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Posts posted by MicahB

  1. lol... just lol.

    If you tech raid a nation that is in an alliance or even protected by an alliance, that alliance is going to flex its muscle for the world and crush you.

    The problem seems to be that there is a prescribed method of action here for diplomatic functions...

    1: Event Occurs that is possibly offensive to alliance.

    2: Diplomats scramble to IRC channel to find and talk with Gov Officials.

    >> Talks begin and issue is resolved peacefully if possible.

    3: If no IRC Channel is available then diplomats locate through any means the forum which the alliance uses.

    >> Embassy is requested and talks began to get issue resolved peacefully

    4: If no IRC Channel or off-site forum is available, then the alliance is most likely crushed because they can be.

    Your exact situation happened somewhere between 3 and 4... you have no IRC channel, and your off-site forum is lacking in the ability to receive foreign diplomats from other alliances...

    My advice, fix this about your forums, if you don't know how and would like me to show you I will, I'm an admin for the ODK forums. After that is fixed, appologize to FOK, stop being asshats ( you can remain warmongers, just stop tossing around slurs) and let the world know that you were noobs, and you didn't know what you were doing and that you don't think the punishment fits the crime.

    that may be too muc reason and common sence for us....

    can't we just act dumb instead and post odd pictures like this:


  2. the only thing that i'm really upset about is the lies about FOK trying to nego w/ ddm.

    that's all bull. they even put it on the wiki site (which is awesome, btw) my first time being named on wiki!! woot! woot!

    they SAY they tried to nego, but... they didn't... they just destroyed a weak alliance for fun.

    i understand that ddm attacked a nation w/ big friends and got whooped up on.

    but the lies about the "peace talks" is now even up on continue on (see the wiki site).

    and as far as the screen shots on the ddm forum that have been posted on here... so what? look at the threats all over the thread w/ calling us "idiots" in the title.

    i'll call the waambulance for FOK since they get so hurt over a noob alliance saying "We'll get nukes in 2 weeks and kill you dead!" (whiich the screen shot taken from me was taken after i tried and tried to get peace from the head dudes of FOK, was ignored, and was told "i get a bonus if i take you to ZI" by lower guys)

  3. I was talking to you MicahB

    Learn to use permission masks or don't post things on a public forum... guest could view that entire forum, thus it was in no way private... If your admin would like to learn how to use and create permission mask I would be glad to help him...

    yeah, i follow you now. that's why i said "right on".

    thanks for the info on what a mask is.

  4. you're allliance forum doesn't have pvt sections for your alliance only?

    if you found me visiting those sections, would not not ban me as well?

    "This game is getting boring... ooh! let's find another game to cause chaos!"

    Well, the game it's self is boring now... All i'm really doing w/ my nation is paying bills.

    The back and forth w/ all you guys has been much more entertaining that the game at this moment.

    Maybe it will be more fun when i have nukes here in 2 weeks.

    (btw, for the more serious folks on here, yes, that IS a joke....)


  5. Weird, I recall messaging you and 5 other DDM nations that I was gonna visit your forum, so when a person with my name shows up on your forum dont act all surprised. Also, there used to be a topic on the orignal DDM forums that said, "ban this guy his with the ISSf alliance"

    I would also like to point out that there is no way we could have know that your forums was off limits, thers no message anywhere, its was completely public....

    The very first msg i got from you was "you banned me, you'll all be desttroyed.. and so on..."

    And sitetheif, you're the only one that actually responded to someof my msges. Honestly, did I NOT try

    to get peace w/ your guys at the beginning?

  6. Post from the orginal attacker:

    Immediately after I attacked the ISSF Nation, I (SGXapoplis) offered peace to the ISSF Nation. I was messaged by someone from FoK (whose name I don't recall) asking me to request peace and I replied letting them know I already did. Before any peace was offered in return from the ISSF Nation I was attacked by other members. In my opinion, if you ask for me to offer you peace and I had already offered it, it makes no sense to attack me back.

    As far as the banning on the forums is concerned, Sitethief was banned for one reason and one reason only... we thought it was a troll or a bot, we never at any point thought it had anything to do with the attacks in the game and we weren't waiting for them to post to find out. All I ever knew happened was that all the other users that tried to register at that time were not granted registration, I was not aware they were banned. It might've auto-banned them if we didn't activate their accounts or Imanol might've banned them, I don't know. But again, it had nothing to do with any war on that website.

    SGXapoplis (me) is the one that attacked the ISSF Nation and then Imanol backed me up and peace was offered before any more attacks ensued and before we were attacked in retaliation. All of these supposed diplomatic efforts by other alliances were ridiculous because we were being attacked while these supposed diplomatic efforts were going on.

  7. This is where it went wrong. You guys made peace with individual nations! Not with the leaders of there alliance, so that means others of the alliance will still attack, until there leader tells them not too.

    I tried to msg the leaders... They did not respond.

    And I'm not going to deny that DDM was full of warmongers. I was the lead warmonger.

    But, I never took a nation to zero just for the fun of it. I attacked a handfull of nations. Sometime I got beat down, and sometime I'd take some tech and money. Either way, I'd accept peace after a few days. None of the wars went on long...

    Am I too believe that we are the ONLY alliance to do this?

    And to the ISSF member that posted a cpl post back, I don't deny most of what you posted. SGX is now gone. He's on a perm ban from CN...

    My main point here is that FOK saying they tried to nego w/ us is not true. As soon as I was attacked, (and not even lossing, i was winning at that point) I started msging the leaders of FOK.... and ignored. So I don't buy all this "I was banned" stuff because I TRIED to talk w/ FOK right off the bat.

    And ignored.


    Again, believe me or not... it doesn't matter... My nation is jacked, my rep on here is ruined, and therefore, I don't really see any way for me to recover. But I at least want the misunderstandings posted in here to be corrected.

  8. Protips for the Dancing Weeny alliance:

    1. Stop insulting people. Really, really fruitless activity to engage in.

    Well, I never started insulting ppl. In fact, the first insult was directed at me, which Freek already admitted to me that the conversation didn't need to go there.

    2. Tell FOK you're sorry for being border-line retards on your boards.

    If there was something said out of line, I would. But if you had 3 nations 3x the age of you take you to ZI for nothing, you would be upset too. ONCE AGAIN!!! There have been MUCH more threats posted on THIS forum than anywhere else...

    3. Erase said boards.

    The DDM alliance forum has been taken down. The other thread will most likely be deleted once the poster gets off work... It's pretty much turned into talk of another game anyways....

    4. Engage in peace efforts and communication

    I've been trying... At least 2 of the 3 nations have now accepted peace. I just wanted to give the other side of the story on here so all the other alliances have a better understanding of the situation.

    5. PROFIT?!!!


  9. Sitethief was banned before he got a chance to post anything. You later did the same to MrCyber (one of our other state secretaries), and to officials from R&R, MOON and TPF.

    Well, I wasn't the mod.... But once again, it still doesn't change the fact that I tried msging most of the top dudes and got no reply....

    And our forum was young like our nation. We don't have treatie sections and what-not like the big forums...

    Stop trying to justify the actions of FOK. Peace was declared, then FOK would attack... Peace was declared, then FOK would attack again... We were told if we change alliances, we'd get peace... We changed alliances, we were attacked.

    I owned up to the mistake of our alliance. We messed up... That nation that attacked ISSF is gone now.... For good. Banned from this forum and everything.

    I'm jealous of all the hookers and coke.

    I'll share if you have a tweeny tween tween.

    This didn't need announcing, and doesn't deserve 8 pages.

    You just added to the 8 pages. :P

  10. MOON is an ally of FOK! When sitethief was banned i created an account to try to talk to you on his behalf as he was banned. My account Posta0 was banned.

    my banned pic

    Ok, I stand corrected. Still doesn't change the fact that I msged most the top guys on FOK and got no response.

    And when SiteThief was on the forum, he never even posted anything.

    Anyways, we can go back and forth on all this. You guys are out of line and you know if.

    You brought a bunch of nations under a month old to just about ZI. Good job. Feel proud.

  11. lol you also banned 2 MOON government members, so if FOK wouldn't of done anything, im sure we would of.

    The only person that was banned was "sitethief"... and remember, we are all under a month old. Which means I still have no idea what a MOON person is...

    All I know is that I attempted to talk w/ the heads of FOK and was ignored and attacked.

    OOC: I just wanted to say that it's nice to find a fellow musician out here. And electro can be great music. Yours is great too, in a kind of "is 24.00 here, I'd better catch some sleep *puts music on"-way.

    IC: Talk to Freek, i'm sure we can work something our. And please stop all the swearing in a topic everyone here can see.

    Most the ppl on DDM are involved w/ music to some degree. Thanks for listening to mine.

    And I used a swear word? What? "bull"? Sorry...

  12. FOK is just using this as an opportunity to destroy a young, weak alliance that made a mistake.

    The nation that did the original attacking doesn't even exist anymore.

    I was one of the top nations w/ under 25 days under my belt and they destroyed me (good job there... 3 nations at 3x the age on a 25day old nation... real tough challenge there).

    Their "peace talks" were all bull, and they know it.

    I tried over and over again to nego and get peace, but was simply ignored and attacked, so of COARSE I made aggressive comments. But no more aggressive than all the comments made towards us on here.

    At least Freek is now replying to my msges instead of just ignoring them like all the top guys in FOK were doing during our "peace talks".

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