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Posts posted by rstat1

  1. GGA was the first alliance I joined, way back in 2006. I stayed until perhaps the middle of 2009 when disagreements with how things were going forced me to resign. I served in almost every ministry except the MoAE, if not as a regular worker then as the minister itself. I put a good amount of time in to that work as well and quite enjoyed it, as well as the many fun conversation and some not so fun ones that took place in #ggasecure. Even then I still cared about GGA and wanted them to solve their issues. Tonight reading this post it saddens me to see that work wasted. Probably got that way when I left, but nonetheless it really is sad to see a once powerful alliance just fade in to the night. Though in the state that it was in prior to its disbandment perhaps this is better than leaving it to suffer as it had been for so long.

    I wish all (save for the two at the top) of GGA's former members good luck in finding new homes.

    For the final time,
    Fortuna Fortes Juvat
    Hail GGA.

  2. Ok, so setting up a trade circle on purple, will have 6 bonus resources.

    Currently we have the following people in the circle

    Aluminun --- mydogti

    Lumber -- Legend1990

    Wheat -- DarkNoble

    Water -- midna

    Marble -- midna

    Iron -- Legend1990

    Lead -- mydogti

    Rubber -- Lucas Perry

    Oil -- DarkNoble

    Coal -- Lucas Perry

    Fish -- rstat1

    Uranium -- rstat1

    BRs are Beer, Construction, Steel, Scholars, Asphalt, Cars

    According to the Resource tool in game my nation will receive the following increases, your mileage may vary.

    Income: +$3

    Citizens: +8%

    Happiness: +9

    Infra Cost: -35.2%

    Tech Cost: +-0

    Land Cost: -10%

    Land Bonus: +38%

    Environment: +1

    EDIT: This is of course a purple circle, that is now complete.

  3. Was in GGA from 3months after its formation till about Feb. of this year. Would've been exactly 3 yrs this Tuesday, but all the internal crap just basically pushed me out.

    Been in OFLC every since I left. It'll be 4 months for me here in 5 days.

    I to have a problem with people who have been in more than 2 alliances. Seems to me like they just can't commit.

  4. You're gonna get rolled. It sucks you should've thought this out more...

    think real hard.

    Trust me, we did. Debated this for several hours yesterday afternoon. We have a little saying in OFLC, that might not hurt you to learn. It says "Friends before infra", and while VE isn't directly involved with Valhalla's war effort, they are still Val's enemy...which makes them free game.

    Man it seems like I've said that before.

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