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Posts posted by Introvert

  1. Hm, looks like the seller deleted his nation.

    Thanks for the heads-up, agent... but you're the fourth buyer to sign up, so yeah :(


    Edit: For some reason, it won't let me post nation links, so I had to take them out. That doesn't really matter, though.

  2. Requirements:

    3 open aid slots

    Active (to receive and send aid quickly)


    We're going to do this continuously for five rounds, then we can do more if wanted.

    This means that after 10 days when the aid expires, the large nations send cash again, and the small nations send tech again. Simple enough.

    Large nation 1: Island Unfound [introvert]

    Large nation 2: Royal Bengal [dieselshak] Wahoolia [agent00x]

    Large nation 3: Outer Tomorrow [shingo]

    Small nation 1: Uustonia [Hob Dobson]

    Small nation 2: halodragon [halodragon]

    Small nation 3: Krugaria [krugar]

    Sign up posting your nation name, nation link, and ruler name.


  3. argheaderb1.png

    Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Argent/index/

    IRC: #argent on irc.coldfront.net

    No doubt you have read multiple topics by multiple alliances asking you to join - some offering cash; others with nation building advice; others with no reason at all.

    Argent is different. As an alliance, we are here for the community. We're here for the fun.

    Money, power, presteige in CyberNations - all of those are cool, but pale in comparison to what you can REALLY get in CN - friends.

    We're a community of friends.

    So step in. The community of Argent... welcomes you.

  4. September 18, 2008

    1 New Pacific Order: 68.68 --> 68.87 (+0.19)

    2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 60.19 --> 60.17 (-0.02)

    3 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 45.59 --> 45.65 (+0.06)

    4 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 38.42 --> 37.76 (-0.66)

    5 Sparta: 35.42 --> 35.50 (+0.08)

    6 Ragnarok: 33.67 --> 33.34 (-0.33)

    7 Fark: 29.29 --> 29.69 (+0.40)

    8 Orange Defense Network: 28.50 --> 28.65 (+0.15)

    The Order of the Paradox: 28.38 --> 28.25 (-0.07)

    9 The Phoenix Federation: 25.85 --> 25.80 (-0.05)

    10 Viridian Entente: 25.21 --> 25.12 (-0.09)

    11 FOK: 24.66 --> 24.66 (+0.00)

    12 Grand Global Alliance: 23.43 --> 23.48 (+0.05)


    The Grämlins: 21.15 --> 21.21 (+0.06)

    Echelon: 20.04 --> 19.75 (-0.29)

    13 Green Protection Agency: 18.64 --> 18.65 (+0.01)

    14 The Order of Light: 18.38 --> 18.47 (+0.09)

    United Purple Nations: 16.27 --> 16.43 (+0.16)

    The Democratic Order: 16.40 --> 16.42 (+0.02)

    New Polar Order: 15.88 --> 15.88 (+0.00)

    Valhalla: 15.12 --> 15.14 (+0.02)

    Global Democratic Alliance: 14.47 --> 14.50 (+0.03)

    Monos Archein: 13.83 --> 13.86 (+0.03)

    The Dark Evolution: 13.53 --> 13.59 (+0.06)

    LoSS: 12.66 --> 12.67 (+0.01)

    NATO: 12.56 --> 12.59 (+0.03)

    Mushroom Kingdom: 12.04 --> 12.13 (+0.09)

    Invicta: 12.04 --> 12.03 (-0.01)

    ---------- Add Line: 11.72 --> 11.74 (+0.02)

    Random Insanity Alliance: 11.67 --> 11.69 (+0.02)

    ---------- Drop Line: 11.42 --> 11.44 (+0.02)

    :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 11.69 --> 10.80 (-0.89)

    Biggest Gainer

    Fark: 29.29 --> 29.69 (+0.40)

    Biggest Loser

    Mostly Harmless Alliance: 38.42 --> 37.76 (-0.66)

    :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 11.69 --> 10.80 (-0.89)

    Passes of the Day

    United Purple Nations passes The Democratic Order

    :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: falls below the Drop Line


    Pretty uneventful day today, with only one pass by the United Purple Nations. The Mostly Harmless Alliance takes a big hit from the drain of members to the newly formed alliance Argent. Mushroom Kingdom continues its climb back up, even while under the weight of the massive reparations they need to pay. Go them. And the :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: continues its plummet into obscurity.

    Today's special shoutout goes to the Mushroom Kingdom for still gaining score after a nuclear war, and the undergoing of reparation payments.

    /obligatory 'this is my first update, go easy on me, blah blah blah' statement.


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