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The Onslaught of War and the Plethora of Hope



The Onslaught of War and the Plethora of Hope

[AP #1]

In the course of Pacifican history (and Cyber Nations as a whole), tyrants have arisen from time to time who have oppressed their own people and threatened the balance of truth, prosperity, peace, and justice. Such is adjudged to be the case presently, and consequently great and terrifying forces with sophisticated and fearsome armaments have been engaged in battle against Pacifica and her allies (if any to be had).

Pacificans are face to face with the problem of human nature and the evil correlation with it. The evil seems to wear two distinct masks: it has appeared in the external form of terrorism, and secondly in the internal form of intolerance and repression.

Now is the time to take instruction from past wars, it is time to confront the question of human evil on a scale we can only now begin even to imagine. These are the days that are the engulfing ‘evil of fascism’.

The lines have been drawn and the world falls suddenly into two camps: the civilized Allies, and the fascist conglomeration of powers (which seem capable of every sort of inhumanity).

We are at a turning point in this war - a critical moment of decision. It is not easy. Will we persevere or run? Do we really think we will have lasting peace if we sideline the true content of this war? How authentic will we be if we fail to persevere at this critical time?

If there is to be a time of true peace, then now must be a time for war - a war that is a last resort for a time of lasting peace, prosperity, and unity.

Catastrophic Wars and other violence, injustices, deceptions, and corruptions will continue, until the full throngs of true diplomatic resolve are set into motion and are played out. Dark forces (the vast forces of all that is negative and contrary to human resolve) are making last ditch efforts to control the most vulnerable people, as well as attacking those with the true plethora of righteousness. Further, the darkly-inclined are showing intensification through increasing hostility, greed, and violence toward those who are reaching for a supreme and united bond.

From the fires of evil, however, I see the light of hope, and it is showing the way to peace.

In calling attention to genuine dangers today, we run the danger of inspiring fear and not hope. But, that would be a mistake. Realistic alarm of consuming warfare is no cause for despair. My fellow Pacificans, there is a call for ‘unity and strength’; furthermore, we also need high hope and constant confidence in the future. The greatest leaders and members in Pacifican Tradition have never ceased to inspire hope and optimism, even in the face of formidable existential threats. All have their human flaws; but every time when the time has come for war and resolve, these great individuals have faced the challenges by appealing to hope and optimism.

So as I must say thus far, in the long term there are plenty of grounds for hope. Life for most of Pacifican history has been consumed by the onslaught of tyrannical evil. It is time my fellow Comrades, to break the onslaught once again. The evil has arrived full force and we must stand without wavering. We have a duty to uphold the Emperor, defend the sacred grounds of Red and Pacifica, and we are to advance without fault the Doctrines of ‘Truth, Prosperity, Peace, and Justice’. May we never forget the blood that was shed in past wars, and may we press forward in the haemorrhage of war, and climb the mountain of tyranny to an overflowing and lasting peace!

* * *

Injustice can be eliminated, but human conflicts and natural limitations cannot be removed. The conflicts of social life and the limitations of nature cannot be controlled or transcended. They can, however, be endured and survived. It is possible for there to be a dance with life, a creative response to its intrinsic limits and challenges. ~ Sharon Welsh


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