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We are only days into the second year of our reign. The bunting has been removed, the streets cleaned until they sparkle. A happy sigh has been collectively felt by a grateful nation. All the while, our advances in technology have brought tentacles of darkness into our homes, places of work, and yes, even our government offices.

Over the past 48 hours, and especially over the past 24 hours, rumblings of discontent have found their genesis again on digiterra. We have not been remiss in our duties to our subjects, nor have we ignorantly refused to hear the beginning drumbeats--of war. What began as what has been reported as "an innocent joke" between two rulers now has thousands of nations preparing for, and actually engaging in combat. It is not merely the fact of aggression which brings us to the realization that our nation, our lives, and our world are at risk yet again, but rather the speed and intensity of that aggression. Merlinus is, for no reason other than our location on Planet Bob, at risk for the second time in a mere 12 months.

We have learned many harsh and unforgiving lessons in this past year, however. We know that we are a part, an important part of an alliance who seeks first peace, then neutrality, then unyielding faith and loyalty to her allies. Merlinus is proud and quite honored to have remained as a member, no matter how insignificant, of The Order of Light during the recent past days of sadness and turmoil. To her credit, TOOL has recovered quite nicely. We rule our nation; we do not speak for our alliance. It must be said, however that the two are inexorably linked with, and as it should be, fortune and famine. The people of Merlinus will never forget those valiant heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice in our first conflict. Every citizen will answer the call of their Sovereign should it be again required of them.

We are distressed that such a sophomoric and juvenile act, with every possibility of collusion between two now-warring factions, could bring terror and another "long night of the soul" to a planet already in such deplorable decline. If it needs be so, our streets will run with blood yet again; this time, however, the blood of our martyrs will be much more strongly mixed with the crimson life energy of our adversaries. Yes, Merlinus has learned much. We have learned the hard lessons of war that have not lost their bitterness through this time of peace, a time we only wish to continue. We do not seek war, nor seek out opportunities to prosecute war. However, if it becomes necessary, we will not be the adversary some might well remember from our first experience. We respected the lessons we were forced to learn, and have learned them well. We will do all our alliance asks of us, and remain completely willing to defend ourselves maniacally--to the very last pixel. Our aggression against our adversaries will be ruthless, relentless, and without mercy. Not a dare, but a word of advice and caution is hereby given to anyone believing otherwise. Your aggression against this realm will cost you. Dearly. We have experienced the "long night of the soul" before. We learned, at a very high cost, many lessons from that experience.

The most important lesson learned during that time was that it was survivable. We survived that one. That doubt has been forever removed from our conscience. There is no longer a question as to if we will survive; we will. But, we will also do our very best to insure that you will not. Let there be Peace!

In Peace, we reign. In War, we RULE! As this is most likely the last Peacetime correspondence to our people for some time to come, we hereby initiate the pre-determined war preparation strategy, and call upon every citizen to prepare now, while time is given to us to do so.

This is NOT a drill. Shutter your doors and windows. Collect your crops, your weapons, your ammunition. Collect now your children, and remove yourselves to your safety environments. Check in with your Civil Wardens. Soldiers, prepare. May none of these things be necessary, but may they all be done immediately, with calm hearts and determined spirit. Wives, darn the socks of your family. Kiss your loved ones deeply, for they may have to linger for a long time.

Prepare! Prepare to be called. Prepare to fight! Prepare to Win! Merlinus will not live on in defeat, but in Victory! Admin speed, our children. Fare Well!

Best Regards, etc.,


HRH Merlinus


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