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Posts posted by hardan

  1. there are several other ways to make nice cash:

    your trades

    you could go for a cost/bill reducing trade set to save money on stuff like infra and military (like mine ;) )

    or go for an income/happiness boosting set to make a greater income-stuff like gems, wine,etc etc. You could also go for a balance of both. make sure you check out the threads in the gameplay section to learn how to get your nation running.

    also, if you can get a large sum of money (3 mil), don't collect taxes for 10 days (pay your bills though) then buy an uberload of infra n' collect 10 days taxes you'll make a good hunk of money.

    edit: feel free to pm me here or ingame if you want any help/advice

    erm ty guys for ur help im with a good alliance called PLUS they said they would give me loads of cash but they never did

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