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Posts posted by Elderago

  1. I'm looking to make a maroon trade ring, mostly because my partners on blue canceled on me ,two with out sending a notice (including my uranium resource (very annoying btw) and also because I am looikng to move to maroon,

    pigs: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=193412"]sircrimson[/url]
    lead:[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=385207"]king pajuga[/url]
    fish:[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=385207"]king pajuga[/url]

    bonuses are: construction

    the last two can be any, while fish is alway nice, I really don't care, as long as the ones posted above (this include uranium) are met.

    p.s if you join this trade and then have to cancel at some point PLEASE PLEASE send a 24 hour notice, canceling without notification is really annoying especially if said person is buying nukes


  2. [quote name='ktarthan' date='19 April 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1271717130' post='2266891']
    First part: True. If a raider in GOONS gets nuked we will probably laugh at them.

    Second part: That sounds like way too much effort.

    again very..enlightening thank you for this information

  3. [quote name='nippy' date='19 April 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1271708725' post='2266661']
    [color=magenta]I find your avatar to be quite frightening. Is that the effect you were going for? Also, you're only kicking us while we're down. Jump in on the emotionally unstable...it's so easy to do. I hope you feel better about yourself. [/color]

    ooc/ the avater is from a cover of a band called king crimson I believe court of the crimson king my favorite /ooc

    ah, Nippy, if I hadn't been on the moon (I remember your war on unaligned and small alliences) and remember the old goons I'd say I would actually like you guys, but to be honest this goons are no better then the old one still the same mocking, dismissing attitude of the old one.

    and no I have no querrol with you guys, I am just expressing my opinion that is all :)

  4. [quote name='Hidraca' date='19 April 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1271652903' post='2265902']
    [center]Methrage is scared
    Belives GOONS big bullies
    Methrage all alone[/center]

    Ah, goons this is one of many reasons why your predecessors where wipped off of CN, couldn't just take the fan route and learn from the past, eh ?

    your alliances actions breed only hostilities, and one day you guys will go too far.

    but thats how aggressive alliances come and go "shrugs"

  5. [quote name='Baldr' date='19 April 2010 - 04:40 AM' timestamp='1271648401' post='2265795']
    So if you are tech raided, step one is to ask them to peace out?

    That's exactly what the tech raiders want. They get to hit you, steal some tech and money and land, and go away without you fighting back.

    IMO, that just encourages them.

    I have nukes a full set of military offensive and defensive wonders, sdi's and I know how alliences work, the moment I send a nuke a raider (ala goons) I am declared a nuke rogue

    with that said you have a good point.... since raiders send peace offerins after declaration

    840 days of playing cn and I still have something to learn ;)

  6. [quote name='White Chocolate' date='28 February 2010 - 01:41 AM' timestamp='1267317686' post='2207185']
    The "might makes right" folks make a good point, sometimes. It depends on what peace is worth to the nation/alliance declared war on for tech and doing declaring war. This is often a matter of power or perceived power. I include things like reputation when I talk about "power" in addition to military might (and a lot of people don't, which I think is to their harm in the long run).

    One only has power if they are supported by others, if left alone the mightiest of giants can be slain by dozens of man,sure he can fight back and threatehn but at one point or another those little men are going to inflict a crippling wound on him.

    Also if somebody tech raided me I would first tell them to peace out if not then I would contact there leaders, if that didn't I would declare war 24 hours later and no responce ? I would start sending nukes

    if they are unaligned, I would just fight them with full military period, their lose not mine

  7. from a purely pragmatic view

    using sanctions as a weapon is pointless sure you can sanction the top 30 nations, but by then the +10 pop bonus from in team color trades are not that significant and the can still trade in secret from other team colors.

    more so they are wasting there sanctions, and are making it very likely that they themselves will be sanctioned in the future and additional the course of action does not make the allience look very well, the concept of "might make right" is inherantly flawed as they only have power if people support and aid them

  8. [quote]The Order will not be requiring any reparations, decommissions, apologies, oaths, viceroys, permanent terms, secret terms, improvement destruction, wonder destruction, tech farming, peace mode activation, onerous aid restrictions and the like. [/quote]

    WHAT ?! no insane surrendur terms th...that's not right man wheres the npo we all knew and loved :P

    im all seriousness wow...this is a shame GOD jus could not let the reps go...

  9. nice terms nexus

    honestly,ZI if re-entering war whats the problem ? if someone voluntarily surrenders and then restart hostilty well that there problem, they should not have surrendered in the first place if they want to partcipate in the war.

    One more thing, Morality is a subjective matter, nexus could not offer any terms at all, but they have.

  10. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='05 February 2010 - 06:58 PM' timestamp='1265396282' post='2161828']
    Think hard about why Fark would do that. If you ask around there's a term for it.

    scavenging ? :P

    [quote]Indeed. How can alliances trust Echelon to follow the next surrender terms? So if white peace will not happen, and terms are not given, what will happen? I don't know about you but I'm waiting in excitement to see how this works out. [/quote]

    propaganda or just flat out assumption we paid the reps on a timely matter,if your refering to that one term...get over it this is not the place to discuss it

    anyway let us meet in the battlefields fok, I will even set up the nutrel tea stand were we can observe and debat and then afterward nuke each other. :D

  11. [quote name='junkahoolik' date='29 January 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1264780695' post='2141402']
    ooh people do so like throwing Nietzsche and Machiavelli around without actually reading them :P

    as for naming... hmm... Complaints against Citadel??

    ooc read machievielli as well B-) /ooc

    I don't know lets see were this war goes

  12. [quote name='Scorn' date='04 February 2010 - 12:32 PM' timestamp='1265286743' post='2158712']
    I am not going to wish you luck with this, because I have a vested interest in the other side winning. So, instead an alternate blessing: May you live in interesting times.

    thank you :wub:

    and may you have interesting times too ;)

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