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Posts posted by Assassin

  1. You lost me at the point where you started resorting to having 4th-Grade potty-mouth in the IRC logs. Pikajew has never seemed like anything other than a nice dude on here to me, in my albeit limited experience. My guess is that you need to suck it up and say I'm sorry if you are still interested in playing this game.

    Did you ever hear the old Gotamoplonia proverb about the philosopher who caught more bees with honey than with grain-alcohol-induced slurs? Yeah, it's an old story in my nation, prolly not.

    No thanks, Im quitting this worthless game, I am not apologizing for anything, he backstabbed me and made Elysium attack me.

  2. So here I am in my feeble attempt in creating an alliance when I talk about why I attacked GPA and stuff, eh? So I explain how I owed some dude tech so I was forced to tech raid. Next some dude named pikajew tells the alliance I applied for before that I said I ordered them to attack me, so Elysium retaliated and ordered Agnu88 to attack, yep I got destroyed, I was unprepared. Next thing I do is talk to this pikajew guy who has my conversation logged and starts laughing his $@! off at me because I got declared on because he told some little lie. I'm just minding my own business trying to set up my alliance and make friends, and this happens. Well, Im pretty small and I was making progress and trying to find a protector when this happens. Is this justice? Is this the way it should be played? By telling lies and backstabbing people?

    <assassin> ...

    <assassin> whats this attack for

    <assassin> Wtf are the purposes of these attacks on me

    <mhawk> folks are asking my why we ordered you to attack GPA

    <assassin> i took ur aa off

    <assassin> leave me alone

    <mhawk> you saying we ordered you

    <mhawk> makes it our business

    <mhawk> as no order was given

    <mhawk> infact quite the opposite

    <assassin> i never said that

    <assassin> u dirty liar

    <assassin> Wow

    <mhawk> [19:07] <~assassin> my former alliance made me

    <assassin> dishonorable

    <assassin> my former alliance is spqr

    <assassin> ....

    <mhawk> spqr ordered you to attack gpa?

    <assassin> I was never a member of elysium

    <assassin> WTf is wrong with u

    <assassin> WoW

    <assassin> just wow.

    <assassin> im just disappointed right now.

    <assassin> Not once did i mention elysium ordering me to attack gpa

    <assassin> i said i removed my aa

    <assassin> and u guys got pissed.

    <assassin> wtf is this about.

    <assassin> .........

    <assassin> attacking me without even talking with me

    <assassin> what have i done to you guys.

    <mhawk> you make it damn clear we didn't order you to attack gpa

    <mhawk> thats what you do

    <mhawk> peace is offered

    <assassin> .....

    <assassin> This is !@#$@#$ unjust

    <assassin> U must be feeling real proud

    <mhawk> not particularly

    <assassin> Why did u order that when i didnt do anything

    <assassin> IM !@#$@#$ minding my own business

    <mhawk> once you've run your alliance for awhile, you will realize you can not allow your name to be damaged

    <assassin> How did i damage it

    <assassin> I never said u guys

    <assassin> i didnt direct it at u guys

    <assassin> why so swift to attack me

    <assassin> without expecting an explanation

    <mhawk> You have your peace offer, you can take it or not.

    That's mhawk, leaving me hanging while expecting me to do nothing while his dishonorable alliance swiftly attacks me for no reason.

    <assassin> thnx pikajew

    <assassin> thnx tenfold

    <pikajew> wha

    <assassin> u told mhawk that elysium ordered me to attack gpa?

    <pikajew> I just repeated what you said in a public channel

    <pikajew> You said it

    <pikajew> <pikajew> why are you attacking GPA

    <pikajew> <pikajew> jw

    <pikajew> <~assassin> my former alliance made me

    <assassin> Elysium isnt my former alliance

    <assassin> SPQR is

    <assassin> You &#33;@#&#036;%

    <assassin> they ordered an attack on me cuz u !@#$@#$ told them something i didnt say

    <assassin> WOW

    <assassin> be proud of urself

    <pikajew> meh

    <assassin> Thanks

    <assassin> I !@#$@#$ appreciate it

    <pikajew> Well, your attitude isn't making me give you my sympathy vote.

    <pikajew> it's pissing me off

    <assassin> I dont care

    <assassin> You're an idiot

    <assassin> You lying pig

    <pikajew> Oh thank you

    <pikajew> Well right now, You are pissing me off.

    <assassin> I DONT CARE

    <pikajew> And you happen to be unaligned technically, so please don't try to hard to flame me.

    <assassin> you !@#$@#$ dickhead.

    <pikajew> That

    <pikajew> 's it

    <pikajew> I DoWed you, I am not attacking, but just so you know, how ticked I am at you

    <assassin> I dont care

    <assassin> You ordered an alliance to attack me for no reason

    <assassin> I really dont give a !@#$

    <pikajew> I didn't order him

    <pikajew> WTF

    <pikajew> I don't order other alliances

    <assassin> leave me alone dude

    <assassin> I dont appreciate what youve done

    <assassin> im just trying to mind my own business

    <assassin> and u do this

    <pikajew> I didn't $%&@in do anything, all I did was repeat what you said in a public chan

    <pikajew> they are interpretting it differently

    <assassin> yep

    <assassin> repeat one line

    <pikajew> of?

    <assassin> and order them to attack me

    <assassin> GO AWAY

    <assassin> GO AWAY

    <assassin> dont speak to me

    <pikajew> Shut the $%&@ up

    <pikajew> You're an idiot.

    <pikajew> An inconsiderate moronic loser who doesn't know how to successfully make an alliance, nor do anything to prevent getting killed within the first 4 weeks.

    <assassin> thats u

    <assassin> right

    <assassin> stupid snitch

    <assassin> talking out of his $@!

    <pikajew> So don't !@#$@#$ tlak to me like this you lil' &#33;@#&#036;head, cause you ain't gonna suceed int his game with yoru attitude.

    <pikajew> I never told them to attack you

    <assassin> w/e

    <assassin> dont speak to me

    <assassin> you're a clown, snitch

    <assassin> Biggest clown i've ever seen

    <assassin> go to hell

    <pikajew> $%&@ off you, you alreayd ruined your rep and what little chance you had at suceeding in an alliance.

    <assassin> my rep?

    <assassin> ur the snitch

    <assassin> im gonna post this all

    <assassin> u stupid snitch

    <pikajew> LOL

    <pikajew> Where?

    This idiot must be feeling real proud of himself.

    Can you please tell me, What have I done wrong? btw im on the red sphere, help me npo!

  3. :popcorn: Charter:


    Unitas per Viras

    United we Stand

    Section I ~ Citizenship

    If a Nation wishes to be a member of Destiny, it must fulfill their requirements in order to be officially stated as a Member.

    The requirements are as follows:

    Switch team color to Orange

    No active wars, even if in defensive position

    No active foreign aid offers

    Give pledge of allegiance to Destiny and her constitution

    To check her defense unit once a week

    Application Form:

    Nation Name:

    Ruler Name:

    Team Color:

    Previous Alliance (if any):

    Position held in Previous Alliance:

    Link to Nation:

    Section II ~ Government Structure

    The House of Lords

    The House of Lords is made up of the five Lords of House.

    Lord of War

    Lord of Economics

    Lord of Foreign Affairs

    Lord of Internal Affairs

    Lord of Membership

    One member of the house of lords will carry more burden than the others and will serve as the ‘face’ of the alliance as long as need be in the present situation of the formation of Destiny. The five seats in the house of the lords are permanent unless a lord wishes to a)resign or cool.gif has been found guilty of treason/has committed crime against the alliance or c) A vote will have to be set by a member of the alliance by which 75% of the members wish to see the current lord be revoked of his powers. The Lords who each represent their sect of the government have free control over whatever issues/ideas they will to present to the House of Lords. Each Lord has equal authority and any changes to the constitution must be voted on unanimously by the Lords.

    Lord of War

    The Lord of War is responsible for the safety of the alliance and her members. The Lord of war has the authority to issue any ZI (Zero infrastructure) warnings and is responsible for any pending trials/obstruction of justice in the alliance. The Lord serves to bring justice to any oppressors.

    Lord of Economics

    The Lord of Economics is responsible for financial issues regarding the alliance. He has the power to create any financial programs. He is responsible for the financial well-being of all the members of the alliance. This lord’s responsibility is to keep the alliance growing and prosperous.

    Lord of Foreign Affairs

    The Lord of Foreign Affairs is responsible for any diplomatic issues regarding the alliance. This lord has is the supreme authority in diplomatic issues. The #1 diplomatic envoy who controls any diplomatic issues regarding the alliance. Is responsible for setting up embassies for incoming envoys and to keep the alliance in peace with other alliances.

    Lord of Internal Affairs

    The Lord of Internal Affairs is the lord responsible for keeping the alliance and her members updated on any new issues. This lord will be a moderator of sort and keep balance inside the alliance.

    Lord of Membership

    The Lord of Membership is responsible for all new applicants. This lord is responsible for creating a test of his choice of questions/answers which the applicant must answer correctly with 100% efficiency or be swiftly denied. Responsible over ALL issues regarding new applicants and any current members who have committed internal alliance wrongs.

    Section III ~ Defense Policies

    Tech Raiding

    Tech raiding is prohibited. As a peaceful alliance which wishes to further promote peace/grow her alliance, tech raiding is prohibited and deemed unnecessary by the House of Lords.

    Intra Alliance Warfare

    The House of Lords and most notably the Lord of War has the say on all wars. Destiny is a peaceful alliance which wishes to prosper and grow among the other peaceful alliances of Planet Bob. If there is a threat to the security of Destiny and it cannot be solved diplomatically, the Lord of War will carry out any war orders.

    Defense Organization- Her Majesty’s Army

    Five Units of War will be organized into the following NS sects

    0-10000 NS=4th Brigade

    10001-20000 NS=3rd Brigade

    20001-30000 NS= 2nd Brigade

    30001+ NS=1st Brigade

    A Field Marshall will command each unit and weekly check-in will be required.

    Destiny’s Royal Knights

    Due to the rising threats against safety, Destiny will create a special unit of active war machines that will check the forums for threats at least once a day. These Assassins will be at the direct order of the Lord of War who will give orders if there is a threat against the alliance.

    Nuclear Policy

    Destiny encourages the creation of nuclear weapons, but only as a defensive weapon. Unless hit by nuclear weapons first, all Destiny nations are required to keep their nuclear stock pile in check and only fire if fired upon first. Any nuclear weapon attacks must be approved by the Lord of War.


    Amendments to The Document can be made at any time by the House of Lords. No other member of Destiny is bestowed the power to change the Charter.

    Forums:http://www.cndestiny.ipbfree.com/ It is in the works and should be complete in a week or two.

    IRC: IRC:http://www.coldfront.net/pjirc/chat.htm #Destiny

    I am in no hurry to rush this alliance. I need competent, loyal people to help me make this alliance work and who would like the experience of creating a newly formed alliance and guiding past its early stages. I will be taking the position of either the Lord of War or the Lord of Economics, I will need 4 co-founders to help me build this alliance. You may contact me at sorrow_da@hotmail.com or chat with me on the IRC channel, I will be on most days from 4est to around 10 est.

    HAIL DESTINY! :popcorn:

  4. Charter:


    Unitas per Viras

    United we Stand

    Section I ~ Citizenship

    If a Nation wishes to be a member of Destiny, it must fulfill their requirements in order to be officially stated as a Member.

    The requirements are as follows:

    Switch team color to Orange

    No active wars, even if in defensive position

    No active foreign aid offers

    Give pledge of allegiance to Destiny and her constitution

    To check her defense unit once a week

    Application Form:

    Nation Name:

    Ruler Name:

    Team Color:

    Previous Alliance (if any):

    Position held in Previous Alliance:

    Link to Nation:

    Do you agree to abide by, honor, and uphold the charter of Destiny?

    Section II ~ Government Structure

    The House of Lords

    The House of Lords is made up of the five Lords of House.

    Lord of War

    Lord of Economics

    Lord of Foreign Affairs

    Lord of Internal Affairs

    Lord of Membership

    One member of the house of lords will carry more burden than the others and will serve as the ‘face’ of the alliance as long as need be in the present situation of the formation of Destiny. The five seats in the house of the lords are permanent unless a lord wishes to a)resign or B) has been found guilty of treason/has committed crime against the alliance or c) A vote will have to be set by a member of the alliance by which 75% of the members wish to see the current lord be revoked of his powers. The Lords who each represent their sect of the government have free control over whatever issues/ideas they will to present to the House of Lords. Each Lord has equal authority and any changes to the constitution must be voted on unanimously by the Lords.

    Lord of War

    The Lord of War is responsible for the safety of the alliance and her members. The Lord of war has the authority to issue any ZI (Zero infrastructure) warnings and is responsible for any pending trials/obstruction of justice in the alliance. The Lord serves to bring justice to any oppressors.

    Lord of Economics

    The Lord of Economics is responsible for financial issues regarding the alliance. He has the power to create any financial programs. He is responsible for the financial well-being of all the members of the alliance. This lord’s responsibility is to keep the alliance growing and prosperous.

    Lord of Foreign Affairs

    The Lord of Foreign Affairs is responsible for any diplomatic issues regarding the alliance. This lord has is the supreme authority in diplomatic issues. The #1 diplomatic envoy who controls any diplomatic issues regarding the alliance. Is responsible for setting up embassies for incoming envoys and to keep the alliance in peace with other alliances.

    Lord of Internal Affairs

    The Lord of Internal Affairs is the lord responsible for keeping the alliance and her members updated on any new issues. This lord will be a moderator of sort and keep balance inside the alliance.

    Lord of Membership

    The Lord of Membership is responsible for all new applicants. This lord is responsible for creating a test of his choice of questions/answers which the applicant must answer correctly with 100% efficiency or be swiftly denied. Responsible over ALL issues regarding new applicants and any current members who have committed internal alliance wrongs.

    Section III ~ Defense Policies

    Tech Raiding

    Tech raiding is prohibited. As a peaceful alliance which wishes to further promote peace/grow her alliance, tech raiding is prohibited and deemed unnecessary by the House of Lords.

    Intra Alliance Warfare

    The House of Lords and most notably the Lord of War has the say on all wars. Destiny is a peaceful alliance which wishes to prosper and grow among the other peaceful alliances of Planet Bob. If there is a threat to the security of Destiny and it cannot be solved diplomatically, the Lord of War will carry out any war orders.

    Defense Organization- Her Majesty’s Army

    Five Units of War will be organized into the following NS sects

    0-10000 NS=4th Brigade

    10001-20000 NS=3rd Brigade

    20001-30000 NS= 2nd Brigade

    30001+ NS=1st Brigade

    A Field Marshall will command each unit and weekly check-in will be required.

    Destiny’s Royal Knights

    Due to the rising threats against safety, Destiny will create a special unit of active war machines that will check the forums for threats at least once a day. These Assassins will be at the direct order of the Lord of War who will give orders if there is a threat against the alliance.

    Nuclear Policy

    Destiny encourages the creation of nuclear weapons, but only as a defensive weapon. Unless hit by nuclear weapons first, all Destiny nations are required to keep their nuclear stock pile in check and only fire if fired upon first. Any nuclear weapon attacks must be approved by the Lord of War.


    Amendments to The Document can be made at any time by the House of Lords. No other member of Destiny is bestowed the power to change the Charter.

    Forums:http://www.cndestiny.ipbfree.com/ It is in the works and should be complete in a week or two.

    IRC: IRC:http://www.coldfront.net/pjirc/chat.htm #Destiny

    I am in no hurry to rush this alliance. I need competent, loyal people to help unite this alliance. I will be taking the position of either the Lord of War or the Lord of Economics, I will need 4 co-founders to help me build this alliance. You may contact me at sorrow_da@hotmail.com or chat with me on the IRC channel, I will be on most days from 4est to around 10 est.


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