Just some preliminary stuff
I've been toying around with an idea of writing my memoirs for quite awhile. Not that anyone would be interested in such a thing, but I thought it would be a fun closure to my time in government. I'll admit that at least IC, I've been a controversial character so perhaps someone would get a kick out of them or at least give them more anti-TPF/anti-Slayer flamebait. Of course, I'm sure some of you will regard someone's memoirs as self-indulgent pap and I couldn't begrudge you that sentiment...but there are other reasons I'm starting this project
I thought that writing my memoirs would get me back to doing something I enjoyed prior to CN...writing. I haven't been in the right frame of mind to write something more than a few paragraphs since my nation was created. I used to write fairly prolifically. Political blogs, stories (fiction), etc. I've gotten totally away from that since my nation was created. By my 5th week in CN, I was running an alliance and save for 2 months this past summer, I've always been in government. The time constraints really limited me there...then again, I had fun running an alliance so I really have only myself to blame.
The real question for me is where do I post such a thing? On the blogs here (which would need to be edited for language) or off of the TPF domain? How much do I redact while honestly conveying what I know or my role in historical events? I certainly wouldn't want to throw TPF or our allies under any buses. I certainly don't want to throw my friends IC/OOC under the bus either. It really is a tough question to answer.
The other question I have about such a project is how do I present things in an unbiased format? I believe that if I state things as unbiased as possible and then finish with my opinion in each chapter. I feel that I can maintain an unbiased opinion in stating events so long as I can state my opinion of events at the end of a chapter or have the end chapters be opinion (not that my opinion matters to anyone else but myself, but they are my memoirs ).
Finally, I'll likely interject some OOC events in my life that affected my tenure. Anything OOC will be prefaced as OOC. Of course, I won't be dishing any details about Vegas...as everyone knows, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (including a ton of money for our bar tab!)
I hope to have this finished up by mid-January....I should have some time over December break since I'll be working (or not working since there will be little to do) since I'm a lowly contractor (which means no time off). Of course, they're going to hire me after the first of the year...but until then, no vacation time.
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