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Posts posted by Nadreck

  1. I'm really sorry to hear about the hack, and thank you for letting us know. I know most folks in UC tend to lay off the forums, but I've passed the message along just in case.

    Regarding doing something about the hacker: since it sounds like he's already aware of how to use proxies, passing his IP around for other forums to ban him might not be worthwhile, BUT, contacting his ISP, even if he is in another country, seems like a worthwhile action to take (even if hacking isn't technically illegal in his country, it often IS still illegal within ISPs' TOU).

    Best of luck, and I'll look forward to seeing the new digs. :)

  2. Some really great advice coming out of this thread, and I think it's fantastic that some sort of forum-helpers group is getting formed.

    Just wanted to chime in on the good idea, and also: for the folks who find PHPBB, SMF, IPB and similar to complex, there ARE alternative forum options out there. I'm fond of Vanilla, myself (found it because Warren Ellis's forum uses it). There ARE secure, robust options that aren't quite the pain in the neck some of the big forums are (that said, the various forum packages have come a LONG way since the early days).

  3. Echoing the NUMEROUS comments already made: this is a very weak CB. The in game reasons are weak to start, and the offense at the bad joke on an IRC channel that has "OOC CHANNEL" in bright red letters in their title... well, it makes it seem like you're reaching. That is, ultimately, the reason I think that part in particular keeps getting brought up, as much as others have tried to downplay it.

    Anyone who thinks off-color jokes are a rarity on IRC needs to spend some time on bash.org.

    Best of luck to both sides, hope this gets settled amicably quickly.

  4. Where is my thank you?!?! :D

    Seriously. Few alliances know UberCon since they like flying under the radar, but they are a quality alliance. Congrats guys!

    You know we love you guys. But yes: while we may have first found each other through unfortunate circumstances, we are all glad to know the folks at the RoK, and are indebted to them for their help and advice getting set up when our alliance suddenly rocketed from around 20 nations to nearly 100.

  5. ucflag.jpg


    As the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the UberCon Alliance, it is my honor to announce that we have just reached and surpassed the 1 Million Nation Strength milestone! We'd like to thank our friends and allies, both past and present, for their support and encouragement as we've grown both in strength and in numbers. We look forward to our continued friendship going forward into the future, with peace and prosperity for all!

  6. I laughed. I laughed hard.

    You know what really gets me? It's these kinda people who appeal for calm on both sides. Go and join the GPA, or go and get nuked yourself. The rogue's now at ZI and getting a nuke every day from me until I slip into bill lock. And you're willing to dismiss the sacrifice that I've made? That Dawny's made? That Moo and Harvey have made by all taking time out to wipe the floor with him?

    No. Just, no.

    Actually, not even close. By continuing to post, you're just feeding the desire for attention, and wasting the effort you and the others have made ZIing him. We already know ya'll are going to ZI him, so stop feeding the attention-whore! If you actually gave a hoot about making sure he faded into obscurity, you'd ZI him and ignore the thread.

  7. It's nice to show initiative and creativity by putting together videos -- kudos to you! Keep working at it.

    Some friendly advice:

    1) Check the spelling and grammar of your script before you add it to the video! There were several spelling errors that were pretty glaring, and detracted from your message ("Suposed" should be "Supposed", for instance). If you really want to get serious, story-board it: take some note cards, and write out/illustrate each "cut" you intend to make, then step through them at the pacing you're planning. This will give you a good sense of what parts should be altered or could be improved.

    2) When using text cuts, try not to break up a sentence too much -- some cutting is necessary for aesthetic or structural reasons, but in general, a sentence is the basic pattern our minds look for. Adult Swim is a good place to look for ideas on how much content you can comfortably expect your viewers to absorb without missing anything OR boring them.

    3) Consider your content. While there is a wealth of historical evidence to support propagandist media in wars in real life (radio broadcasts, television, even dropping several tons of propagandist flyers on cities), on CN it's generally considered poor form to do so when your side is already winning the war. Perhaps for the future, it would be better to experiment with recruitment (both for the alliance and for the game itself), in-game historical reference, or promotional material on a respected leader. (Because OOC attacks and insults are taken so seriously here, I'd strongly urge NOT doing those promotional pieces in a "lulz"-y style.)

    Best of luck with your future videos!

  8. I'm really glad to know that so many \m/embers have survived and kept in touch despite scattering to various alliances. I wasn't part of \m/ myself, but I've come to know several former \m/embers since then, and they've invariably seemed like genuinely good people who don't forget that community and friendship is just as (or more) important as the game itself.

    Also, happy birthday J8!

  9. Eh, maybe it's just me, but is the posturing really necessary? On both sides: KoS complaining about how folks are "ruining the game"; everyone talking about how they're going to beat him up (in a thread specifically about him leaving and not caring anymore. Uh, what?).

    So someone wanted to nuke some folks he wouldn't have dared attack when he still cared -- essentially, for giggles. So what? Threats don't mean anything, he's leaving anyway. Raid his tech and infra if you can, and forget about it. Aid the folks who were attacked, ignore him, ignore the thread, and move on. Every post in this thread (and I know I'm a hypocrite by posting this) is just that much longer before it drops off Page 1 and is forgotten about.

    Please, pretty please, let this be the last post?

  10. This is a mess, where all parties clearly share the blame, and further arguments about it are pointless (might I suggest one of the involved parties request a lock?).

    Things to be gleaned from all this: The Loyal and MUD would benefit from taking some time to explore the wealth of information found on the forums and the wiki in regards to protocol and general diplomatic behavior with other alliances. As much as it may not seem it sometimes, the treaty and war declarations made on these forums aren't simply a PR stunt or place to strut -- they serve as a tool to help inform others, new and old, in how one is expected to behave. Read the treaties. Read the declarations. Read the guides! Every treaty you sign has lasting ramifications, and should not be entered lightly, or without examining how it affects other relations you may have. If in doubt, wait. An offer made in good faith is never so pressing that it cannot be delayed while you determine its worth and effect.

    Also, OFS would probably do well to examine what sort of programs they have set up for their protectorates. Is the purpose of your protection purely martial and/or financial, or does it include stewardship and education, and how well is that being communicated and made use of? What can be done to improve it? While another of your protectorates chimed in during this thread and appear to by quite happy with your role, it does not appear to always be quite so succesful, as is evidenced by MUD's role in this debacle. While the student is ultimately responsible for what goes on their report card, a good teacher examines how they themselves could have improved.

    Best of luck to all involved.

  11. Honestly, "Neutral" gets bandied about a fair bit, and it seems like there's room for a third designation. Right now we have Neutral/Dove -- strictly adheres to a policy of non-interference and peace; and Warlike/warmonger/aggressive/hawk -- those that like the challenge of battle, whether it's raids, or global war.

    How about "Defensive", for those that don't go looking for fights and could generally be considered peaceful, but do engage in defensive activities (aid and troops for allied alliances, etc)? Maybe I'm making an unnecessary distinction, but from looking at comments on the forums, there really is a fairly large demographic that would fit this middle ground.

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