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Posts posted by Sindor

  1. I am looking for a trade circle that gives the bonus resources fast food, construction, beer, and asphalt. If any one is looking for the same trade circle plz post her with a link to your nation and what resources you have.

    Still looking for aluminum and cattle

    My resources are

    - Sugar

    - Wheat

    Resource List

    rubber - Jaysus

    oil - Lyzah

    lumber - Jacques Cousteau

    iron - Jacques Cousteau

    marble - Anarchrist


    pigs - Jaysus

    spice - Lyzah

    sugar - Sindor


    wheat - Sindor

    water - Anarchrist

  2. Ok thank you all for posting i will be adding who i need tonight to the list and updating it, but don't worry i haven't forgotten you guys :)

    Ok so i have now added and updated the list. I have also sent you that have been added a in game msg. Please get back asap on those :)

    As for everyone else we still need Marble, Water, Cattle, and aluminum.

  3. I am looking for a trade circle that gives the bonus resources fast food, construction, beer, and asphalt. If any one is looking for the same trade circle plz post her with a link to your nation and what resources you have.


    My resources are

    - Sugar

    - Wheat

    Resource List

    rubber - Jaysus

    oil - Lyzah

    lumber - Jacques Cousteau

    iron - Jacques Cousteau



    pigs - Jaysus

    spice - Lyzah

    sugar - Sindor


    wheat - Sindor


  4. Sindor, you're serving out surrender terms. You can't really do this yet ...

    Yes Hoo that is why it says in about 3 months. Because we have less then 90days left. But i don't really know anyone except for you so i posted this now. I have no idea how long this could take since i am new to doing this on CN.

  5. Well it seems to me that you want people to come to you and beg to be your protector instead of the other way around. Usually this sort of deal is done by alliances that are friendly with each other already. Not by complete strangers just picking your name out of a hat.

    well i don't really know any one except for Rok.

  6. Since you're the one getting all the aid and the protection, tell the world why we should choose you :)

    I know FOK! doesn't choose any protectorate easily, there has to be some advantage in it for us (for example a promising future ally or an economic advantage by having the means to connect to many new players).

    well that is why i have listed my irc channel and or open to pming. So we can talk about those things more privately and in a easier manner.

  7. Ok so i am going to be starting up a new alliance in close to 3 months. Now i am looking for some one to be my protectors, so i am posting this to get you all to tell me why i should choose you :) You can post here or send me pm's or you can find me on irc between 8pm-10pm eastern time.

    Irc channle: #the_abyss

    Irc server: Coldfront

    Thank you,

    Sindor :)

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