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Deus Geno

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Posts posted by Deus Geno

  1. It seems my identity has finally been revealed. Yes, I am King of Sparta.

    It's been a fun run this time. More so than last. I've made many friends with both of my accounts. Shout outs to them now:

    KoS Shout Outs (Since I didn't do it before)

    Left_Behind - Thank you for all that you have done. You "created" PLUS (I know the real story, *cough*gavsta*cough*). I'll be playing XBL with you hopefully.

    Jayskate - Thanks for having my back when I went rouge. I know you didn't know what you were getting into, but thanks anyways. XBL with you too, buddy.

    Specto - You were great for staying with PLUS for its longevity. Sorry things had to end like this. Go Pens Go. I might be up at one of the games soon. I'll let you know.

    Syriana - Thanks for being my late night buddy. You're an alcoholic, admit it. I know CN isn't your game, but MR and OEC are alright.

    All the guys from PLUS (or former, whatever) - Lord Tavis, Americanus, Waldo, Hobbies, Crimson King, Mushi, Biff, and to all the others. - Sorry I went rouge, but I wanted to go out with a blast. Literally. Good luck to you all in your future.

    DG Shout Outs

    Centurius - Sorry I couldn't be here to help start TCO. You'll have to shoulder the load now. Enjoy it and think of what you want to make of this game.

    Nexus - You're a dick.

    Caitlin - <3 trivia in #cnsparta. You're a champ.

    Darklink - Sorry I left Sparta, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Thanks for having me :awesome:

    VI - You're great man. Loyalty is key. Good luck with The Brotherhood. I know you'll continue to be a great leader.

    Sorry to all yous guys, I never let you in on my identify. I thought it'd be safer, but now here I am. Good luck to everyone in the future of Planet Bob. I will not go out without a fight :jihad: but when it's over, I'm out.

    It's been fun,

    King of Sparta

    Former (many, but most notably): PLUS Member, Senior Parliament, Diplomat, Tech Market Founder / CN Casino Head of Employees / CN Bellagio Founder / Big Biz Loyal Member o/

    Deus Geno

    Former: PLUS Member, Minister of Internal Affairs, Premier / Sparta Member / TCO Godfather

    P.S. If I forgot anyone, let me know.

  2. We appreciate the support. We've fallen victim to some tech raiding already <_<

    Hopefully it will all get sorted out though.

    EDIT: I have lost respect for Echelon today. Thanks for the hour long chat that resolved nothing.

  3. Apparently it was so needed to do this for the welfare of PLUS, that it had to be hidden from the Legitimate government and done with no discussion. PLUS=Drama and Always Drama.

    I formally will not speak with any nation from PLUS unless the old government, which is legit, is restored.

    I am now the acting Premier, leaving behind my position as Minister of Internal Affairs for my Deputy, Centurius. As such, I am a member of both the old and new government. If you do not feel the need to speak with us, then do so at your own leisure.

    The RPE was designed so that we could have a better grasp over the future of our alliance. We were on a steady decline and with the nominations for Premier and Parliament on the day of the "coup," it was the best timing we could think of.

    We are merely taking the reigns of the alliance in a near emergency situation. What have we got to lose if the alliance is already on a decline?

  4. The time has come for PLUS to ascend to greatness. We, the RPE, are here to take the alliance there. Too long we have been disgruntled and unheard. Now is the time for revolution. Time for change and time for glory. If you cannot handle the truth, then it would be best to leave us now. We are here for good.

    The RPE is real.

    The RPE is now.

    We are united.

    We are heroes.

    We are saviors.

    The RPE lives.

  5. This trade circle still needs a few members. Here's what we need


    Aluminum -

    Coal -

    Silver -

    Lead - Kamakazi

    Lumber - Kamakazi

    Oil -

    Rubber -

    Marble -

    Iron -

    Water -

    Gold - Deus Geno

    Uranium - Deus Geno

    This trade guild will give access to seven bonus resources and capability of buying nuclear weapons. Bonuses are as follows:

    Steel, Microchips, Asphalt, Scholars, Construction, Automobiles, and Radiation Cleanup

    Please post here and/or message me in game. First come first serve. We will all need to be one color. 72 Hour Rule for cancellation of trades. Circle with be long term, unless otherwise noted.

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