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Posts posted by teamcoltra

  1. This is in no way a statement directly to anyone who commented above but something I left out:

    We are encourage all nations who are already Pirates (OOC: You are a supporter of Pirate Party International) to join our alliance. We have sent out messages to all of our supporters in mailing lists, on IRC, and word-of-mouth but for our party to really succeed we need some legacy players too. So if you are interested in joining the party, and interested in helping us grow, please join up, its insanely easy!

  2. Have you ever felt that you were ready for a leadership position, but no one would give you the time of day to try?

    Do you want to be part of an Alliance in which the rules are set by the membership and carried out by the leader, instead of set by a few people and then imposed on the rest?

    Feel like your current alliance is leaving you out of the loop on important information that you want access to?

    Do you like beautiful wo/men tending to your every need?

    If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you belong in the Pirate Party! The Pirate Party is a new alliance set on Freedom of Speech, Nation Privacy, Government Transparency, and Direct Democracy.

    Democracy adds the most happiness levels to your nation, because its truly the best government type. Now is your chance to get involved. No waiting to be approved to be a recruiter, or to be a Financial Officer... just hop into the roll and start helping people. Its an alliance thats built on the desire of our membership... The members will decide if we want to be small, or large, or medium sized. Everything down to how much we give new recruits is changeable by the members of the alliance.

    You can be active or inactive, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow whatever colour, we wont invade your privacy and ask for you to give damning information about your nation, we will support your right to free speech! Get involved today.


  3. Its hard to coup an alliance that is controlled by the people... considering they can turn the alliance into what they want. Max... Green really is the best sphere, I have been wanting to be on it for ages (the only reason I am personally not on it, is that my trade circle has been together for around 2 years--- you don't just leave something like that)

  4. [center][img]http://pirates.cnsource.info/images/thumb/3/38/Ppcnflag.png/400px-Ppcnflag.png[/img] [img]http://pirates.cnsource.info/images/thumb/e/e5/Ppcnwarflag.png/400px-Ppcnwarflag.png[/img][/center]
    Hello Cyber Nations, I am representing the Pirate Party, a new alliance on the block who is, dedicated to National Privacy, Alliance Transparency and Openness, Direct Democracy, and right to Free Speech.
    Let us further explain:

    National Privacy means that a nation is free to keep the stats of the nation to themselves. Its not our right to tell a nation that they must tell us how much money they have, or what colour they must be on. Those rights are reserved by the nation themselves and we will uphold those right, and no nation will be required to provide more information about their nation than their Nation Link, Ruler Name, and Nation Name.

    Our Alliance is dedicated to being Open and Transparent, by allowing all of our members (and other alliances) to see what is going on, we protect ourselves from false claims by other alliances, and also allow the membership to know that their democracy is being protected.

    Direct Democracy is an important part of the foundation of the alliance, which encourages each member to use their talents to better the party. Instead of the bureaucracy of members having to go through approval processes to do what they feel most passionate about doing. If the members want to be a big alliance, they will take the initiative to recruit... if we want to stay small, they wont. We will have a central leader who will be in charge of making quick decisions, and final calls for the path of the party, however, s/he will be required to act within the limits of the constitution of the party. This will allow us to have a direct democracy, but still keep up with the pace of the world, and not be slowed down too much.

    Free Speech is a right that all nations should be afforded, and our alliance will always protect the free speech of our members. The answer to speech you disagree with shouldn't be war, it should simply be more counter-speech. This right is not only the right of our members but all nations within the game. While we are against military action, and being involved in other alliances affairs, we will speak out against any action to limit the speech of nations.

    We are here as an alternative to the common alliance, and hopefully we will provide a new dynamic. Luckily we are being supported by good friends and good people from all over the place, most importantly we would like to thank The Gou'ald Empire for giving us a protectorate (*note: Protectorate Announcement from the empire will be coming tonight with additional surprises!), which is loose enough for us to expand ourselves, and do what we want to do, while still affording our membership the protection it needs to get off the ground. We are a multi-coloured alliance, but we are encouraging new members to join Green, as its a sphere of stability and peace. We do not know if we will be neutral, or part of the largest bloc in the game, thats for our members to decide, but the Green Sphere provides us the flexibility we need to go in whatever direction we feel is right.

    Please visit our website http://pirates.cnsource.info or on IRC in #PirateParty (coldfront), your input is always welcome, we know that it has proven to be a very tough task to get a direct democracy to work within the world, but we are giving it another shot because its important.

    TeamColtra of Geeks Paradox
    Pirate Party of Cyber Nations

    Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

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  5. Again... if we are going to talk about honor:
    How about this alliance take care of its own rouge threat? Instead of crying and begging of help from the CN community.

    Darwinism: Man up, grow a pair, and defend yourself... or give in and die.

    My old alliance was "Cor Aut Mors" it meant "heart or death" which was the old roman saying, because they would go to battle to defend themselves, and they would either come back victorious, or dead. *THATS* honor.

    An alliance that has a history of acting like weasels, and now in a time of need cannot even defend themselves is pathetic.

  6. [quote name='Nathan Grant' date='25 March 2010 - 10:13 PM' timestamp='1269580367' post='2237077']
    No one in the Cyberverse with any honor would condone nuke roguery, even if it was against an enemy.
    :) Well luckily for me I was born without honor... but I don't think that is the point here:
    There is lulz in the crybaby attitude about this, instead of just doing something about it.

  7. [quote name='John Warbuck' date='25 March 2010 - 09:50 PM' timestamp='1269578991' post='2237052']
    Aside from the spy who came ahead of time, these guys ghosted us right before the attacks. We know who is in our alliance and who isn't.
    LOL apparently you do not... way to fail at alliance running, need tips?

    Maybe update your security?

  8. lol I am laughing at the posts of "I remember when it was 3M for 100 tech" because back in the beginning it was 3M per 50tech... and we used middle men... remember that?

    I also remember when donations were $20:9M and when it went to 15, and then back down again.

    Our economy is like every other economy, it goes up with demand, down with supply.

  9. Okay but can someone explain to me how that equation works? I saw the math problem but don't understand what variables are what... and how do you solve for the other 2

    Also I am putting in the coords to the above and it keeps saying invalid map position

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