income: +$29.00

    Infra Cost/Upkeep: -31.79% or -35.20% (tech > 5) / -21.34%

    Land (Purchased): +56.49%

    Land Cost: -23.05%

    Land Value: 3x (from $100 to $300)

    Environment: -2 to 0 (Coal/Oil Native?)

    Soldier Efficiency: +63.94

    Soldier Cost/Upkeep: -$6.00 / -$0.50

    Tank Cost/Upkeep: -5%

    Aircraft Cost: -15.21%

    Aircraft Limit: +10 (tech > 5)

    Aluminum, Coal, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Cattle, Uranium

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