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Morte Vallta

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Posts posted by Morte Vallta

  1. [img]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k426/Erni3/LEflag2.jpg[/img]

    This has been a strange round. Long wars, short wars, aborted wars. Almost 90 days of mostly chaos. Strange bedfellows and the usual dislike of certain alliances and playstyles. Chaos ensued when Pork Shrimp went on the flagrunner hunt.

    And now it's time to add to that chaos.

    [b]Lafayette Escadrille hereby declares war on the entirety of Cybernations Tournament Edition, effective immediatly.[/b] Come at Us Bros. We'll be sitting around defending ourselves from Thanksgiving holiday dinner tables, and nations deciding to come play until sometime on Friday. At which point, we'll be in the skies, and 24.x hours later the bombs drop, lasting till the end of the world.

    May whatever higher being(s) you like have mercy on your pixels; because we will not once we come out of our Holiday on Friday.

    [b]TL;DR version
    LE declares war on all of TE. We'll get around to doing more than defend ourselves sometime Friday.[/b]

    Have a fun end of the round.

    (Edit - Warflag)

  2. You're bigger than us in all categories that matter.

    Lafayette Escadrille declares war on Anonymous.

    42 Nations
    40 Active.
    211k NS
    5k ANS
    19 Nukes

    42 Nations
    40 Active.
    155k NS
    3.7k ANS
    6 nukes.

  3. Minor LE Reorg for the rest of the round.

    Far's stepping down due to some sneaky issues from another world that will limit his ability to continue to lead. Therefore, I'm in charge now for the duration of the round.

    We Salute Far for his efforts.


  4. I also belive it's a serious mistake. Before; with >5% <15% odds using anything other than Cautious attacks; you could reasonably do half damage while losing $ (~ 1 Tech, 10infra per successul hit; with the monetary loss of a normal defeat). If this occured against someone with considerably higher infra than you had - the opponent lost far more then they gained. It wouldnt happen every time; but occured often enough to be a viable option to inflict damage.

    Remove that ability; and it's nigh impossible to reliably do damage to someone with 3-4x your infra level (and that's with myself having the improvments of someone with 4x my current infra level; so 5 GC, 5 Barracks and some others at 200 infra vs someone with 800 infra; and comprable improvements). Now imagine someone with the improvments of 200 infra; vs that same opponent.

    Now; you can still attempt the attacks; doing no damage other than casualties; and get maybe 1 win out of 8 if you're lucky; all while adding to the opponents cash reserve; and getting nothing in return. If you've got significant cash reserves; it's better to just sit and turtle/lob 2 CMs per day then give the opponent $10k+ per useless GA in lost equipment.

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