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Posts posted by Bush_84

  1. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1323792618' post='2876617']
    What treaty were you going to activate? RnR was not under attack from anyone. Nor was Sparta. Both acted AFTER TLR and NG defended NPO. So, your question makes pretty much no sense.


    I understand that R&R have a MDoAP treaty as well. So all we had to do before all of this happnened was activate the oA clause in our treaties and C&G would have been in with us? That is the point I am making and you are refusing to see it. C&G entered on a ODP (emphasis on the optional), but if we had requested the oA (again optional)to be activated we would have been told no. Also lets not forget that Sparta is being hit by a number of alliances at the moment, but the MD part of our MDoAP seems to be malfunctioning. Same goes for Umbrella. ODN and Umbrella chose their sides and would refuse to care about the treaties we hold with them.

  2. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1323788146' post='2876519']
    C&G is a Mutual Defense [B]AND[/b] Aggression bloc. So C&G [b]ALWAYS[/b] rolls together no matter what.

    I thought this was pretty common knowledge.

    So are you saying that all R&R and Sparta had to do was activate our treaties as all of C&G would have come to our defense or rode to war with us? If so we just made the mistake of a lifetime. :blink:

  3. I don't understand how all of a sudden we are rep mongers. We have never been big for demanding reps, but you have to look at the two alliances we received reps from. TOOL attacked us, which wouldn't have been that big of a deal. Ya they were just following their treaties, as we all are. On the other hand this is the second time they have offensively attacked us in a relatively short amount of CN time. Fool me once, ok fine. Fool me twice? Ya won't happen.

    Legion also attacked us. No also wouldn't be such a big deal if that's all it was. We don't have any past with them, but there were a lot of people in Sparta that weren't happy with the way Legion acted during this conflict. I guess I can personally say that they people I fought were are cordial, but others have had some experiences that weren't so pleasant. Then pair that with the run around we received from them about surrendering. It left a very sour taste for many of us. How would you feel if somebody attacked you, gave you the finger, and then continued to give you the finger even after they gave up?

    I don't have any authority on the matter, but that's my take on it.

  4. I'm going to go ahead and say it. After this post only Ephors/Regent/Kings of Sparta are the only Spartans allowed to post in this topic. Any Spartan failing to agree will face internal consequences. (sounds like ODN of old for those old enough to remember)

    Edit-Missed portion of order.

  5. Spartan aggression knows no bounds. It seems to go far beyond the realm of rational thought and I am afraid that this war may unfortunately have to continue until Sparta is crushed completely. I hope Sparta can prove me wrong, even if I don't expect it.

    Now I can't tell if you are still playing around with RV's joke or are serious. I would assume that you have diverted from the joke, but the tone still sounds like that of the original joke. I'd just like a quick clarification.

  6. Scrap the reparations then. I don't need your money. I'm content making the world see you for who you truly are.

    End this? You want this to end. I'm open for discussions if you'd like. However, this was not predestined as being bad PR for Sparta. It turned out this way because you handled the situation incompetently. You didn't think of how others would react to your ways of responding to me. Don't try a sob story on me. I know that you weren't 'doomed to bad PR' from the beginning. I am not fool, Sparta.

    Maybe I read it wrong, but didn't you state that you were going to mock our military anyways? Sounds like you already had made a decision to try and make us look bad using your serious lulz tactics. I am no official gov in Sparta, but it sounds like this thing is over now.

    Haha, ya maybe it'd be kinda fun to have a viceroy. Do people ever take those willingly? Seriously for those who hate us, all you have to do is get to know us. We are harmless and easy going guys who just want to play the game.

  7. I'm making jokes about principles am I? I hold my freedom dear, and I intend to fight for it. Regardless of what you think of them, my principles are as strong as yours, scooter. And your points, I address them when you have them.

    As for the PZI, I never said I was looking for one. I just want you to correct your wrong against me.

    It was already stated that we will hook up any temp trades for your trade guild if they are in dire need of a trade in the next few days. You on the other hand are only 1 day inactive and will do just fine if you wait until sanctions will be removed to rejoin your guild, which was already stated would happen (lifting sanction that is). I highly doubt Sparta will comply with your obvious joke reps. I also highly doubt that Sparta would want to continue with any beef/wars with you. So can this be done?

    This has all gotten out of hands on both sides. You got what you wanted (Sparta looks bad), and Sparta made a quick decision and protected it's member (sanction). I would like to echo what Doitzel said...can we please just end this? This thread had predestined bad PR for Sparta no matter what we did. So we did something and now it's pretty much over. Can we now go back to our lives or does Planet Bob really need to view us as the bad guys?

    Edit-grammar fix

  8. I for one take offense to the recent actions of GRL. I speak officially for Sparta in saying that we will not stand idly by while GRL acts in such a manner towards Sparta. There are many in Sparta who wouldn't mind giving GRL a good curb stomp. Watch your back GRL...

  9. I think Sparta losing 600 members at least deserves a mention in the commentary, even if they did miraculously keep their score so high.


    It's called ghosts. For every one we kick off, another 2 pop up. Also, we lost 600 members? I guess I didn't know that Sparta was at one point over 1200 members.

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