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Darth Sexy

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Posts posted by Darth Sexy

  1. [quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1300633953' post='2671088']
    You mean you didn't thoroughly enjoy GWII and the cluster-you-know-what of ODS? :P
    Well, it taught me that I am brilliant at getting the !@#$ kicked out of me.

    [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1300634074' post='2671089']
    GOD fought on the winning side in noCB/WoTC/GW V(or whatever people call it these days)? Or are you speaking for yourself indivisually? Either way, Karma was an awesome war. :awesome:
    I was in GOD at the time, so I'll call it a victory for myself. My memory is somewhat hazy.

  2. All the mindless conjecture about how SF is 'done' is most amusing. The SuperFriends have seen many blocs rise and fall, yet they remain. I feel SF knows a thing or two about bloc 'success'.

    Fashionably late to this party, but I would like to wish Ragnarok the best. Although our paths appear to differ, I recall many good times. These should not be ignored.

  3. This would mean that everything I have done in this game up until now has been a complete waste of my life.

    I don't think I'm stable enough to face that harsh reality.

    This, and it's been so long since I built my nation that I no longer remember how to do it properly (this is implying I did it properly the first time, which I didn't) and I don't wish to relearn.

  4. Whoops. I meant ICON. ICON was Duncan King's first allianec attempt. I got my first ZI-for-OWF comments threats from IRON for saying that ICON fought better than IRON it was fun times as I developed my early posting attitude :D Some months later DK told me he felt really cool bc ICON was being trolled on the OWF (so they "must have hit the big time"). UjW and the few months after were a lot of fun for a troll. All that you can take my infra but not my keyboard taunting.

    Yeah, it was a golden age of trolling for many people. I must admit I had fun trolling various alliances.

  5. Interesting. Well that could be a way out for UjP for a stalemate, still, dont know about the domino effect though.

    One big player would have to leave the side of the coalition set against UjP for such a scenario to happen.

    From what I can remember (someone may need to correct me, it's been a while) we had a few alliances on the ~ side who were interested in discussing a way out of the war. By no means would this have won the war for us, but we hoped for a chain reaction with enough alliances dropping out to balance the field a bit. When TPF and the others surrendered after the incident, we pretty much lost this bargaining chip and accepted that a stalemate was no longer an option.

    UJH/UJH Victory.

    I like to think we would've handled the post-war in a most excellent fashion.

    I shudder to think what GOD would look like today if I hadn't gotten fed up with politics and quit government. So there we go, the UjW loss saved you from having to put up with my erratic behaviour.

    For some reason I doubt a lightening of terms would've somehow swayed the remnants of the UJP over to Polaris side in time for the Second Patriotic War.

    I'm unsure if they'd have been swayed into action. I do know from my own experience that it affected how I viewed the War of the Coalition. I knew the CB was !@#$%^&*, but I also held a massive grudge against Polar and was happy to see them stomped. My opinion of Polar has since changed, though.

    #unjustmassacre was incredible fun when it wasn't in shambles. I haven't seen/spoken to many people from there since not long after the war.

  6. Not surprising. What will be interesting to see is, after the reps have been paid off, if the Pacific banking system is as good as they've always claimed it to be. If it is, I'd assume they'll get a sanction back eventually. All they need to do is stay out of the next global war and a few will likely be bumped out.

  7. It was a stupid thing for Big-Z to do. Why did he do it? Because GOD as a whole is pissed off about the terms but realized in the end just how many of the coalition wanted this war to end.

    As a long standing member of GOD I would like to request that you don't speak for our alliance as a whole again. Our members are a quirky bunch, and cannot be replicated. As a whole we're pleased with the terms, and with the cessation of open hostilities. Obviously a few members will have a differing opinion, but in time, they'll learn to toe our party line.

  8. But isn't it your part of Karma that everybody else is disavowing? The part that isn't moving away from draconian terms? Isn't it GOD and MA who are propagating the cycle? I don't understand how you can say it failed because nobody could come to a common ground when your side was the odd man out from the rest of Karma, causing said lack of common ground.

    Karma is a loose affiliation of alliances with very different foreign policy goals, who united almost by accident to fight a common enemy. Some have preached of a new world where lenient terms are given, and everyone hugs each other before bed, and most have delivered on that promise. We however never made such a promise, and have never given the illusion that we subscribe to this belief. The other alliances fighting on our side know our stance, and we know theirs. Our stance won't be swayed by their beliefs, as I'm sure they won't be swayed by ours.

    Also, with people crying that Caffine1 will quit the game because of us, I swear I saw him post somewhere recently, but I can't for the life of me remember where.

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