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Posts posted by Kornaki

  1. Joysey would like to apply for SIS status. We are overjoyed that our neighbors have re-organized themselves, and are more than willing to co-control the lands of New Jersey and Staten Island as outlined in your plan

  2. Peter Morcambe met with Comrade Zvalter Gabriel this afternoon to discuss planning and a course of revolutionary action in Transvaal - explaining that the five CPTSA members were planning to return secretly to Transvaal in the next week or so and begin recruitment and agitation there.

    "We need to gauge the level of popular proletarian support in the Federal Republic to ascertain our future as a party and liberation movement. We do not expect peace means will get far so at some point, an armed struggle must commence" explained General Secretary Morcambe.

    "Perhaps it is better if you send more anonymous front-men first to get the grass roots campaign started, as otherwise the government will have the opportunity to cut your attempt off before it even starts." Gabriel replied

  3. In COMPLETELY unrelated news ;)

    From the Joysey Journal:

    Yesterday, the state government issued a general recall of all water sales for the past two weeks. Joysey is one of the world's primary exporters of water, with reservoirs running across the northern portion of the state from the renovated wetlands of the Meadowlands all the way to Warren County. Governor Kornaki, a staunch supporter of the state water company, issued a statement through his spokesperson.

    "State water regulators discovered a minor defect with a new purification process we've implemented. We don't expect there to be any negative health effects associated with drinking the recalled water, but decided to err on the safe side and issue a recall on all water sold both domestically and internationally. We're calling in water experts from around the globe to help deal with the issue and renew sales of clean, safe Joysey water as soon as possible. It's the purest water on earth."

    Authorities announced all tap water is now being drawn from smaller strategic water reserves scattered across the state in the event of a situation like this, and have announced water restrictions until the larger reservoirs are re-opened. This is expected to hit third world nations especially hard, as Joysey donates significant amounts of water to charities geared to bringing clean drinking water to poorer regions of the world. Joysey also sells bottled water under two separate brand names around the globe, and sells bulk quantities to regions suffering droughts.

    This is the first time there has ever been a recall on Joysey water, and some water sector experts believe it may be the first general recall for water ever. It was not immediately made clear how water from Joysey, especially that given via charities or sold to drought stricken regions, could be filtered out or how much non-Joysey water would be lost in the recall. Also not clear is how much of the water has already been drunk

  4. With the J Andres government being restored to power today, Joysey announced a unilateral complete cessation of hostilities until talks could take place between the governments. As a show of good will, Joysey permitted the men still trapped on Staten Island to withdraw

  5. From the Joysey Journal:

    Joysey Victory in Staten Island

    A late night sneak attack ended in total victory for the Joysey troops on Staten Island. The Joysey Journal has been given exclusive access to the battle breakdown by the military.

    The battle began with two Joysey battallions gathering in Bayonne to be ferried over to the north east corner of Staten Island. Before this was to occur, two ferries would travel between Joysey as a decoy to lure out the anti-boat defenses. J Andres forces, realizing this was a decoy, didn't respond to the ferries in the south as they traveled back and forth to the shoreline. Taking advantage of this, Joysey quickly changed its strategy, and began dropping small quantities of men on the island with every trip. After seven hours, the drop off was complete, and the attack was underway


    Joysey forces began the battle by striking at a weak point in the south of the J Andres line

    As the J Andres forces in the north began to retreat in the confusion, the original Bayonne battalions were dropped off, entrapping them also


    The aftermath of the battle resulted in 1200 Joysey casualties, and an estimated 800 J Andres casualties along with 300 prisoners, though exact numbers are not known at this time. Also, Joysey forces have completely surrounded the remaining J Andres positions on the island, and officials have said their release will be part of the negotiations for a cease fire


    Current military positions on Staten Island

    When asked about the battle, General Cherry said "This battle proves Joysey has the capabilities to enact complex battle strategies against a technologically superior opponent. Morale in the military has never been higher"

    OOC: Yes, we sell the media our troop positions when we think it's good propaganda

  6. Col. Annetjie van Matteus,

    I must apologize, but your request cannot be fulfilled at this time. Joysey has no extradition treaty with Transvaal, and hence it would be illegal to arrest him even, as he has committed no crime on Joysey soil, and he entered the country legally. I apologize for this, and understand your plight regarding the situation. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you.

    Joysey Secretary of State,

    Nina Mitchell Wells

  7. SECRET MESSAGE (I guess if someone's spying on this they could intercept it):

    To Peter Morcambe

    Congratulations on the announcement of your party. We look forward to working with you to establish a worker's utopia in the land of Transvaal. We have an associate in The United Nation on the border of Transvaal who is willing to assist us with smuggling goods and people into the country; he says lax customs and border patrol by The United Nation will make this easy. If you are in need of assistance, consider us your allies in the fight against class oppression in Transvaal, as the puppet government there has surely declared war on us already

    Zvalter Gabriel,

    Secretary of the Communist Party of Joysey


    John Love, Speaker of the Assembly, released a statement through his spokesperson

    "I welcome the CPTSA into Joysey with open arms, and will help ensure their safety in this bastion of free speech. Their presence here is a sign that the murderers of Steven Elfonzo have not won, and his death is not in vain."

  8. If the government of J Andres was functioning and capable of making such a request, we would not have had to claim Staten Island to save it from its state of lawlessness.

    J Andres rogue forces were halted in their advance yesterday on Staten Island. Joysey troops have dug in on a line that roughly divides the island in half, preventing any ground forces from pushing their way into Joysey or the western half of Staten Island. Attempts by Joysey to use Coast Guard patrol boats to prevent supplies from crossing over were foiled by a a surgical air strike, though the damage was minimized by anti-air defenses an anonymous official claimed were captured on the island. Officials said negotiations were in place with the rogue general to end the stand-off


  9. Can we agree he just fills up his circle until he's covered the country? You can pretend it's his government slowly asserting its influence over the countryside or something. He claims the land, but he doesn't actually have any authority over it yet

  10. OOC: You know, I think I'm going to take you up on this. I had been toying with some sort of Transvaal Communist Party being set up at *some* point in the coming months - maybe now is just as good time as any. Give me a few days to come up with some names and background and such. I figure it would have to start out as an exiled group based overseas - would Joysey be a suitable location?

    OOC: Sure... the Joysey communist party can help fund it; they don't have a ton of money, but they do have some, and get public financing too

    An official from the state prosecutor's office, speaking on condition of anonymity because the information is not authorized to be released yet, has said the preliminary investigation into Steven Elfonzo's death has led to the conclusion he committed suicide. While the motive is not known, the official speculated it may have been an attempt to sway public opinion on the Transvaal issue.

    Zvalter Gabriel, Secretary of the Communist Party of Joysey, blasted the news by saying it was a rigged investigation, and Transvaal was pulling the strings in it. He said Elfonzo was killed to prevent his voting on the trade sanctions, and suggested the Joysey government was slowly being replaced by an international contingent of secret agents.

  11. I own NZ, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu It has not opened up.

    I was using a sarcasting example, I didn't literally mean that Fiji had opened up. But that's the kind of response people get

  12. - Create a list of atleast 50 questions based around your alliance.

    Crimey... do they all have to be about your alliance? You're going to see a lot of 'who led alliance XXX between Jan and Feb 2006' to fill up those 50 questions I bet.

  13. I think the problem is mostly when someone comes along looking to claim (for example) a piece of land, but is informed that it's owned by an empire that spans Western Europe, or the whole west coast of America. But there's some land available in Antarctica, and part of Fiji might have opened up. They tend not to come around and continue RPing more often than not I think

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