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Septimus Aurelius Antonius

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Posts posted by Septimus Aurelius Antonius

  1. "Ephie" claims that because jerdge said he could probably fake logs if he wanted to that it is proof that he must have done so. So using "Ephie's" logic because the NPO's leaders demonstrated that they could alter logs it must be proof that they did. However, a bit of a conundrum occurred when "Ephie" stated that he did not believe that the NPO's leaders altered logs, despite their proven ability to do so. So, one might ask himself, why this double standard? Why does "Ephie" believe that merely having the ability to alter a log prove that you did only when that argument benefits his circumstance? What do you think "Ephie" is trying to accomplish here?

    Well, the entirety of it comes down to whose word one is willing to take, now doesn't it? Reputable parties will generally have the upper hand in that situation, hence why the NPO, who we all know quite well, and Ephriam tend to take the upper hand in their respective situations.

    As far as Ephriam's motivation, well, that would be refuting a smear campaign, as is stated in his original post.

  2. They failed to state they could alter logs? They demonstrated that they could. They explained how to edit logs. They even posted edited logs and screenshots in the thread to show that they knew how. If that doesn't say that they can alter logs then I don't know what does.

    So, you're arguing that as the NPO leadership demonstrated that they can alter logs, they've done so? I'm presuming that relates to this situation in that Jerdge presented his ability, verbally, to do so as well, and has thus done it?

  3. Not too long ago several NPO leaders demonstrated their ability to forge believable logs. Are you telling me that just because they are capable of faking logs that they actually did?
    However, they failed to publicly come forward and state their magnificent log-altering abilities, now didn't they? The act of coming forward and saying one is capable of it in the context Jerdge did makes the act suspicious at a minimum.

    Again, one simply must choose a side here, as nothing more substantial is likely to arrive.

  4. I think it may still be prudent to not blindly believe his words as many of you seem to be suggesting I should.
    Is it not one thing to physically be capable of editing logs, as we all are, and entirely another to state to someone that you are capable of it? I would lean towards saying the latter insinuates one may be taking part in the action at hand.

    Nonetheless, I'm simply telling you that knowing Ephriam to be an upstanding member of the community, and someone with whom I've dealt and come to trust, I'm going to take his word. Whether you choose to do so or not, well, that's not entirely my issue, and it really isn't going to affect the overall situation, now is it?

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