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Posts posted by Freakertje

  1. Today i was buying infra like crazy after getting pounded in a war.
    Around 5.000 infra, i looked at my nation overview and noticed that i allready had done 1100 clicks in the game.
    So i thought, 400 clicks left is around 4.000 more infra that i could buy (if my money allowed me)
    But at 6.800 infra the game logged me out and stated that i had reached the click limit for today allready!

    So is it correct that when you buy infra with filling in 10 infra and pushing the "purchase" button (NOT the "calculate" button) it 'costs' you 2 clicks instead of just 1?

    It's a shame i didn't know this before, i wanted to do a few other things, so i would have stopped between 7.000 and 8.000 infra, but now i'm below that AND can't do anything anymore for today...

  2. I bought today the Great Temple. Good for me. It gives me +5 population happiness.

    But before the purchase i had 72.91 PH

    After the purchase i have 77.61 PH

    That's +4.7 PH, not +5...

    Does anyone know if there´s anything in the game that affects the population happiness with -5% or -6%?

    I have seen this before with other wonders, but now i also wrote down the numbers to check it with hard evidence.

    I searched for quite a while now, but can't find anything.

    Maybe it's a bug, probably i'm overlooking something...

  3. When you conduct a spy mission, you get a screen telling you if it failed, succeeded and if any spies got caught.

    With gather intelligence missions you also get information about the targeted nation (in case of a succes offcourse).

    I want to look it up later again, but now i can't find it back. I expect that you can't review the results with the information about the targeted nation. Am i right in this or is there any possibillity to review it?

  4. Can't pay my rent

    'cause all my money's spent.

    But that's okay.

    Cause I'm still fly!

    Contact me if you need a little extra cash, the guys i'm attacking abandoned their nations 0_o

    Look, my brothers, they're flying away! If they weren't cowards you would say they would be good in our ranks!

    It's a shame though that my targets got nukled. No more spoils of war for me :(

  5. At least i took some FARK guys down with me :)

    It was only a nukle what caused anarchy to me.

    And unlike to what some CDT guy said to me, i picked targets that were slightly below me (hadn't much choice though... i was the #20 around that time). I expected 3 higher then me to hit on me, but that never happend. If i had know that before, i would have picked even higher targets.

    At that time i chose to take and dig in for things to come and not go beserk and get smashed within 48 hours. Not the baldest, not the most coward, but just a smart decision to inflict quite some damage for a longer period. Now is that a wrong thing to do?

  6. It is good to see that CE gets some 'kuddos' as well. Sometimes we were a bit slow in reacting to wars, but our alliance had, especially last month, not much organisation. However, as soon as we noticed that our MDoAP were involved in a war, we jumped in. That caused some delay somethimes and gave us 'bone pickers' as a name.

    Nevertheless that we were small and not very well organised, we picked our enemies with great care and made sure that they faced anarchy. We could not do much, but lots of little help can push wars into the favor of the many small alliances.

    This is how i see it as a member of Crimson Empire.

    It was an honour to fight at the side of MHA and GDA and all our other alliances we had MDoAP's with like FARK, who i am fighting now and eat nukles from :popcorn: and WAPA, Ubercon and Warlordz.

    Just whistle, and we will put friends before infra!

  7. I had a top 30 account when i entered this war. I expect to go to zero at reset.

    But (however i doubted for a split second) honouring a MDoAP is worth more then being on the top 100 list and remembered forever, isn't it? :popcorn:

  8. Stonewall, i did go after this. I did talked to people about this and it turned out that they wanted clear revenge for your actions in the 2nd round.

    But since you decided to go over to TPF now, i can´t do anything for you anymore.

    Good luck!

  9. Their might be some ghosts trying to devide our alliances and get them to war, so others can run over both with greater ease...

    Also, their might not be something like that at all....

    I noticed what is going on, but i'm a little bit to far above this struggles to intervene...

  10. So you didn't have the balls to retaliate against their tech raiding until the big boys got involved?

    There was quite a history before that. TPF taking revenge for something happend a long, long time ago.

    We stroke back on some of the attackers, but they kept coming and coming back, a few in particular.

    Now this war was that last little push we needed.

    If a opportunity comes along, why not just grasp it and take advantage?

    But the main reason for us to go to war still is to honour our MDoAP with GDA and MHA. Nobody can blame us for that.

  11. Honouring our MDoAP's with GDA and MHA, we went to war. Considering that TPF continuesly raided our nations is a little extra we now can revenge while we're at it.

    o/ Crimson Empire!

    o/ Mostly Harmful Alliance

    o/ Global Democratic Alliance

  12. The only proof i have is this no other CE nation has been attacked for defending, never! Only you and with 4 GC's = 17,600 soliders and like 500 tanks

    How true. But the following images show that you're attacking offencive, what is worse in my opinion.

    You even triple teamed me and one of those attackers attacked me for a second time within a week.



    I got triple teamed and i offered peace without striking back.

    Now i'm faced with anarchy again.

    I was not involved in offensive wars lately. Still i get wave after wave fired at me.

    That doesn't sound like raiding anymore.

    This was the last time being mister nice guy. I allready quadded my last attacker, GA's only.

    I don't know what happend in the past, i only know about the MI and TPA war where i was involved activly.

    Sometimes you have to let the past go and forget. Otherwise it will end up just like in the Middle East.

    I'm done with TPF attacking me for reasons i don't know about and which are far in the past.

    If the raids on me stops i will not attack TPF unless ordered to for good reasons.

    Good reasons are raids or other attacks on my fellow alliance members to which i'm loyal. People who know me know that i'm extremely loyal to my alliances. I WILL defend my alliance if an agressor threatens my fellow members.

    Bad reason are defenders (for example from TPF) who retalliate on a raider of us. Like said above, play with fire and you might get burned. That is language i do understand and i will commit to. Unless the raider of us gets pounded beyond any fair paybacks.

    If raids and / or attacks don't stop on me i will strike back.

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