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Puppet Master

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Posts posted by Puppet Master

  1. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='23 May 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1274644982' post='2309357']
    He is Minister of Defense according to the OP. Just saying...

    I did notice he is MoD, seems to be a good role for him as he is quick to defend his alliance. Just trying to say he should look at other peoples comments as individual thoughts rather than the thoughts of his/her entire alliance. ;)

  2. [quote name='heggo' date='23 May 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1274644196' post='2309336']
    Umm, hello? Hi. How are you doing? Nice to meet you there Syn. Around these parts, it ain't customary to greet people with rage and death threats-- that's saved for second dates, typically. Welcome to the cyberverse!


    He is just soo egger that that he could just not wait till the second date Heggo :awesome: .

    A little advice:

    Many alliances allow their people to say what they want and you should never take what one says (unless they are government) and turn it into a bad view of that alliance. Judge people on character and YOUR relationship with them rather than what other people have told you.

  3. [quote name='Bilrow' date='21 April 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1271812675' post='2268506']
    Since March 31, 2010, the following is the list of alliances sorted by amount who are sending tech to The Gramlins.

    The Grämlins 2010-03-31 - 2010-04-31 Aid Received

    Alliance Tech
    Federation of Allied Republics 700
    Fallen Knights 650
    Mostly Harmless Alliance 250
    Peoples Order of Truth 200
    Sanitarium 200
    Army of the Twelve Monkeys 150
    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 150
    SOS Brigade 150
    Sparta 150
    The Democratic Order 150
    The Mafia 150
    The Ninjas 150
    [b][size="5"]IAA POW 100[/size][/b]
    League of Soviet Nations 100
    NATO 100
    None 100
    World Federation 100
    All for Yellow 50
    Alliance of international defence 50
    Avalanche 50
    Blue Turtle Alliance 50
    Bushido 50
    Citadel Trading Company 50
    Conservative Politically Allied Countries 50
    Darkstar 50
    Invicta 50
    League of Imperial Nations 50
    Nordreich 50
    Nusantara Elite Warriors 50
    Pirates of the Parrot Order 50
    Regnum Invictorum 50
    RnR 50
    Rome 50
    Saint Patricks Brigade 50
    Sphinx Order 50
    The Blood Brothers 50
    The Confederation of Canada 50
    The Golden Horde 50
    The Legion 50
    The Order of New World Domination 50
    World Task Force Applicant 50
    Total Received Aid 4,750

    YAY thats me right there! Im so honored to be mention here, I'd like to first thank the Grämlins for buying my tech during the heat of the karma war when my choices of tech buyers were limited due to my surrender terms. I also like to thank Bilrow for pointing out something which has no meaning what so ever.

    Did you ever stop to think that maybe we are sending tech because we HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED MONEY and are bound to finish the deal? I have friends in both DAWN and IRON and I would like to see them get peace, however you got to understand, business is business. Did i decide to renew the deal? No. But in the end it would not have mattered if i did or didn't. For the right price people are always going to do tech deals with the Gramlins, not matter what people say or want. You pointing out who is sending them tech is not going to solve anything. In the end it leaves us in the same situation, Gramlins top tier cant be touched while their bottom gets cut out. Throwing up a list like this is doing nothing other than trying to shame alliances for finishing tech deals they had already signed too. So thanks for the great and informative chart, I now know what people i can do tech deals with who wont simply back out in the middle of the deal and have honor enough to finish even if it is unpopular.

  4. [quote name='Rush Sykes' date='10 March 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1268261506' post='2221342']
    If this is true, I would suggest that years of thumbing their noses at people, threatening people with their allies' strength...general lapdog mentality...sowed those seeds.

    Right because doing the same back to them is sooo much better. :awesome: And the wheel continues to spin!

  5. So does this all mean I need to post my surrender to IAA and the terms on Wiki or be subject to raids??? :blink:

    SERIOUSLY, come on. The wiki can be updated by anyone, to use it as a reliable source for anything would just be dumb. Even if they did disband they might have been still under protection by their former protectors as they are trying to find new homes. Did anyone check this? Of course not, as Airme put it earlier, logic is lacking in all this.

    Also the beat down of an alliance simply because their protector is "weak" (just got out of a war) or not "well aligned" reminds me of something... Something a bunch of you fought against to change a while back, name of the war is escaping me. Started with a K or somethin?

    Whats even more shameful is the fact that allies are more or less lining up behind PC even though they are clearly in the wrong. Its sad when a small alliance goes along the right track of getting a protectorate and still cant even catch a break. Bring on the "should have chosen better protectorates" lines. In the end protectorates are starter alliances that have gone through the trouble, and have been active enough to reach out on a foreign level to another alliance in the hope that they can have their chance to build and become someone.
    [quote name='AirMe' date='10 March 2010 - 01:20 AM' timestamp='1268184323' post='2220128']
    Common sense and logic is something that PC does not have nor use. If they did this incident never would have happened.

    [quote name='kriekfreak' date='10 March 2010 - 07:44 AM' timestamp='1268207414' post='2220754']
    My, my. Some people have fallen low, to think I once respected them (this mostly goes for you Bigwoody). <_<

    It wasn't just that the wiki was not updated, the wiki had false information on it at the time of the raid. It said they disbanded and merged into Echelon. That is a whole different story than a treaty not being updated on the wiki. Although I think that PC could have invested a little more time to check if they were still protected by Echelon or not, the fault lies with Echelon.

    Everyone knows that raiders check 1) bio's, 2) wiki's. If you don't have the time to update both of them (doesn't take longer than 1 minute), how can you find the time to lead an alliance?

    So if you dont update your alliance wiki or mandate what each of your members bio's say your a bad leader? :wacko:

  6. [quote name='Denial' date='09 March 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1268170495' post='2219632']
    He certainly does not understand Complaints & Grievances or Super Friends, though. And it appears by your agreement with him that you do not, either. Neither bloc constitutes alliances that operate in the same manner as high-ranking Hegemony alliances, such as Pacifica, IRON, Valhalla and so on. We do not need to manufacture a new opponent every few months in order to maintain alliance activity and promote bloc unity by using conflicts to temporarily distract from a litany of substantial intra-bloc issues. This ties in with why claims of a Super Friends vs Complaints & Grievances war is so ludicrous; neither bloc is hostile, and are more than happy to extract fun from the Cyberverse through the unique aspects of their own communities, rather than periodically initiating new wars.

    If what you say is true than you would have no problem with Neo become isolationists after this war. It would not affect your alliance in anyway and you would simply go about your day. However from the posts of others from your bloc we can see this is untrue, and it would affect their fun.

  7. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' date='09 March 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1268149184' post='2219307']
    Fark has always been on radio silence from what I remember they didn't decide to do so because they lost a war. Without the forum discussions there'd be less chance of fun and explosions and all that dirty politicking. [OOC]As a result this game will die and hemorrhage members quicker than a Hummer eating up gas[/OOC] Therefore, this is a stupid idea.

    So its a stupid idea because it would ruin [u]your[/u] fun? Im severely missing anyones claim that this is a bad idea other than "it ruins our fun" or "lolz sore losers!". Neo lost the war, and this is simply a new strat going forward they might try. For all intensive purpose, i see it working out if they do become isolationist. As many can see from the posts on this forum, it would ruin C&Gs fun and in my eyes it would eventually boil down to CnG or SF attacking Neo without a valid CB just to get a kick and "their fun" or C&G/SF collapsing in upon itself due to a lack of people to hate. When an alliance centers itself around hating another group, and you remove that group of people, it will collapse or they will find someone new to hate.

    [quote name='Rocky Horror' date='09 March 2010 - 03:45 PM' timestamp='1268149837' post='2219310']
    Build your infra, strengthen your resolve all you like, but don't dismiss CnG and SF as "lulz alliances".

    I dont think anyone is taking any of those alliances as "lulz alliances" here. Simply they are on the other side with that not changing any time soon. No real reason to continue a relationship with them when in the end its winds up in a war.

    [quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='09 March 2010 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1268154100' post='2219371']
    Disbanding your alliance and leaving for the moon is not as fun as it seems. Trust me.

    No one is talking about disbanding, simply the Neo side no longer communicating with alliances like yours for instance.

    I really dont understand why people are getting so nick picky about the name choice of Neo. When it boils down to it we are talking about 4 groups of alliances bound mostly together by treaties. We could name each group by colors or variables or Greek symbols. Doesn't change what we are discussing..

  8. [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='09 March 2010 - 06:28 AM' timestamp='1268116398' post='2219019']

    So what do I think Neo-hegemony should do to avoid a curb stomp? Clever remarks about proxy spying protectorates, and preemptive attacks aside, I think neo-hegemony alliances should reach out and make new friends outside of their power sphere so they aren't so isolated. By reaching out they can de-polarize the treaty web and give themselves a chance of avoiding another neo-hegmoney curb stomp. Perhaps it should be to one or two specific spheres, like blunity 2.0 or the middle of the web that is unclaimed, but as of now they stand with Super Complaints. Sure some old hands may feel uncombfortable reaching out to past enemies, but it beats the heck out of getting rolled again.

    There is precedent against reaching out though. Look at what has recently happened to UPN and ADI, where they were forced to become neutral in wars because their treaties conflicted. So one must ask, "how can this be avoided?" I think if there is a collective and concerted effort by Neo-hegemony alliances to reach out then this can be better avoided. What do you think?

    So what do you all think Neo-hegemony can do to increase their odds of being on the winning side of the next big one? Should they reach out to alliances outside of their sphere? If so, who?

    I personally disagree with the idea that de-polarizing the treaty web would work. Simply because of the fact, that as you said, SF and CNG are too close to each other for this to really work. No change in government or tactics can really pull two hated foes to be friends.

    It is my personal opinion that the "Neo-hegemony" (I'll call them Neo from this point onward) should simply back away and stay out of world politics and craziness that goes hand in hand with that for a time. Many of the Neo alliances were not able to get to prekarma levels before this war broke out, and many were still rebuilding from Karma. CnG and friends have had help rebuilding due to reps and were able to get back to a higher level than many of the Neo alliances when this war broke out. What Neo needs to do is back away and simply rebuild and reorganize itself to be more efficient. Neo needs to get itself on the same page be able to more or less "talk" to each other during a war. There seems to be such a lack of communication between allies to a point that many dont even know that their friends were in peace talks until after peace was reached. When you are all fighting for the same cause and fighting the same group of people (more or less) why not talk and plan together?

    More or less Neo, take a break and let SF and CnG go do what ever they want. Sit back rebuild, and dont give them a reason to attack.

  9. [quote name='LJ Scott' date='26 February 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1267205744' post='2205075']
    IRON: The sheer fact they've retained so much of their membership despite this being the second time in a year in which they've had like 10m NS chopped off. Not saying they're great militarily, but not many can say they've been through what they have (twice) and continued on.

  10. Selling tech at a rate of 100tech per 3mil. Send money first please. If your alliance is under terms (reps) i will not sell to you, sorry.

    4 Slots left.

    Edit: Forgot my nl lawl! http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=347418

  11. [quote name='tiddles' date='22 February 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1266882783' post='2198121']
    well i have to agree GGA is dead and i am jumping off the dead horse before i get crushed under it. BYE GGA i am gone. this coup was turned down by almost everyone when it was put to a vote. so after a war u can't just decide to say screw everyone that said no and do it now.

    So it seems the membership is not on board for the coup. A forced coup that does not have good support breaks alliances, I hope that GGA in some form or another survives.

  12. [quote name='mpol777' date='10 February 2010 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1265760077' post='2171459']
    As to your original assumptions... if you could lead an alliance better than those involved in this cluster&$*# you would be. But you can't, so you don't, so you follow. In other words. Put up or shut up.

    Yes because as we all know you can simply create an alliance and roll. One now days need a protectorate from a larger alliance to survive tech raiding and thats the very least of the troubles facing a new alliance. To get into leadership of an alliance that has been around for a while has already been addressed earlier by Matthew. Also we all follow at times and we all lead at times, currently I am following.

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