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King of Sparta

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Posts posted by King of Sparta

  1. Two leading parties in your government, one side focusing on social unity and the other side focusing on economic development, are feuding with one another. They are calling on you to publicly endorse one side or the other in order to resolve this dispute.

    Option 1: Side with the social unity party. Economic growth is not a core focus at this time. Lose access to government supplied infrastructure purchase cost reduction.

    Option 2: Side with the economic growth party. Social unity is not a core focus at this time. Lose access to government supplied population happiness.

    No Response: Population happiness -5.

    Does anyone have an idea how much I would lose with Options 1 and 2? I know that -5 Happiness = $10 Income before bonuses. Can anyone offer some insight?

  2. What kind of website design, KoS? Simple html, javascript, css, what?

    Simple html, I think. You tell me what would be best.

    AIM - gochasecory

    MSN - corychase@triad.rr.com

    Let's talk.

  3. This topic has quite the amount of bold in it.

    Why make people pay when I do all of this for free?

    Same question.

    Do you do any website design or are you solely forums oriented?

    PM me in game if you do website design, will pay much CN cash for this.

  4. Hey! I made it into the announcement. Yes, CK went for Pink Senate after you kicked him and all other Big Biz government out of Illuminati. Good work. Very classy.

    Why did I go to Sparta? I have my reasons. Not even worth mentioning now. The game is over for me.

    Shame you couldn't have handled this in a more reasonable manner.

  5. Very good story. Glad to have met you when I did Capelli. Otherwise I'd still be playing, LOL.

    I am sure we will talk more in the future on MSN. You still need to teach me your secrets. This game can only go so far, but the friendships made here will last.

    o/ Big Biz

    o/ Capelli King

    o/ The End.

  6. I lol'd at most of the posts in here. Anyways, I will be nuking. I do not care what happens to my nation. As for minimizing attacks? I'm only continuing the fight. I'll be sending a nuke your way soon Dawny.

    Oh BTW, I'm really scared about ZI land... Wait, no I'm not. :lol:

  7. Those are two very different alliances you've got listed there. I think you might want to correct that.
    I have enjoyed your presence in Illuminati for the time being.


    I had a good time there, glad to have been a part. Good luck to you in the future!

  8. Bye...you were a cool guy in PLUS, but I can't say I agree with what you're doing right now.

    Don't worry about it althebold. You've got a bright future. I'm just enjoying one last hurrah!

    Sanctioned by Pink, Purple, Aqua, and Red Teams now.

  9. Yesterday, the King of Sparta had finally had enough of the unfair and unjust politics that the Planet Bob has succumb to. No more shall the King of Sparta sit idly by and watch as more and more nations expand and step on others for the sole purpose of benefiting their own nations. The nation known as Sparta Reigns will cease to exist in 20 days. I feel that the glory days of CyberNations have passed. The King of Sparta has decided to take down old enemies with him.

    1) Dawny - New Dawnland

    The current leader of Invicta. She was an !@#$%^& to Jables when he started the game and I swore to take vengeance when I was strong enough. She's still an !@#$%^& and now is the perfect time to attack her.

    2) Wee Sunny Mcgregor - Harvey

    Some ex-CGN members might hate me for this one, but I attacked him only for the sake of a challenge. He was/is about 75,000 NS. At my peak, I was 47,500 NS. We will see how the war plays out.

    3) Arseanistan - TrotskysRevenge (aka Moo-Cows)

    The current leader of the NPO. He brought so much anger to everyone in this game, but no one ever does anything about it. Everyone just bows their head and continues on. Well no more.

    I have yet to be sent into Anarchy and I am dropping the first three nukes today. Good bye to my friends throughout the CyberVerse. Best wishes to all of you in the future and enjoy the game. Here's to hoping you all can make a difference on Planet Bob some day.


    -King of Sparta

    Former Member of: Sparta, Illuminati, Perfero Una ut Restituo Eximietate (PURE), Protection and Liberation of United States (PLUS), Alpha Omega, Golden Sabres, World Peace Sphere (WPS), North Atlantic Defense Coalition (NADC), Global Confederate Nations, Confederacy of Independent States (CIS), Global Organization of Liberty and Defense (GOLD)

    Former: CN Bellagio Owner, CN Casino Head of Employees, GCN Minister of Defense, PLUS Senior Parliament, PLUS Diplomat, GOLD Diplomat

    Flaming will be ignored. Friends will be thanked. Good luck and Good bye.

    EDIT: Didn't know Dawny was a girl.

  10. Gosh... That King of Sparta. What a noob. Wait...

    EDIT: LOL. Forgot to post the second attacks, eh?

    To: Brian9824 From: King of Sparta 2/14/2008 8:39:54 AM Subject: Battle Report

    You have been attacked by King of Sparta. You lost 34,116 soldiers and 264 tanks. You killed 11,574 soldiers and 129 tanks. Their forces razed 75.000 miles of your land, stole 5.000 technology, and destroyed 20.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.38 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: Brian9824 From: King of Sparta 2/14/2008 8:41:15 AM Subject: Battle Report

    You have been attacked by King of Sparta. You lost 6,123 soldiers and 131 tanks. You killed 14,381 soldiers and 477 tanks. Their forces razed 75.000 miles of your land, stole 5.000 technology, and destroyed 20.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.17 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    I think the funny thing is, I had 65,000 citizens and 20,000 troops and you attacked four times. I didn't go into Anarchy and I didn't even use my nukes against you. Enjoy being ZI'd.

  11. I have a sudden urge to demand you change your name...

    Bah humbug. I was King of Sparta before Sparta was even an alliance. So there.

    EDIT: Probably not true, but have been since before Sparta was well known.

  12. So because of ghost NADC nation spied on the NPO a few times MercyFallout's nukes had to have been stolen by the NADC? Huh? So how about this for a stretch: the NADC is responsible for ALL nukes lost that were not exposed across the entire Planet Bob. Because everyone before knew the NADC has this super waring alliance that hates everyone! Look how many major wars they've been in!

    "mysterious circumstances" is basically saying, "they weren't exposed so we really don't know who so we'll just accuse the next alliance we want to feed our war itch"

    ANY alliance will fall. They are nothing when they are attacked by alliances that total 5-10 times their size.

    Were any of them exposed Corea/mmansfield68? No? Then nobody but the person spying knows. Does the NpO have any enemies? Being in the former \m/ I know there were a lot of large nations that now could easily spy away your nukes dude. I could point the finger at tons of alliances. The point is that you are ATTACKING an alliance based on wild speculation just as my finger pointing is speculation. You are even pointing it at an alliance government that has never shown any ill will toward you guys. To me that just seems reckless. Hundreds of NADC nations are having their infra destroyed based on your wild speculation.

    From what I hear/read, BLEU didn't try to solve this diplomatically at all. But I guess NADC gov. wouldn't really have a clue, huh? Since you never talked to them about this much before attacking?

    Random, we both know he was a ghost. I'd be willing to bet anything on that. Seriously, you don't believe that a 7M NS alliance would risk complete destruction over 10, 20, even 300 nukes? 0 NS (edit: loss of 7M NS) vs. 300 nukes isn't even a close risk-reward case.

    Then they should present it. All they have is the ONE exposed spy attack from a ghost NADC nation on the NPO. All the other spy attacks could have been from anybody or this same ghost NADC nation. Now if they can present 2-5 NADC nations exposed pre-war then I'll retract my comments.

    If I give you evidence of this would you stop the war immediately?

    Sorry for the long post (not really)....CN is not my life contrary to popular belief.

    Glad to see someone willing to look at the other side of these mindless politics. o/

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