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Posts posted by freedomfight3r

  1. [quote name='Farore' timestamp='1297199821' post='2626030']
    Mind explaining to me what you mean by that last comment?
    [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64473&hl=Shiny+Ducky+Pact"]Just a little MDoAP from back in the day.[/url]

    [quote name='janax' timestamp='1297200653' post='2626039']
    We like Duckies.

    I love Duckies. :wub:

  2. [quote name='zoskia' timestamp='1295874743' post='2596469']
    You are defending the current Status Quo.
    I like the LSF... if Polaris didn't exist, I would only join the LSF and I've been cheerleading for you since I knew you existed.

    Behave like REAL anarchists and ATTACK the Status Quo, the current Status Quo. Think global.

    This is a BIG mistake by the LSF.

    I kow the LSF can't change the course of this global war, but it's still sad to find the anarchists fighting for the current right-wingers. It's sad

    An Anarchist who doesn't defend their own comrade is nothing but a coward.

    No pasarĂ¡n, brothers. <3

  3. PC Gamer, woot woot.
    Online Name :Hermes, usually. Theunkn0wnrebel on Steam.
    Favorite Game Genre(s):FPS, RTS
    Games you play: COD4, MW2, Halo, Dawn of War, Age of Empires 2, Red Alert 2/3, Bad Company 2 (Just got it, haven't played it yet. <_< )
    Are you interested in single (1v1) double(2v2) or team type play(4v4 or more): All works fine for me
    Timezone: GMT
    Best Way to contact you:(IRC In-Game etc.) Skype or IRC
    Would you be willing to compete in a tournament? Hell yeah
    Questions Comments or Suggestions: Can I have Denis from MK on my Dawn of War team? :3

  4. [quote name='RustyNail' timestamp='1281496637' post='2410622']
    There are no 'sides' ZZZ, merely the stage and it's players, for...

    All of BOB's a stage,
    And all the nation rulers merely players:
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one ruler in their time hops many alliances,
    Their acts being seven ages. At first the noob,
    Sitting on NONE and crying when the wolf shows up at the door.
    And then the alliance member, with their aidfalls
    And 'we're the best' attitude, discovering forums
    Beginning to learn. And then the active,
    Plowing ahead firmly, with a joyeus cry on IRC
    Made to his leaders delight. Then a soldier,
    Experiencing late nights and updates of tension
    Quick to attack, screwing up staggers and target lists
    Seeking the almighty nuke and casualty count
    Casus Belli be damned. And then the veteran,
    constant growth, tech and trades flowing,
    Taking n00bs under his wing, even as he was before,
    Full of advice and lamenting about trade circles;
    And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
    Into the inactive Stat Whore,
    With bloated infra and outrageous tech,
    His jaded prose littering the OWF with it's bawwing,
    For his growth slows; and his efficiency wavers,
    Turning again toward noobish updates, looking
    And wandering away from the fold. Last scene of all,
    That ends this strange eventful history,
    Is second childishness of indifference and "RL" obligations,
    Sans infra, sans tech, sans land, sans AA.

    THIS is why I love you.

  5. Hai

    (Where is your god now?)[/size][/b][/center]


    [b]Article I: Non-Aggression[/b]
    Both signatories recognize and respect the sovereignty of each other and neither shall not take part in military, espionage, or diplomatic agression against each other. Should any issue arise it shall be handled diplomatically and in private.

    [b]Article Two: Cooperation[/b]
    Both signatories will work together including but not limited to helping with technical information, mutually beneficial trading, organizational assistance and diplomatic support. Either signatory may request financial aid at any time which must be made to the head of the alliance. Aid is not obligated but friends help friends when needed.

    [b]Article III. Information [/b]
    Should either signatory possess any information regarding pertinant information to the other signatory they are required to pass the information to the government of said signatory immediately.

    [b]Article IV - Defense[/b]
    Should one signatory alliance come under attack, it is the obligation of the other alliance to come to their aid as needed whether military, monetary or diplomatic. Should the signatory engaged in military operations choose, they, may release the other alliance from any obligations carried by this article. Should either signatory engage in aggressive attacks that lead to a declaration of war against them, or honor a third party treaty that leads to a declaration of war upon them, then the other signatory's olbigation in this article will be considered void. However the decision to enter may still be chosen at the other alliance's discretion.

    [b]Article V - Optional Aggression[/b]
    Should either signatory alliance decide to take aggressive action against a third party alliance, the other signatory alliance is strongly encouraged but not required to assist them militarily.

    [b]Article VII - Termination[/b]
    Should the two sides be unable to resolve their differences diplomatically, this pact may be terminated by either party after giving 47 hours notice to the other, followed by a 7 day period of non-aggression between the two signatories.

    [b]Signed by Argent, [/b]
    Janax - Emperor
    RustyNail - Regent
    Freedomfight3r - Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Otter - Minister of War
    Computra - Minister of Finance
    Poobah - Minister of Internal Affairs
    Railic - Minister of Communications
    Diomede - Minister At Large

    [b]Signed for Ordinary Men Fighting Giants,[/b]
    Kill Joy - Chieftain
    Jedaye DaGeordie - Tribal Elder
    Kamadeyaha - Pochtecatl Tribune
    Calderone - Pathfinder Tribune
    KingWilliamIV - Pathfinder Tribune


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