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Posts posted by Dagnarus

  1. WAE = Worst Alliance Ever

    GP[WAE] Sounds alot like G-P-A

    O...there was me thinking they'd made a mistake and actually meant to say GPwAy...implying that we were neutral when convenient lol. What an error that was.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me...

    it aint the worst alliance ever though :P

  2. medallol.png

    yeah I remember those days... everyone calling us GP[WAE] when we were more like GP[GAY]

    *edit: brackets are fun

    I never understood the GP[WAE] name-calling, I can't work out what it means...can someone enlighten me after all these months lol

  3. Was this even needed? A neutral alliance declaring itself neutral, who would have guessed.

    I'm afraid it was needed, we weren't declaring ourself neutral for the sake of being neutral, but pointing out to the many alliances and people who have asked us for aid/help in this war that we shall remain neutral so that no one else comes to ask us for any help.

  4. My apologizes to GPA - upon reviewing some private logs I determined I misunderstood what Dagnarus was saying to me. I've apologized in private, and my best wishes to GPA :)

    Apologies accepted EG, no harm done so nothing to worry about.

    I'd just like to say thank you all for your kind replies as well, it's good to see the GPA is gaining your respect and trust again.

    Hope all's going as well as it can in the current situation,


  5. GPA Statement of Neutrality


    The GPA has been following events occuring on Planet Bob and has not felt the need to issue a Statement of Neutrality until now.

    While the Green Protection Agency would normally not make a statement concerning active military actions between other Alliances, we have received a number of contacts and feel it necessary to underscore our position.

    The Green Protection Agency has, and will continue to remain neutral in all matters concerning current and future military and political conflicts. We have a long standing practice of monitoring and tracking active wars so we can insure that none of our members provide Aid to nations and Alliances that are currently at war.

    Recent events, mostly concerning Senatorial positions, have given rise to ideas that we are supporting one side over the other. This is not the case. The GPA does not endorse any Senatorial candidate to the Green Team Senate. GPA members are encouraged to abstain from voting.

    The GPA hopes that both sides in the conflict can resolve their differences as quickly as possible and neither side takes too much damage until that occurs,

    Thank you and best wishes for the future,


    President of the GPA

  6. Clearly, they're going to declare war on everyone to get their revenge.

    That would be rather unneutral, don't you think...

    Also I'd like to say thank you for your messages of support, we're looking forward to a new era in the GPA

    :cookies: for everyone :)

  7. On behalf of the GPA I am delighted to announce the results of the recent elections. Our new government looks forward to helping the GPA prosper and build better relations with the rest of Planet Bob. Come by and visit our forums

    http://forums.cn-gpa.com/index.php or drop by our IRC channel (#G.P.A. on Coldfront)!

    Current Government of the Green Protection Agency


    Office of the Executive:

    President - Jdmcboggs

    (Outgoing - Jdmcboggs)

    Vice President - Dagnarus

    (Outgoing - Patjenn)

    G.P.A. Cabinet

    (includes Office of the Executive):

    Minister of Internal Affairs - Sol Invictus

    (Outgoing - The_Duke_of_Doi_Tung)

    Minister of Defense - Breadfan

    (Outgoing - Jim Raynor)

    Minister of Foreign Affairs - Ouchneddnesscooooo

    (Outgoing - PDGray)

    Board of Directors

    (Non-Cabinet, Elected Officials):

    Director of Economics - Helpma

    (Outgoing - Helpma)

    Director of Membership Compliance - M_a_C_a

    (Outgoing - M_a_C_a)

    Director of the Academy - GreenMachine

    (Outgoing - GreenMachine)

    Director of Communications - Flak Attack

    (Outgoing - HelgavonLictenstein)

    Director of Recruiting - Jim Raynor

    (Outgoing - Sol Invictus)

  8. Are you accusing HerooTime55 and/or 64digits of hacking your forums? Please, back up that accusation, or you'll just end up looking stupid. Again.


    Firstly, I did not mention any names in my post as I have no idea who did them, secondly I did not insinuate anyone by mentioning any certain alliance, thirdly as I do not frequent these forums, I do not know either person who's name you said, and therefore do not have the knowledge about them to know their history or previous actions.

    I was not accusing anyone of anything, I was merely attempting to point out why Shas may have done what he did.

    Hopefully that clears it up for you and means I'm not the one who looks stupid.


    I have raised this issue on other threads (not using the same terminology though) and apparently it is because through our passiveness, or inactivity we supported them, even if we did not vote for them, therefore we are to blame...:wacko:

  10. I agree 100%

    Just brain storming here, but how about this to broker a deal for the membership caught in the middle. Install a Viceroy to the NGPA (New Green Protection Agency) Someone who is trusted by a good majority of all involved. (Mary of NPO or Otis of VE to name a few). All members who would like to leave the GPA, simply change thier AA to NGPA and come under full protection of the NPO and her allies. I am sure thier would be some stipulations regarding military and such, but give them an olive branch. After the remaing GPA members surrender/ ZI'd/ whatever. They can start the process of becoming a new/old/better GPA.

    I believe that this will never work, it will just lead to a situation where someone says or does something which insults someone else and the whole thing will blow over...and giving the 'NGPA' a Viceroy from another alliance will serve no other cause than create resentment between the two factions. SHould you allow the 'NGPA' a GPA member whom both sides agree on, that would be a start.

    As a former GPA'er and a True Neutral Hippy I can with some authority say: Most the True Neutrals have already left the GPA.

    I don't accept this, the true neutrals should be trying to resolve the situation not packing up when things go bad

  11. They are in the alliance. They have the choice whether to vote or not to vote. If they choose not to vote, they accept the consequences by making that choice. They have the choice whether to join the alliance or not join the alliance. It is the ruler's sole responsibility to know what situation he's getting into and who to elect to represent them. I feel bad for the new nations who recently joined, however it is nobody elses problem but theirs for putting themselves into the situation.

    Are the people not electing leaders to make important choices for them? Are leaders not making decisions on behalf of the people?

    Nations cannot always elect leaders when others step down, leaving everyone else to try and quickly come to some arrangement.

    Not that it makes much difference now, but I feel a strong ultimatum would have been more beneficial to both parties before declaring war which will hurt both sides, no matter who emerges victorious.

  12. There was discussion, you have been given four or five "Get Out of Jail Free" cards for the past four and a half months and was warned that the next offense would result in war. Somebody made the mistake of accepting Lord Swampy, one of the most notorious players the game has seen and on NPO's and Valhallas Perma-ZI list. Ignorance is not an excuse. The government of the GPA is fully elected by its people so the people shall pay for the mistakes of their government.

    What of those who didn't vote for the government? Is it fair they should pay for mistakes of those before them? I'm not saying this to excuse myself either, but to question whether it's fair to take revenge on those who have only recently joined and known nothing about what has been going on.

  13. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=14458

    Dear Dagnarus,

    There is the evidence with pictures to help convince you 100%. Discussions are hard to take place when lies and deception have been the staple of GPA foreign affairs for the past four and a half months. If you wish to know the reasons and grievences that have resulted in this conflict, just take a peek into the war declarations. GPA has been given multiple chances to fix their mistakes because you had a history of reasonable discussion, however that is not the GPA of today. Shas has failed you. You elected him to the Minister of Defense position and he has clearly failed in that regard, with the GPA being totally unprepared for an attack on her. He also failed in the protection of your nations, while he wanted this position or not, he failed. When you run for such an important position, it's important to take note of what responsibilities you are actually running for. You must be prepared to make the sacrifices that is required of you, and step into the shoes that are waiting for you.

    As for the evidence, there's not much that I can say other than this should not have been said and it was wrong, and as such I can't really defend an individual who says this, even as a joke.

    However, should a whole alliance be brought down because of individuals who make mistakes and say the wrong things at the wrong time...Many nations within the GPA joined to experience something new, to make good friends and to learn about CN and expand their nations, but these nations are taking the brunt of the attacks. Even nations who joined within the last few days are not being spared but are being ruthlessly attacked, can you blame them for things they have had no part and, perhaps, no idea of?

    I also agree that certain situations require preparation, and I am not sure if this was carried out or not, but no one can prepare for an all out war between many of the most powerful alliances united under one single banner against and outnumbered and outgunned alliance. In defence of the MoD, the GPA is a neutral alliance and therefore has had no need to believe that it would face such a war, yes there should have been plans in place, but the sheer scale of the attack means that it is hard to prepare for.

    I have looked at the multiple DoW's and many seem to make fun of the troubles that the GPA have been faced, making us seem farcical. Is war declared becuase those declaring it want to make fun of those who are struggling and kick them while they're down?

    You say the GPA has a reasonable history of discussion, so why do we not stop this fighting for the time and put our cards on the table. Only when both sides properly understand eachother can we sort out this mess.


  14. Did these lines surprise you?:

    • [00:21] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> Don't piss off the /i/nsurgents.
      [00:21] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> We don't stop at DDoS
      [00:27] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> I'm a proper /i/nfidel
      [00:27] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> DDoS is for n00bs
      [00:29] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> I'm not gonna tell you what I can do?
      [00:29] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> That's just silly
      [00:29] <ShasOMontyr[GPA-Pres]> Suffice to say, its worse than no intertubes

    Did you join the GPA to be undermined by a “a proper /i/nfidel� How many votes did Shas get when he was “elected†president? Did you join the GPA to be lead by an unelected dictator? Did the platform on which he ran promise that you would be attacked? Did his platform suggest to you that he would make threats which would get your nation annihilated? Do you really owe him any loyalty? Has he shown through this conversation that he deserves any?

    There is no reason you or the GPA to continue this war into which this non-elected dictator has gotten you. There is no reason for you or the GPA to fight a war which this non-elected autocrat has just made worse for you! There is no reason to watch your alliance and your nation proceed down the path from success to anarchy to bill lock to tech farm and finally to ZI. Do the GPA and yourself a favor. Stop that road trip now!

    Firstly, I'm not going to defend anyone or anything, and am saying this purely to show what I, as a single nation think.

    I can not 100% say that those quotes by ShasOMontyr are true or not, for all I know you may have just typed this as propaganda to make him look bad, if there was an unfalsifiable picture that you took which could prove it, then I would be left with no doubt, as it is...there is doubt in my mind as to the authenticity of those comments.

    Secondly, the reason I joined the GPA was to be part of a peaceful, neutral alliance with friendly members who helped eachothers nation grow and did not get involved in the political melting pot of Planet Bob.

    Whilst you point out about ShasOMontyr comming to power, I'm sure you know of situations that force people to step forward into the limelight as a result of situations that they could not help, if ShasOMontyr had not stepped up to the front, someone else would have done and it would be their name, not ShasOMontyr's which you would be bandying about now as the main antaganist. Individuals do not often choose what path they take, therefore is it not unfair to blame them for actions they take when they have no other choice?

    Any worthwhile member of any alliance should be loyal to other members of their alliance, therefore yes, ShasOMontyr does deserve the loyalty of all GPA members, if not for what he does, then simply for the fact that he is also a member and without loyalty in an alliance between their members, there is no point in having that alliance.

    You go on to say that it is the GPA's fault that this war is caused, granted I do not know as much as others, since I have not been here for that long, but the GPA did not initiate any conflict with anyone, we have not posted any DoW and therefore to say that we started it is unfair. And it is also unfair to say we are continuing this war, we are not attacking anyone who has not attacked us first, we are counter-attacking therefore the only way for the GPA to stop fighting is for those who are attacking us to stop attacking us, and this will in turn mean that we stop counter-attacking them.

    I don't claim to know the reasons or grievances that have caused this war, but I am sure that if we stop the fighting for now and actually reasonably discuss why it is occuring and each party lays down why they are fighting then we can find out what has actually caused this war and do something about it.

    Yours sincerely,


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