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Posts posted by magoo

  1. I believe the issue has now been corrected. Can someone confirm?

    Confirmed. I was able to send 2 Tech payments out without deleting my expired aid like I used to have to do.

  2. There is nothing funny about disease, death, or bodily injury.

    I disagree with the last part.Bodily Injury can sometimes be quite the Lulz, depending on the circumstances behind the injury.

    Honestly, the Lulz died out in this game a long time ago, mores the pity.

    There's still the fun of coming to the forum occasionally and watching the drama.And every once in awhile Walford will post and add some Lulz.That's quite entertaining for a few minutes.

    Oh, and not to forget the "RolePlayers".Epic Lulz. That's not meant as a flame, I just find them funny.I guess that's just me.Sorry if that offends anyone.Lulz.

  3. Right on!

    It's a game.I would have done the same thing.Perma ZI? So what.Games are a dime a dozen.

    Some people have way too much of an emotional tie to their pixels : "I'ma attack you with help from 2 friends and beat you into dust! Defending yourself the only way possible is not allowed!!"

    Declare war, expect ALL enemy forces/instruments of war to be used in retaliation.

    Or cry about it and perma ZI someone not as dumb as you.

  4. How many drops were "because we hate valid?" 0.

    In fact only one drop occured during my stint as president.

    As I remember, I dropped during your stint.In fact just a day or so after you became President.Maybe I am the one you refer to, maybe not.In any case, many others dropped after the problems you caused both before and during your Presidency brought the integrity of the GPA to an all time low with the rest of PB.Most of them dropped due to the thin ice the GPA was walking on, which was getting thinner (hourly it seemed) the longer you were in office.The reason I dropped so soon was that I could see where your actions would lead (I had 0 confidence in you, as I stated in my resignation), and my disbelief that anyone in GPA actually voted for you.That was my eye-opener.(Granted you won by default, but you did have quite a few votes.)

    I have however been the favorite scapegoat for real problems the GPA has.

    I am not saying i didn't compound the issues at times. But if I was really the "big" problem why is there not an inlux of re-signings?

    True,the problems in GPA go/went much deeper than just you.The e-lawyers and other assorted asshats are a bigger problem now.Some of the biggest are gone now, such as Kuru , Durim and a few others*.But many remain still.Until they are fleshed out, the GPA will never regain its status as there will be more 'incidents' coming.

    However, you were the biggest threat to the safety of GPA. Your very presence, because of your past deeds**, was enough to put GPA at odds with alliances no one in their right mind wants to be at odds with.Your failure to recognize that is your biggest fault.

    Antonio Salovega VI has made some excellent points, as always.

    Off Valid/CK topic on to general GPA topic:

    GPA has been too large for quite some time for Democracy to work as it should.The quantity has overtaken the quality.Drastic change is needed.Culling the herd, so to speak.And revamping the DoN and Constitution.Scrapping them both and starting over maybe, keeping the e-lawyers the hell out.In order to do all of that,someone with ultimate authority is needed on a temporary basis (until things are running as they should and GPA is back in the good graces of PB).I'm not saying they need a Viceroy from elsewhere, just someone trusted (not by just GPA members either) in GPA to step up and do it.

    That's my 2 cents.Keep the change.

    * Yes I said that.

    **The "I'm roleplaying someone totally different" crap won't fly.You are who you are( and who you were), no matter your "character" name.

    Edit: OOC tags not necessary.

    Edit again : meant constitution, not charter.The charter is fine.

  5. Members who attempt to invade conflict during war shall be punished

    Might want to change 'invade' to 'evade'. Wouldn't want someone to evade that punishment due to a loophole. ;)

    Oh , wait.You aren't GPA.

    Heh. :ph34r:

  6. hi Magoo

    also, it must be rick73 :ph34r:


    Hello Joe. :) I had to think of who that was for a second.That was a long time ago.

    Seeing as I don't frequent gay bars, or airport restrooms for that matter, I surmise i will never meet Sir Oz.How he knows me (or thinks he does) is a mystery.

  7. To: Magoo From: Sir Oz 1/17/2008 6:24:29 PM Subject: Mr. Magoo

    You're the gayest guy alive you queer.

    Was it the dress, or the shoes that gave it away? :awesome:

    Too bad he deleted his nation.I would have loved to finance his destruction.

    Funny thing is, I have no clue who the hell he is/was. Anyone know who this eloquent speaker is/was?

  8. You have just over 34,000 citizens and 34 improvements.Everything is as it should be.

    If you lost population for some reason (lost/sold infra, lost trade etc.), you do not get another improvement for regaining the population.Thus you had -3 available, meaning you had lost 3,000 citizens.Now that you have regained those citizens, you will get another improvement at 35,000 citizens.

  9. Go for the 3 Bonuses.Construction,Fast Food and Beer. Your Wine and Oil will replace the Fish and Gems.

    If you don't have a Harbor yet, you won't be able to get all 3 bonuses until you get it.

    Trust me, that will get you to 1,000 infra fastest.You definitely want all the Construction resources right away.And as many population boosters as possible (Food resources).

  10. Go for the 3 Bonuses.Construction,Fast Food and Beer. Your Wine and Oil will replace the Fish and Gems.

    If you don't have a Harbor yet, you won't be able to get all 3 bonuses until you get it.

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