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Posts posted by Kwilliams

  1. Thank you to everyone for the kind words. The decisions to bring about the end of this alliance was the probably one of the hardest I've had to do in my career here. Nemesis provided me a home when nobody else would and I'm eternally grateful for all the past and present members who made the community one of the greatest I've seen.

  2. [quote name='Yawoo' date='04 February 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1265264171' post='2158377']
    It's alright Admin, I still love you even though my fellow alliance mates hold me in higher esteem than your worthy self.

    This man has no idea what he's talking about. As soon as we can coup him we plan on installing admin as our true overlord.

  3. The Terrorism Nations of CN (TNCN) is all about role playing on planet bob as terrorists. But just because we are role playing does not mean we don't do damage on planet bob. We lie, cheat, steal from nations and alliances.

    As a member of TNCN you will be assigned to be an active member of an alliance, gathering intel following orders and when its time, go rouge. Carry out your orders.

    Not you thing? I dare you to stop us!

    I don't know if you know this or not, but you have a few grammatical errors in your statement. You may want to quickly change them before you start to lose credibility in CN.

  4. G. Disbandment of the Alliance:

    In order for the Grand Global Alliance to be disbanded a vote must be put to the General Membership of the Grand Global Alliance.

    (1) The vote for disbandment must be opened for voting for seven (7) days/168 hours and it must obtain a 67% or better vote in favor of disbandment in order to take affect.

    (2) It takes a unanimous (3/3) decision by the council to bring a vote of disbandment before the membership of the alliance.

    I believe you forgot to make this article unamendable like it was in the other charter.

  5. If there were something substantial here I wouldn't be arguing this case. However, the fact that Soldier, an alliance that more than likely will not have more than a handful of POW's, feels it necessary to declare this sort of policy is beyond my understanding. Should the OWF be filled with nothing but how alliances are dealing with POW's? Should it be filled with nothing but specific policies enacted by every alliance? I simply feel that the number of people affected by this announcement is so small that it doesn't warrant a post.

  6. Soldier has by far run away with the "Most useless topic poster" alliance award. Between the topic a few weeks ago concerning your relationship with TPF and this one, I can't decide which is more pathetic: your flawed notion that Soldier is some sort of major player in world affairs (and worthy of lengthy discourse) or your inability to understand why these types of announcements are completely unnecessary and why they get flamed so much. Soldiers is a sub 500k alliance with an average NS of ~4000. I'm sorry to have to tell you, but you aren't as important as you make yourselves out to be.

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