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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300656080' post='2671395']
The counter offer of "We're not paying anyone anything" stands, because you and your allies simply deserve nothing.

We will not reward you for committing a crime. It's as simple as that.

We are trying to psychologically condition the primitive minds in DH so that they won't do this again. You see, if we reward them for this unprovoked and unwarranted war of aggression, then they'll know where they can always come for free money down the line. From a simple security standpoint, it is illogical to reward these dogs with a treat for their poor behavior.

We are doing everything we can to make them pay in blood for their actions, and we'll be damned if we then help repair the damage we cause. No matter how much crying they do on the forums about how it isn't fair, that we refuse to hand them everything they want on a silver platter.
Maybe if you were the head of the coalition, you could make claims like this. However, you're not. The fact that alliances on [i][b]your side[/b][/i] have acquiesced and agreed to pay reparations says a lot about the resolve of your side.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300655547' post='2671377']
No, not butt hurt, I should add blind as well as illiterate to your accolades. Your very first response to me, even when I'm not chatting with you was an insult. Nice try though.[/quote]

My very first response to you was here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2671243

[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300648638' post='2671243']
You need [b]more[/b] help in the future, you heard it here first!

You was the first to insult me by calling out a grammar error and then nit-picked at a couple of spelling errors. But continue lying when its on this topic in black and white.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300656274' post='2671402']
My very first response to you was here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2671243

You was the first to insult me by calling out a grammar error and then nit-picked at a couple of spelling errors. But continue lying when its on this topic in black and white.

OHHH no you don't, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2671248"]My link[/url]What is in this response that is insulting to you? This is my response. Then you flail on the insulting.

Edit wrong link :P

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300654909' post='2671361']
Really, it is though. You calling others out on being retarded and you can't spell simple words, that is by definition being retarded, why can't you grasp such things? If you put your argument across without the insults of retards and such, then I would take you more seriously and I would not have responded in such a manner, you lack that ability and enjoy throwing pot shots at others every opportunity you can.

Try to slow down, be coherent, try less insults and then maybe, just maybe, people wont take your posts on subjects for the joke they are.

Again to reiterate my opinion was given to the TFP guy and you somehow felt the need to intervene with insults and a poor posting habit. Why can't you grasp that?

You think NPO is going to win, I think there is a possibility of both people winning if things change one way or another. No need to band insults around. [OOC]Especially with a non native English speaker who has dismantled your posting style/Spelling. [OOC]

I fear using logic is wasted though, so continue to insult more. It's befitting your persona.
TOP joining MK's side in this was the dip !@#$ move to end all dip !@#$ moves.
You guys didn't even question, you didn't ask for proof, you didn't ask for verification
of those logs from STA you just blindly stampeded off to war.
If you guys would've let IRON enter and followed them in you'd be on the right side of this war. I personally would love to see MK get singled out and forcibly disbanded, no alliance before them or since has been as aweful as them. them being disbanded would be a blessing to Planet Bob. We wouldn't have to put up with their crap anymore and my posting habits on these forums would be wayyy different.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1300656081' post='2671396']
Says the man in peace mode. If you're going to make threats, at least be in a position where you can possibly make good of them.

Edit: Considering the fact that you're trying to call out MK for being half in peace mode, make sure your own alliance is order before trying to boast about how great your alliance is. Half of [b]your[/b] alliance is in peace mode.
I can see my point went clear over your head. See, MK (and the rest of Doomhouse) kept mocking the vaunted hippy shield, and calling us out, and laughing at us for hiding (of which we really don't have a choice at the upper levels, which is where most of our hippies are -- I'll come back to that). As the weeks, and months dragged on, MK began to realize that things weren't going as planned for them, so they started slipping members into peace mode. Then more members. Then more members. And more members. So now, the fact that they have [i]that many members[/i] in peace mode (the same peace mode they mocked such a short time ago), is quite funny to the people on our side. As to the rest of our people in peace mode (myself included), check the war screens before jumping to conclusions. And no, I'm not boasting about how great my alliance is. It, like many other alliances, do have flaws and the such. But the point of this post, and my original post in this thread, was just pointing out the hypocrisy of various people. But hey, it's CN. What should I have expected? :P

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300643650' post='2671168']
He never said "The end of reparations", none of our reps are particularly crippling either.

Hah, you know time is not on your side, pretty soon your rotten hegemony will fall. In time others will realise that your cancerous incursion into this realm is entirely based on your desire for 'pubbie tears' your fallacies of justice over the supposed ebil of the basically quiet and going-about-their business NPO is bollocks... Only this week you have the statistical upper hand so you reckon you can go an make stupid demands.

I hope NPO tell you to go-to-hell. I hope that we tell you same, you pick out COJ for 'special treatment' despite being a very small alliance that entered only in defence of an ally. Hah. Go-to-hell.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300656352' post='2671404']
OHHH no you don't, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100114"]What is in this response that is insulting to you? [/url] This is my response. Then you flail on the insulting.

Well done in that very link you quoted me replying to you attacking my spelling/grammar, shot yourself in the foot mate.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300656554' post='2671408']
I can see my point went clear over your head. See, MK (and the rest of Doomhouse) kept mocking the vaunted hippy shield, and calling us out, and laughing at us for hiding (of which we really don't have a choice at the upper levels, which is where most of our hippies are -- I'll come back to that). As the weeks, and months dragged on, MK began to realize that things weren't going as planned for them, so they started slipping members into peace mode. Then more members. Then more members. And more members. So now, the fact that they have [i]that many members[/i] in peace mode (the same peace mode they mocked such a short time ago), is quite funny to the people on our side. As to the rest of our people in peace mode (myself included), check the war screens before jumping to conclusions. And no, I'm not boasting about how great my alliance is. It, like many other alliances, do have flaws and the such. But the point of this post, and my original post in this thread, was just pointing out the hypocrisy of various people. But hey, it's CN. What should I have expected? :P
And I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of your own posts.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300655019' post='2671364']
If you had a MDP with NPO then you had ever right to hit us, as per treaty you hold. Just like anyone hitting us then better expect PB and any MDP partners we have to knock on their doors.

As it has already been explained by better people than myself on the subject. If you hit us on an oA or dodge war while hiding from it. They alliances will most likely be charged reps. (If I'm wrong it will be corrected I'm sure)

Haven't seen where anyone is escaping the attempted rep charge from GOONs except NPO. The excuse being that EVERYONE had a choice of attacking, whether obligated or not.

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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300657156' post='2671422']
Haven't seen where anyone is escaping the attempted rep charge from GOONs except NPO. The excuse being that EVERYONE had a choice of attacking, whether obligated or not.

I agree, if you want to attack you can, with oA with a MDP or with no treaty, I have no complaints on using that method of attack. But using a oA or no treaty and being on the losing side will incur penalties, like it or not the loser does not dictate the outcome. They may have bartering or negotiating power, but ultimately if the winner dislikes the end outcome they will continue on until they have had there share.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1300655351' post='2671371']
This is the part that bothers me the most, its like people forgot about the negotiation part of surrender negotiations. Nobody counter offers. Or even worse, would make completely ludicrous counter offers and then act surprised when they were turned down.

The winners make an offer, the other side goes "NO ONLY WHITE PEACE WE WILL NOT PAY YOU EVIL PEOPLE!" and [b]runs the to the OWF with a drama fest[/b]. I'd just once love to see somebody go "That's too high, how about we pay less, but do it in proportionally less time?". Or anything at all, its like people forgot the existence of the almighty counter offer.

Funnily enough that was DoomedHouse....they made an offer, an offer that I understand was different than the one in the OP, then run to the OWF to trumpet how nice and benevolent they are for making that offer, all without hearing back from NPO from what I gathered.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300655019' post='2671364']
If you had a MDP with NPO then you had ever right to hit us, as per treaty you hold. Just like anyone hitting us then better expect PB and any MDP partners we have to knock on their doors.

As it has already been explained by better people than myself on the subject. If you hit us on an oA or dodge war while hiding from it. They alliances will most likely be charged reps. (If I'm wrong it will be corrected I'm sure)

They are using treaties, which is way cooler than hitting people with no CB, even with out a bad CB. This only leaves me to wonder how much reps we should charge from GOONS. <_< Lets be honest, DH just failed to forsee such a coalition forming, you expected alot less alliances to join in on our side and now you are just crying because of that

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[quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1300656557' post='2671409']
Hah, you know time is not on your side, pretty soon your rotten hegemony will fall. In time others will realise that your cancerous incursion into this realm is entirely based on your desire for 'pubbie tears' your fallacies of justice over the supposed ebil of the basically quiet and going-about-their business NPO is bollocks... Only this week you have the statistical upper hand so you reckon you can go an make stupid demands.

I hope NPO tell you to go-to-hell. I hope that we tell you same, you pick out COJ for 'special treatment' despite being a very small alliance that entered only in defence of an ally. Hah. Go-to-hell.
Being a small alliance is no excuse for the crime of attacking GOONS. I already outlined my reasons CoJ is being treated specially earlier in this very thread, go read them.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='alyster' timestamp='1300657556' post='2671434']
They are using treaties, which is way cooler than hitting people with no CB, even with out a bad CB. This only leaves me to wonder how much reps we should charge from GOONS. <_<

That is your given right to draw up our sides surrender terms, I'd be surprised if you haven't already. I'm pretty sure our side knew the (likely) lads that would most likely join you.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300655480' post='2671375']
Let's say your warmaking capabilities have been severely reduced

As have those of everyone at war at the moment (even if to differing degrees). We're far, far from a defeated alliance though, as was originally implied.

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300655480' post='2671375']
as you are almost entirely relying on external aid to wage war at the lowest NS levels possible.

Should we not be using any resources at our disposal to attain and maintain an advantage?

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300655480' post='2671375']
Based on conversations from the few contacts I have left over from my older days, I'd say you have more to worry about than us in that regard ;)

Weren't you saying something similar a couple weeks ago? That there was an unforeseen situation - other than by some on your side - that was about to change the war?

I'm thinking this one will be as credible as the last one (which never did materialize). Especially since the idea that our side will suddenly begin crumbling and that yours will not continue to is a ridiculous one.

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[quote name='alyster' timestamp='1300645499' post='2671198']
I believe Doomhouse should be notified of response. Or shortly will be.
From the look of things, Legion seems to be taking us up on it.

[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300647710' post='2671226']
Who the $%&@ are you that NPO, TPF, or 64digits have to admit !@#$ to you? The only alliance that matters in that little scenario is GPA. The only people that matter are members of GPA, particularly those members who were around for the war. You on the other hand don't matter in the least. And given MK's hate on for NPO, even if NPO had admitted it, you would most likely say it was a lie, much like the NPO apology to FAN. So, yeah, again you don't matter at all.
Maybe you missed the part where I said I fought for GPA. I was a member of GPA for nearly two years time, including 6-8 months of time in Gov.

[quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1300656557' post='2671409']
you pick out COJ for 'special treatment' despite being a very small alliance that entered only in defence of an ally.
No, you didn't. You invoked an oA portion of your treaty with 64Digits.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300657622' post='2671435']
Being a small alliance is no excuse for the crime of attacking GOONS. I already outlined my reasons CoJ is being treated specially earlier in this very thread, go read them.

Crime of attacking GOONS? Is your alliance the only whom it is a crime to attack, or are you calling yourselves criminals?

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1300659084' post='2671454']From the look of things, Legion seems to be taking us up on it.[/quote]

Or maybe your people sent these messages to Legion as well claiming that the war is over like they send to us and maybe few fell for it?
On a second thought, Legions too good of an alliance to fall for such tricks.

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Guest avenger218

Look at [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31076"]This thread. [/url] or any thread from that war, now look at this one. See the difference?
the same people that blindly o/'d NPO in that war are attacking her in this one.
now morally you guys should all be ZI'ing MK for attacking NPO.
when is the wishy washy BS going to stop?
That's how it should be, the world should be allied to NPO while MK is cold and alone. I like it better in the past, that world was wayyy better than before MK screwed it all up.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300657622' post='2671435']
Being a small alliance is no excuse for the crime of attacking GOONS. I already outlined my reasons CoJ is being treated specially earlier in this very thread, go read them.

So its a crime for someone to attack GOONS, but not a crime for GOONS to attack someone else?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300657622' post='2671435']
Being a small alliance is no excuse for the crime of attacking GOONS. I already outlined my reasons CoJ is being treated specially earlier in this very thread, go read them.

I'm sorry, I snorted my drink at this. How incredibly, mind-blowingly arrogant of you.

The [i]crime[/i] of defending our friends against your unprovoked and unwarranted war of aggression.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1300659899' post='2671468']
So its a crime for someone to attack GOONS, but not a crime for GOONS to attack someone else?
That's how hegemonies work man.

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