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Back collects



Welcome to already the third article in the series of blog postings to help you increase your economic strength of your nation. This particular article will deal with so called Back collects.

Back collects

To understand what a back collect is, it is important to know how things work within Cyber Nations.

You need to understand that when you pay bills you're paying bills over the current situation of your nation, this includes the current amount of infrastructure, improvements, wonders, soldiers, tanks, etc. The same thing is true for when you're collecting taxes. You're collecting taxes over the current situation in your nation, this includes the current amount of citizens, happiness, taxable income, etc.

Now that we understand this it makes it easier to explain what a back collect exactly is. A back collect works as follows:

  1. You only pay your bills for an x number of days, you do not invest in infrastructure during this time.
  2. After x days of only paying your bills you invest money in infrastructure to increase your amount of citizens, income, etc.
  3. You then collect taxes based on the new situation of your nation.

From the above you can see that you will be paying bills over a lower amount of infrastructure for a period of time, but then you will collect taxes for that same period of time over a higher amount of infrastructure (and with it a higher # of citizens, income, etc). This will greatly increase your profits as you can see from the following example:

All numbers in this example are for demonstration purposes only, they do not match exact in-game numbers, but should be fairly close. Your bills also consist of more then just infrastructure, but since infrastructure is the only thing that is changing I left the other components out of the calculations to simplify things.

Starting situation:

  • Infrastructure: 999
  • Number of working citizens: 7600
  • Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $97.54
  • Upkeep cost / infra level: $70.30
  • Current available $: $9,000,000.00

Taking a time span of 10 days you can do 3 things:

  1. Invest the $9M in infrastructure today, then pay bills/collect taxes for 10 days.
  2. Pay bills and collect taxes for 9 days, pay your bills on day 10 then invest the profit you made from these 10 days + the $9,000,000 in infrastructure before you collect taxes on day 10, then collect taxes.
  3. Do a back collect for 10 days (ie, pay bills for 10 days, on day 10 invest the remaining amount of $$ you have in infrastructure and then collect taxes)

Since each situation will allow for different maximum levels of infrastructure to be purchased, in this example an amount of 500 infrastructure will be bought for all 3 situations to make the calculations a little easier.

Ending situation

(The ending situation assumes 5 more improvements have been bought as well, 3 banks, 2 stadiums and assumes you do not swap your 5 factories for other improvements, doing the latter will greatly increase your profits, but improvement swapping will be discussed in a future article):

  • Infrastructure: 1499
  • Number of working citizens: 12500
  • Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $132.95
  • Upkeep cost / infra level: $170.30

Now we will calculate what happened for all 3 situations:

  1. Situation 1: Invest immediately, then pay bills/collect taxes for 10 days
    In this situation the situation after 10 days will be:
    • You paid a total of $2,552,797.00 in bills (10 * 1499 * $170.30)
    • You will have received $4,653,250.00 in taxes (10 * 12500 * 132.95 *0.28)
    • Your total profit is : $2,100,453.00

[*]Situation 2 : Pay bills/collect taxes for 10 days, then invest on the last day and collect taxes after investing.

  • You paid a total of $702.297.00 in bills (10 * 999 * $70.30)
  • You will have received $2,333,411.08 in taxes ((9 * 7600 * 97.54 * 0.28) + (1 * 12500 * 132.95 * 0.28))
  • Your total profit is : $1,631,114.08

[*]Do a back collect, pay bills for 10 days, invest, then collect taxes.

  • You paid a total of $702,297.00 in bills (10 * 999 * $70.30)
  • You will have received $4,653,250.00 in taxes (10 * 12500 * 132.95 *0.28)
  • Your total profit is : $3,950,953.00

As you can see, doing a back collect is by far the most profitable way. You earned 88% more money by doing this. The longer the back collect, the more extra profit you will make. Calculate it yourself for 19 days for example.

WARNING: If you do not collect taxes for more then 19 days, your nation will be deleted, so always collect taxes before a maximum of 19 days.

I hope you have enjoyed the article again. If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, please post them as a comment and I will answer them a.s.a.p. as always.

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