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Posts posted by edikroma

  1. Now, I'm no expert on AA politics, being out of gov for sometime now, but from what I remember, it kinda went down like this...

    1) War starts
    2) mhawk recognizes the alliance isn't going to be able to pull together enough guys after the last fight to jump in for our allies in this one and asks for volunteers for a coming strike
    4) We enter the war in defense of NATO, declaring on WAPA
    5) Hilarity ensues
    6) NATO et al get peace. TPF gets to run the Mogadishu Mile
    7) VE pulls together a chain (through NV and 1TF, who never declare) and yells "SURPRISE MOTHER$%&@ERS!!!" and proceeds to jump TPF (having a couple more yards to go in that Mile)
    8) Further hilarity ensues
    9) TPF peaces out WAPA and VE and promise to keep the shenanigans to a minimum

    Of course, that's just the summary from a sleep-deprived, half-crazed, over-worked TPFer, so it could also be the exact opposite of what happened. Who knows?

  2. The Krynn recruiter sent messages to at least four different members, including myself and mattski. We had another incident regarding recruitment messages in the last couple days.

    The award for assuming facts goes to: Duncan King. Congratulations.

    The first part doesn't imply any insidious plot to destroy your alliance.

    The second part is probably more important, if the same nation or alliance keeps trying to go after your alliance members (especially your smaller members).

  3. What a terrible policy to just throw out there. No diplomacy. No asking "Hey man, WTF?". Just straight up war?

    There's a difference between a noobish mistake that you can just laugh off and a plot to steal your members.

    EDIT: In the OP, it would have been interesting to know exactly how many different recruitment offers from different alliances were sent to your people. Was it just a couple noobs from a single alliance in the span of a couple days? Or is it something like 10 offers from 10 alliances over the span of a couple months? Have there been repeat offers?

  4. Well...I haven't been involved in alliance politics for a long, long time now, but best of luck to my old friends from TPF... Not sure what exactly happened, as one day I just logged in to see I was being attacked and apparently, there was something to do with spying or something. Anyway...

    As for Green astronaut jones... I have to agree that from a IC perspective, there often aren't "friends" but at the same time, I definitely view any former comrades from TPF as friends at some level (IC and OOC). Probably because I never really got that involved in the politics...

  5. Just switch back to "FnKA" and this will solve your problems.

    People search by "none" for alliance recruitments and you happen to now have that in your alliance name in game.

    ^ This.

    Shame the game doesn't show what alliance someone is in when you search. For example, if you were to search alliance by "Phoenix", you'd get all the nations carrying Phoenix in their AA. However, it would be nice if it would have the full name of the alliance the nation belongs to somewhere in the search results.

  6. There's the list of things that Moo wants done. We saw that one. :v:


    Anyway, I'm not gonna get into the whole EZI/PZI list thing.

    All I can say about Vox's disbandment is "good bye to good rubbish"....wait...did I do that right?

  7. mhawk.... we could save the world from an asteroid by landing on it and tearing it apart with our bare hands and they still wouldn't like us. Oh well...

    Oh, and...I couldn't find a gun, so I brought this.... am i doin it right?


    EDIT: Grammar

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