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False Fallacies Fuel Fiery Fights

Gony Rony


Today, riots armed with flaming flags stormed the House Of Law, Cordinia's newly founded legislature.

The cause?

Word leaked out from an unsavoury character that the government would raise taxes to 25%.

This, however, was a hoax. A statement released by the Finance Minister proclaimed that no plans existed

to raise the tax rate from 15%.

In related news:

The Treasury Board releases the new 3 step Economic Development Plan. It calls to:

  • Reduce spending by freezing all Land and Tech spending
  • Selling land and 'luxury' items on craigslist, including the gold-plated presidential limousine.
  • From now on, Members of the Government will no longer have the ability to spent civic money, such as for:

- Buying new 60" plasma tvs

- Buying pools or hot tubs

- No more throwing money from airplanes


New Era of Prosperity and Diplomacy coming, says President Gony

" This will be a start of a new age," our leader said.

"Bringing in trade and riches will kick-start Cordinia," he says.

Hope is lifting up spirits around the country. " It's remarkable!" said a political analyst.

We can only hope it's true.


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