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Posts posted by AzAcE

  1. [center][img]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii50/azace/flag.png[/img]
    [/center]Esteemed Heads of State,

    It has come to my attention that another anniversary has happened in this great cyberverse. After doing some recent research on soil samples gathered from our mighty canyons, and water samples taken from our wells, our scientists, a team of geologists, archeologists, and historians, have date the Sovereign League of Armed Powers at one year old today.

    It seems so recent that we reformed from our previous AA, The Black Hand, to join the orange team under a new name, a new flag, a new forum, and a new IRC channel.

    We in SLAP would like to thank our friends that have helped to bring us to this point, and today will host a special celebration for our members (everybody gets a day off from their tedious labors.) It is only through great friends and a dedicated staff of young nations that we have been able to reach this milestone. Today we recognize these fine individuals.

    Now, what you really showed up for. Pictures, amirite?


  2. Well, I know for sure that there would be aid between mine and his accounts since he would be joining my AA. We are a small AA right now and would probably be boosting him when we get ready to boost others. So if that is the case then I will tell him no.

  3. Okay, so I started playing this game when I was around 16-17. I now have moved out of my mother's house and the last time I logged into my nation from there was like a week ago ( I believe). My question is that now my little brother wants to play the game too and I told him that he can't because if he creates an account my nation and all my work gets deleted.

    So I am wondering if he can create an account as long as I never log into mine at my mom's house again? I believe there is some way for you all to make sure that I don't log into mine at my mom's house correct? And if this is allowed will we be able to send aid back and forth? Because if so he plans on joining my alliance and there might be sometimes where he is required to send aid to me in a tech deal or me send aid to him etc.

    If you need any more clarification please let me know.

  4. Despite all the negative comments in this and the other thread about ODN, I am very excited and ready for the future. We have had nothing but good times. And to all those haters out there saying that its just an ODP, I can assure you that ODN has already show to us that it is what it is and not what everyone else is claiming.



    Congrats to Compulsion! Now where's my tech?

  5. 96 hours ago, we in The Black Hand gave notice to League of Small Superpowers of our intention to activate to article 4 of The Small Price to Pay for Protection Accords. For Reference, these accords are listed below



    The Small Price to Pay for Protection Accords


    The undersigned alliances of the League of Small Superpowers, hereby referred to as LoSS, and The Black Hand, hereby referred to as TBH, in accordance to the belief that young alliances with potential deserve to grow without the fear of unprovoked aggression, hereby sign the Small Price to Pay for Protection Accords.

    Article One: Sovereignty and Governments

    A. Both signatories acknowledge and respect the sovereignty of the other; this treaty will not diminish or infringe upon that sovereignty. The purpose of this treaty is to foster and preserve TBH; invading its governance is not a goal or desired consequence.

    B. To facilitate the following terms, the LoSS government will appoint at least one representative advisor to TBH and task him or her with advising TBH on all aspects of policy. This advice will not be binding upon TBH. At the request of TBH, LoSS will provide a new advisor.

    C. TBH will reciprocally appoint or elect a representative liaison to LoSS to facilitate the flow of information and advice. At the request of LoSS, TBH will provide a new representative.

    D. No acts of TBH shall require the approval of their protector, LoSS, save those treaties and accords guaranteeing mutual military defense or aggression. All other internal and diplomatic decisions of TBH may be enacted with impunity from LoSS scrutiny.

    Article Two: Military

    A. LoSS will provide TBH with all diplomatic assistance required in any necessary situation.

    B. In the case that diplomatic efforts fail, LoSS is obligated to defend TBH militarily.

    C. If either signatory should commit aggressive actions against a third party, the countersigned is encouraged to support its aggression by every available means. TBH is strongly discouraged from entering into an aggressive war while under protection.

    Article Three: Economic and Financial

    A. TBH may request financial support from LoSS outside of military need in the interest of building economic independence and self-sufficiency.

    B. All aid requests will be reviewed by LoSS government and responded to within 48 hours of their receipt. Requests may be denied without justification, but all must receive due consideration.

    Article Four: Severance

    Either alliance may cancel this treaty without justification. Cancellation of this treaty shall require 96 hours notice. Excepting such cancellations, this treaty shall continue unto perpetuity, until such a time as the signatories agree it has fulfilled its purpose and mutually dissolve it.

    Signed for the League of Small Superpowers:

    LoSS Triumvirate

    Co God Ben

    Desert Ratz

    Lord Slade

    LoSS Senate






    Nikolaos - Minister of the Interior

    Leeee - Minister of Defense

    Njoh - Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Signed for The Black Hand:

    The Governing Body of The Black Hand

    /s/ SlapahoTribe - Don of The Black Hand

    /s/ Timeline - Don of The Black Hand

    /s/ Ratchet - Capo of Internal Affairs

    /s/ Mastermind - Capo of Foreign Affairs.

    In addition, The Black Hand is moving to the Orange sphere.

    Many people Nobody had mentioned that The Black Hand is really not the best name to use for an orange sphere alliance. As we have given this much consideration, The Black Hand from now on will be known as Sovereign League of Armed Powers (SLAP). As such, we feel it's time that we go ahead and do at least something of a DoE... so here's a charter.

    The Charter of Sovereign League of Armed Powers



    After the feds pulled a major bust on The Black Hand, their Cosa Nostra ties were severed. No longer having communication with their Sicilian brothers, they left their life of crime behind. Those that weren't imprisoned decided to remain friends, and thus formed Sovereign League of Armed Powers.

    Article I: Admission and Membership

    Section I: Admission

    Any nation ruler with the desire to join our ranks may apply for membership at any time, though approval for membership will require an application that may or may not be approved at government discretion.

    No ruler may be approved if they have ever resigned or were removed from The Black Hand or Sovereign League of Armed Powers.

    Section II: Membership

    1. Once a nation has applied for acceptance into Sovereign League of Armed Powers, they will start out in the SLAP Applicant Alliance Affiliation, or AA. The purpose of this AA is to provide these nations protection from external attacks.
    2. No SLAP Applicant is authorized to declare any offensive wars. Doing so, will be considered rogue action and will void any matters of military support or financial aid to that nation ruler.
    3. Members of Sovereign League of Armed Powers may not attack any other nation unless authorized to do so by the governing body of Sovereign League of Armed Powers.
    4. Members are obligated to follow all government orders. Failure to do so may result in administrative and judicial action taken by government suitable to the offense.
    5. Members of Sovereign League of Armed Powers are required to fulfill all financial agreements that they have made. Failure to do so may result in administrative and judicial action taken by government suitable to the offense.
    6. All members of Sovereign League of Armed Powers are expected to put the good of the alliance before themselves.
    7. Tech Raiding is NOT AUTHORIZED under any circumstances.
    8. Members are preemptively authorized to launch attacks in defense of their own nation against any foreign invaders, however defense of another member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers must be approved by government prior to war declaration.

    Article II: The Structure of Sovereign League of Armed Powers

    The Kings:

    The Kings command complete control over the alliance. They hold the power to replace any member of government at their own discretion. Should Sovereign League of Armed Powers take hostile action towards another alliance, the signatures of both Kings are required before war can be declared.

    A King can only be replaced with the signature of the other King, the Prime Minister, and 75% of the Ministry. In the event of a King voluntarily stepping down, he may recommend a replacement from within Sovereign League of Armed Powers; however his recommendation is subject to approval and agreement by the remaining King and Prime Minister.

    The Ministry

    The Prime Minister:

    The Prime Minister is the head of The Ministry. The Prime Minister's main job is to oversee the daily function of the alliance. He or she is also responsible for maintaining and keeping the charter, guides, etc. up to date. The Prime Minister can recommend that a member of government be replaced at any time, however, only the Kings can authorize the replacement. The Prime Minister is also a tie-breaker vote in matters of alliance politics, policy, and the like, should the Kings not be in agreement. In the event of extended absence of a King, the Prime Minister gains temporary promotion to assist the remaining King in alliance matters, so as to avoid a dictatorship.

    The Ministers:

    The Ministers are responsible for maintaining and running their respective departments, i.e. Defense, Economy, Foreign Affairs, and Internal Affairs. The Ministers are required to answer to the Kings and the Prime Minister only. They also are given the power to vote on treaties, charter updates, policies, etc. within the alliance.

    The Body of Sovereign League of Armed Powers

    Every member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers has the right to question any member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers' government at their prerogative, as well as the ability to request help from any member of the alliance. As a member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers, they are responsible for upholding the honor, integrity, and respect of Sovereign League of Armed Powers.

    Article III: Expulsion

    A member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers who has failed to uphold this Charter, attacked another nation without specific orders or consent from the governing body, or failed to perform their duty as a member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers may be expelled. In order for any member to be expelled from Sovereign League of Armed Powers, a vote of 75% is required among the governing body.

    Amendments to the Charter

    Any member of Sovereign League of Armed Powers has the right to submit a change to the current charter. The suggested changes will be reviewed by government and voted on. The review will take no longer than 36 hours. In order for any change to pass and be implemented it must receive a 75% vote.

    Signed for Sovereign League of Armed Powers

    The Kings:

    /s/ AzAce

    /s/ Banned

    On Behalf of The Ministry:

    The Prime Minister - /s/ IronMan17

    On additional note, to clarify any questions, all remaining treaties for The Black Hand will be assumed active, intact, and transferrable, and will be upheld and honored by Sovereign League of Armed Powers.

    The Black Hand, TBH Outsider, and Sovereign League of Armed Powers will be considered one AA under the mutual protection and defense of one another for 96 hours following this announcement.

    In more news, we've changed our contact information as well.

    Coldfront IRC: #SLAP

    Forums: cn-slap.com


    The resources I am trying to setup and obtain are the following: Coal, Fish, Furs, Gems, Gold, Silver, Wine, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Oil

    Bonus Resources: Affluent Population, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Scholars, Steel

    Citizens: +13.4%

    Income: +$44.00, +$47.00, +$48.00 or +$51.00 (literacay > 90%, tech > 10, or both)

    Infra Cost/Upkeep: -15.99% / -17.2%

    Tech Cost: -5% or -12.6% (tech > 10)

    Land (Purchased): +15%

    Land Cost: -5%

    Natural Growth: +10%

    Environment: -2 to 0 (Coal/Oil Native?)

    Soldier Efficiency: +18.8%

    Soldier Cost/Upkeep: -$6.00 / -$0.50

    Tank Cost/Upkeep: -12.6%

    Aircraft Cost/Upkeep: -4% / -20%

    Cruise Missile & Nuclear Weapon Cost/Upkeep: -20%












    Reply if you are interested in joining this trade guild.

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