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Smelly the great

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Posts posted by Smelly the great

  1. Congratulations to the newly elected commissariat! I whish you the best uf luck! A shame that you've choosen to distance yourself from us SE though, just as we started to get to know eachother. It's quite understandable though and I hope that we'll soon become friends again.

  2. I am very happy to see that this situation is about to get cleared up. Well done Silent! However sad it would be to loose our protectorate due to this I hope we can return to close relations in time. If you look at it from our point of view we were so eager to uphold our promise of protection that we regrettably didn't bother to gather all the facts first.

    Let's now move on and whish eachother luck, afterall we share the same vision of a strong leftist movement in CN.

  3. I believe that loosing the LSF would be devistating, not only for the CN left but for the entire game. Having a few leftist alliances allows leftist players to make a choice whom to join. The LSF with their democratic structure or the SE with our efficient leadership.

    It is offcourse easy to point out faults with other leftist alliances, one disturbing thing is obviously the hordes of trolls that they tend to gather. Evidently the Socialistic Empire has avoided this by revoking free speach and require our members to be polite and friendly in public. This combined with our close knit community and aggressive defence policy is hopefully something that will make us last for a long time.

    However with the LSF weakening by the minute this choice of leftist alliance is smaller. The idea of completing eachother and agreeing to disagree is the closest to a united left we can come... and want to come for that matter. Now the future leftist alliances could still agree to help eachother in war but flying under one flag is not going to happen.

    Edit: I can't start a post with "I personally believe" (... Miss teen South Carolina you know!)

  4. What we've done in the Socialistic Empire is to introduce a code of dicipline where the members of our alliances will be kicked out of the alliance and properly bashed if they're being asshats.

    Some of the code of dicipline on how to act in the public forum is:

    Don't engage into any provocations such as insults, flame baiting, trolling, accusations and etc. These are either to be ignored at all times, regardless of what alliances members these come from and despite your attitude to them.

    Do not attempt to provoke anyone, therefor don't insult, flame bait, troll or accuse any alliances and their members, regardless of your attitude to them.

    Try to be as civil as possible. Show International Community that the Socialistic Empire has the best membership.

    This obviously includes acts OOC. I highly suggest more alliances follow this example

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