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Scipio Africanus

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Posts posted by Scipio Africanus

  1. [center][IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m261/snowdemon713/NPObannerflagnew.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i433/ScipioA/TIO.png[/IMG]
    NPO and TIO upgraded our ODP to an MDoAP. You may now commence trolling, hailing, or whatever you want to do.


    The New Pacific Order and The Imperial Order do hereby come together in the spirit of common friendship and common prosperity to create the following treaty in order that both alliances enjoy a long, fruitful, and peaceful relationship.

    Article I: Non-aggression
    Both signatories will hereafter refrain from any form of hostile activity, hereafter defined as military force, internal subversion or espionage of any kind, against the other.

    Article II: Conduct
    Signatories of this pact pledge to show only respect and good will towards each other. While this will prohibit outright verbal hostility in all its forms, it will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

    Article III: Mutual Defense

    Any declaration of war upon a member of either signatory is considered an act of aggression to both signatories. Both signatories agree that should the other come under attack, it is mandatory that all available aid, be it military, financial or diplomatic, will be made available should it be requested. In the event either party declares war, either aggressively or via activation of a clause from another treaty, and therefore requests the other signatory's assistance after coming under attack, the mandatory defense is then considered optional defense. This treaty is exclusively between the New Pacific Order and The Imperial Order and as such will not automatically activate or be activated by any other treaties either signatory may have.

    Article IV: Aggression

    A. In the event of one Order declaring an offensive war or entering a war to honor other treaty obligations, that Order may petition the other for aid in the form of military, economic, intelligence, or diplomatic assistance. The other Order may choose to provide such assistance but is not obligated to do so.

    B. Notice of offensive military action by one must be given to the other no less than 24 hours prior to commencement of hostilities.

    Article V: Intelligence
    Should vital knowledge of a political or military nature come to the attention of one signatory, they are required to share it with the other.

    Article VI: Exchange
    Such is the relationship between the signatories that both agree to allow the free exchange of economic resources between their respective memberships in either an organized, or unorganized, manner.
    Article VII: Cancellation

    The terms of this treaty may be amended by future written agreement. In the event that either Order wishes to nullify this treaty, notice must be given at least 72 hours in advance.[/quote]
    Signatures for the treaty

  2. [quote name='Facade' timestamp='1295930823' post='2598378']
    Alas, the age of honor and politics are gone. This world has descended into the likes of a few alliances whose ego's are so large that they may collapse under their own weight, while in the dark recesses of their minds, they know that they will never attain the greatness or superiority of their most hated arch-rivals.

    It must be hard to realize that while your enemy was and will be seen with the greatness of political maneuvering and will be remembered as the greatest alliance of the game, you will fall into obscurity and will not be remembered for anything you do. Your own inferiority complex has led you to do whatever necessary to cleanse the game of that which overshadows your petty and insignificant accomplishments. Congratulations Doomhouse, for accomplishing that everyone will remember that at the end of the world, the famous alliance that won the game kept fighting with their dignity and honor, against an opponent whose name will fade from the annals of history.
    Well said Stagger.

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