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Posts posted by Mandellav

  1. This treaty existed for a long time.  I remember when =LOST= signed a treaty with GOONS way back when I was Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the League of Shadows Treaty.  That was back in October 2009 and the treaty announcement can be found here.  Yesitsbobby did nearly all the work on our end.  But over the years and even into my years in The Last Remnants, GOONS and especially Sardonic became one of our closest allies.  I am in no position to comment on the current state of TLR politics as I am practically retired at this point.  But I hope the TLR triumvirs made a right and courageous decision go against so many years of tradition.


    o/ GOONS



    o/ CNG

  2. While I too, like Rush, do not agree with the target choice here, my long time friendship with Deinos allows me the benefit of knowing that Deinos chose this reasonable action thoughtfully--to answer the call to arms from an ally. I wish this conflict between our allies to come to a swift resolution with as little pain as possible.

  3. So basically what I'm getting from NEW is that they are admittedly awful allies. That's just a beautiful sentiment. But getting back to the topic at hand, TLR is my home and boy oh boy how much I love my allies. Good luck Sparta, Polar, and the other refuse piled upon us.

  4. interesting perpective, what are your thoughts on the UMB situation when you boil it down?


    I have never said once anywhere that I liked what UMB did nor would I try to influence TLR policy into following their lead, but attacking a specific nation for specific reasons following a specific policy is surely different than the mass direct attack perpetrated by LSF and the alliance-wide aiding of an alliance at war like NEW. 

  5. I love it when people not in CnG tell us what CnG said to each other in our government to government channels. Has any alliance in CnG ever been threatened with expulsion? Never. CnG bickers and comes to a decision that is best for the bloc. Always. That's why we're a bloc and a bloc that's still around. LSF went rogue like idiot terrorists and all you guys wanted was for INT and CnG to strap on the suicide vests. NEW did the same thing. CnG does not support the actions of idiot terrorists who intentionally put us at risk for no valid reason. If your ally all of a sudden declared war on any alliance for no reason other than to get some kicks off, would you follow like a lemming off a cliff or would you think about the merits of optional aggression clauses? That's what the LSF situation was when you boil it down.

  6. Keep trying AirMe. We didn't declare on TLR, TLR declared on us. Here's the line that matters from our treaty with Sparta...

    While a great many alliances out there sign a treaty with wording like that very very few of them actually mean it. I don't play this game of treaties only count if it's convenient and I can't help it if other people don't listen to me.


    If being honest from day one is a flaw then I'm happy to be flawed. If reading what I sign in a treaty and only signing it if I mean it is a flaw, I'm ok with that as well.


    At the end of all this there will be movements all over the place on the treaty web, we all know that. Yeah some people don't like honesty, I can live with it. At the same time I'm quite sure there's plenty of people out there who would like to be tied to someone who won't sell them down the river out of convenience and to be frank they are the ones who matter to me.


    If there's one message I need to get through to you it's this, I mean what I say and I say what I mean.


    You know Dajobo, I think TLR and NpO are in agreement that an attack on an ally means that the alliance in question is required to come to that ally's defense.  But TLR and its allies all agree that it is our joint responsibility to provide for the *best* defense of each other using strategy rather than going off half cocked.

  7. I think they wanted this. This was going to be a generally an easy front against 3 outnumbered alliances going down fast while the other one would be acting cowardly(predictable) for at least a while until their allies were burnt into the ground enough to act. It is still going to be the easiest front and possible this war will last even longer. Which is good, somewhat thanks to all the alliances that attacked these cowards.


    Who?  What?  Huh?

  8. The gushing blood of severed limbs and blank stares of decapitated heads serves as the invitation the Remnants so heartily desired to this most satisfying feast. To dine on the rotting carcass of the phalanx renews our strength and gives us purpose. Long Survive The Last Remnants!

  9. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1358832905' post='3083190']
    Theres an animated version... I believe the orange gets "screwed" by a juicer and then leaves... the remains that you see in the sig is supposed to be ODN asking for NATO to [s]come back[/s] err call them back.

    Therefore the comma is not necessary.

    Coalition wide warfare/DoWs has been rampant since 'everything must die'

    NEW aided their allies who were fighting someone that was being aided by other people.

    You did not attack polaris when they aided the legion because TLR/GATO/etc. were aiding IAA/BTA/NSsO/Tetris ... you're right its full of double standards.

    And Polaris did not attack us.

    NEW aided an alliance at war that was not their ally.

    I also said in that statement that "we are all guilty." That means I included myself because I am not a hypocrite. That doesn't change my opinion that what NEW and DB4D are arguing here is ludicrous. Their need to vilify INT for cancelling on them even though NEW acted against all diplomatic norms is laughable.

  10. So Umbrella fills some war slots (a move I'm not a fan of) and that is considered tyrannical. INT, following its MADP treaty with ODN, is therefore supporting tyrants, thereby giving their former allies NEW and DB4D a valid CB to attack them.

    NEW aids an alliance at war without telling their ally in INT that such action would be fully detrimental to the security of INT. This is not considered tyrannical or the work of what I consider a rogue, terrorist entity. INT's subsequent cancellation of a treaty NEW violated is therefore seen as "friends not sticking by friends."

    The world is dark and full of double standards. And we are all guilty. But the stretches in logic that NEW, DB4B, and their supporters display here is anything but logical, it's simply delusional.

  11. As an original proponent of the =LOST=/GOONS treaty all those *years* ago, I am proud to see my progeny in TLR reaffirm its commitment to an ally that throughout all of our shared wars has continually acted to the benefit of =LOST= and TLR. Sardonic and SirWilliam are stand up allies.

    o/ GOONS


    o/ =LOST= (Oh, how I miss thee =LOST=)

  12. I am actually crying while reading this announcement and your many kind words.

    Thank you for being so classy through this my friends.

    I'll still be around from time to time, but I must retire to enjoy the fruits of my labors.

    Thank you everyone.

    Thank you Rush for being the best partner in crime a guy could ask for through everything this past year and change.

    I have full faith that Kestral, Devilyn Caster, and AirMe will continue to lead TLR to it's destined glory.

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