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Posts posted by bay102174

  1. Now that you have this figured out I'll reveal the rest of the Master plan. We are in league with LSF. This has all been part of a master plan all along. IRON and LSF have a secret treaty that will be revealed soon. IRON will drop all wars and attack the NPO and VE with LSF and GPA. NpO will be used as back up for this operation. IRON and NpO made up if you didn't get get the memo. IRON and LSF has played you all. I only tell you now because its to late to do or change anything.

    This will set IRON up for world domination. This is the master plan and I have spoken.

  2. [quote name='Keenedge' timestamp='1323295032' post='2867747']
    The thing you seem to forget is that FAN doesn't stand on infra or tech. Our foundation is far more solid than that and there's nothing in the 1s and 0s that can shake it.

    Its people like this that understand what an alliance is. I admire FAN for this. I admired FAN when we fought them back in the day. I regretted the outcome.

    But for the love of god, you guys need some leadership over there.

  3. [quote name='stockhunter' timestamp='1322363463' post='2853205']
    How could I forget after I took 3 ZI's when I was a member in IRON? Or maybe what reminds me is the day you gave me the honor of holding a presidium seat.

    In other words you had Honor while in IRON, up until you left with the traitors anyway. Repent publicly and I will personally lobby council for your safe return. Oops, I better be careful that could be considered an act of war.

    [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1322394858' post='2853655']
    Iron's honor and loyalty will in my mind always be in question until you prove me wrong. Fighting winning wars for an ally does not make you a loyal ally or brave. It is when all hell brakes loose and your the one standing next to them. Iron has never shown that in their history, regardless of how much you wish they had.

    I'm sorry have we watched the same clearly undisputed events in history unfold?

    [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1322395480' post='2853661']
    I never said you were not good fighters....


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Karma is the only war IRON lost isn't it?

    Ah this explains it. Your voicing facts when you don't even know the basics of what is going on. Go educate yourself, then maybe we will have a chance at a intelligent discussion. Maybe. You might even have a different opinion once you know facts.

  4. I really hate to see an Alliance leader betray the trust and common respect of other leaders. Even those of whom they are at war with. You did not post the log of that convo because it would make you a liar. Then, what you did not lie about you twisted into a twizzler. (I read the log myself) Its a shame people are hailing you for such lies. I wonder if they would if they really knew. IRON will not lower itself to such tactics. Which is why, I my opinion the OWF is about the most useless place in the world.

  5. If I understand the situation correctly, \m/ isn't angry about Polaris invading, they're angry because Polaris plans on telling them how they're allowed to operate after their defeat.

    They have obliviously shown they still can not govern themselves to even the basic minimum standards of class and honor. And to those who think OMG world police, join a 30 man alliance with %m{ attacking and we will see how loud you scream.

    Roll on Polaris

    Vanguard you are so full of fail, I can't believe your Orange.

  6. Doitzel, didn't you propose a plan to form a Hippy tree hugging block while you were in IRON's Gov? Didn't it almost split the alliance? As I recall IRON almost went in the war against the NPO (GASP) when we thought they had hit Orange Shadow Force. Turned out, OSF had hit them and we stayed out. But that was under your leadership. You left when you saw that IRON was shifting towards entering the world stage to fight. You should have stuck around for my rise to power. We have been in every major war since.

    But, good roast. I got a chuckle.

  7. Then the Fark blitz on IRON is even more impressive, isn't it.


    No sorry.

    IRON, after attacking ROK, was in a defensive position. Its not like we didn't know you were coming. So your patting yourselves on the back for attacking us while we were attacking two targets apiece. By that way of thinking your attack would have been more impressive if we had filled all of our attacking slots before you attacked. Also knowing you are going to out number your opponent 5 to 1 must have built allot of courage for you.

    I will say if you had come at us with one large alliance less than you did, we might have had a different outcome.

  8. When this war started it was an honorable battle. There really was not much ill will between the alliances fighting IRON. It started as close to as you can get to a gentleman's war. IRON leaders express good lucks and best wishes to our opponents. We also expressed that no punches would be pulled just because they is no great amount of hatred.

    After some time into the war with IRON greatly outnumbered (5 to 1, I do believe) and out gunned it was apparent that we were not going to win. Further fighting would only do more damage to our opponents as we fell, because we were armed to the teeth. The annihilation of IRON was not on the table, so kicking us while down was only going to cause ill will towards our opponents. Here is where it gets a little complicated. The alliances that were fighting us did not all agree on anything. So when we went to the table, two of them wanted to stop, shake hands and call it a day. At least two of them, one of them being FARK, wanted to take us to nothing and demand ridiculous reps. FARK even clamming that if they did not receive reps there would be a full scale riot in their alliance that their Gov could not control. This went on for several rounds of fighting. I got the impression that we were dealing with little children pissing down both legs who had won their first fight. I warned them several times that by doing this it could turn the members of IRON against them. Changing this from an honorable war to a dishonorable act of overaggression on their part. Other Council members of IRON warned them also. Those two aforementioned alliances warned them. All to no avail.

    After extortion level rep demands were thrown around, one alliance had had enough. They started to put pressure on FARK (and the others) to give us realistic terms. It was made very clear to us, by them, this was a one time deal. Sign now, or be in a perpetual state of war. I very much wanted the beer review and snide comments removed from the TOS. It looked childish and unprofessional. We reluctantly signed though. There was just not enough reps for FARK to have their hand out at the end.

    FARK knew they carried the war way to far. Even after being warned of the consequences of their actions. FARK thinking that things such as beer reviews would provide them with some good graces from IRON is silly. Not after the way we were treated by them. For the record I like beer. I could have posted a very good review about several beers you may not have tried. I was going to damned to hell if I was going to post a worthy review in your thread made to ridicule IRON.

    This is my reaction to a very sore winner. I have always encouraged gracious victories in IRON. Graciousness was clearly not extended to us by FARK.

    Thank you to our friends and allies for the well wishes in this thread. Thank you to the opponents that we fought in this war that have honor both on the battle field and off. Thank you Iamthey and bamabuck for the excellent posts.

  9. [3:12pm] Arsenal: To be completely fair, IRON cancelled on us after the treaty suspension.

    Everyone notice the careful wording here..."the treaty suspension". Did this treaty have a clause to cause it to suspend? If the tables had been turned would IRON have "suspended" the treaty?

    Hear is some truth. I felt that IRON / ODN relations were at an all time high the weeks leading up to the war. We were sharing intelligence/stats and planing on conducting large scale Military exercises. I felt we had no closer allie. I don't log dump but I can show the feeling was very mutual with other Gov members.

    So a warning to any alliance thinking about signing a treaty with ODN, (Lead by you, in current form) that all under-handed tactics will be used for your own agenda. This is why some of your most respected members left as soon as you "suspended"(stabbed IRON in the back) the treaty.

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