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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Lord of the Dance' timestamp='1300652051' post='2671308']
You are my favourite poster yet (I have previously stated how awesome this thread is). NPO [i]has had[/i] the decency to lie there whilst they are beaten up. As have most of the 'friends'.

Greatest thread ever guys. I feel like I am part of something special.
Your response confused me until I looked up your nation info. That being said, it would seem that we're not all just "laying" there, as GOONS has been thoroughly crushed and MK now has almost half their members hiding in peace mode. (Not restart this discussion for the umpteenth time, as our side has taken damage as well and has our own members in hippy). But the point of my post was to just point out the hypocrisy of the quoted poster.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300651114' post='2671288']
Don't call others retards and idiots if you lack the [b]basic ability to spell words correctly.[/b]

Havent called anyone an idiot, you're putting words into my mouth.

Not being able to spell a selection of words isnt retarded, but please continue with the personal attacks and see what happens.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300651793' post='2671301']
You should take your own advice. I was responding to a post by [i][b]you[/b][/i] literally whining about this [i][b]exact same thing[/b][/i].

Crying/whining/etc... Its all the same thing and can be applied to nearly everyone who has ever posted on any topic, the oldest "NO U" reply. I mentioned my opinion on the matter, you on have on several topics mentioned the same thing over and over about the amount of alliances hitting GOONS, which is crying.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300652101' post='2671311']
You outnumber them to a terrifying degree in the higher tiers and have much higher technology tallies, they would certainly not inflict damage on par with what they receive.
I think with only being able to take one nuke it would even out. If one nation is launching three nukes and only taking one per day, even with the tech advantage I'd be willing to bet the numbers would be fairly close. I haven't really ran the numbers though so I could be wrong.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300653164' post='2671324']
GOONS has been thoroughly crushed[/quote]
This is news to us. Keep trying though.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300653164' post='2671324']
Your response confused me until I looked up your nation info. That being said, it would seem that we're not all just "laying" there, as GOONS has been thoroughly crushed and MK now has almost half their members hiding in peace mode. (Not restart this discussion for the umpteenth time, as our side has taken damage as well and has our own members in hippy). But the point of my post was to just point out the hypocrisy of the quoted poster.

Have a flick through the wars against GOONS. Is it a recognised NPO tactic to go limp and just take it? Because that is what all of my recent NPO experiences have been. Check out the guy I am fighting now.... He is not the first just to calmly submit to the ZI and it is a point we hear on our forums all the time. Its like they just go down in the first punch.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300653381' post='2671328']
Havent called anyone an idiot, you're putting words into my mouth.

Not being able to spell a selection of words isnt retarded, but please continue with the personal attacks and see what happens.

Crying/whining/etc... Its all the same thing and can be applied to nearly everyone who has ever posted on any topic, the oldest "NO U" reply. I mentioned my opinion on the matter, you on have on several topics mentioned the same thing over and over about the amount of alliances hitting GOONS, which is crying.

I apologise you in fact only called us retards.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1300653472' post='2671331']
This is news to us. Keep trying though.
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Goon%20Order%20of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20and%20Sadism"]One[/url], [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?View=Charts&Alliance=Goon%20Order%20Of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20And%20Sadism"]two[/url], [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Goon%20Order%20Of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20And%20Sadism&anyallexact=exact"]three[/url]. GOONS is running on fumes and everyone knows it. There's no point in pretending otherwise. The question is how long your friends will forgo aid slots to let you keep sucking on their teat. Hehheh. I said teat. BUT BACK ON TOPIC! As I've said before, we'll see where we collectively are a few months down the road. Hope you keep that optimistic attitude of yours :P

Edit for missing words <_<

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300653797' post='2671338']
So we have reached an agreement? You should not accuse others of being retarded, especially when you struggle to spell simple words.

GOONS as a whole does come across as retarded and pubescent, not having the ability to spell all 170k+ used words in the english dictionary isnt being a retard, you pick up on one or two misspellings, so if i was a retard in spelling it would be most words not a couple.

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1300651355' post='2671293']
You claim to stand for loyalty, honour and integrity, but where were you when your MDP ally was hit? Hiding so you're friends in NPO didn't have to fight. And you actually have the nerve to call anyone else a lapdog? Mind boggling.
I believe STA asked them to stay out. I mean, that's what everyone from STA has been claiming, but maybe you know more about STA than STA themselves, who am I to judge.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300654147' post='2671345']
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Goon%20Order%20of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20and%20Sadism"]One[/url], [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?View=Charts&Alliance=Goon%20Order%20Of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20And%20Sadism"]two[/url], [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Goon%20Order%20Of%20Oppression%20Negligence%20And%20Sadism&anyallexact=exact"]three[/url]. GOONS is running on fumes and everyone knows it. There's no point in pretending otherwise. The question is how long your friends will forgo aid slots to let you keep sucking on their teat. Hehheh. I said teat. BUT BACK ON TOPIC! As I've said before, we'll see where we collectively are a few months down the road. Hope you keep that optimistic attitude of yours :P

Edit for missing words <_<
You guys really aren't launching that many wars against GOONS anymore. GOONS are launching most of the wars. If we wanted we could just stop launching wars and start rebuilding, your lower tier is so low on money you really couldn't do anything to stop it. We probably won't do that cause little GOONS nations like to fight wars.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300649546' post='2671261']
Tangent? Why would I need to do that? You do a fine job of that yourself. When this help coming? is that, "when is this help coming"? or what? I'm struggling to understand your English. What part of MDP bloc do you struggle with? The Mutual? The Defence? Or the Pact? You do know they have just been in a large war? You do know that they will join this battle as they are obligated to do so under the treaty we hold with them. Again I fail to see how you struggle with this? Simple much?

Uhm, no, they don't have to help you...according to your alliance. Afterall....isn't that why you are "punishing" all those allainces who attacked you by the activating of a D??? You claim we didn't have to attack, that is why we are being charged reps.

So, they don't have to help you, by your own logic.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300654272' post='2671349']
GOONS as a whole does come across as retarded and pubescent, not having the ability to spell all 170k+ used words in the english dictionary isnt being a retard, you pick up on one or two misspellings, so if i was a retard in spelling it would be most words not a couple.

Try to slow down, be coherent, try less insults and then maybe, just maybe, people wont take your posts on subjects for the joke they are.

Again to reiterate my opinion was given to the TFP guy and you somehow felt the need to intervene with insults and a poor posting habit. Why can't you grasp that?

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300654850' post='2671360']
Uhm, no, they don't have to help you...according to your alliance. Afterall....isn't that why you are "punishing" all those allainces who attacked you by the activating of a D??? You claim we didn't have to attack, that is why we are being charged reps.

So, they don't have to help you, by your own logic.

If you had a MDP with NPO then you had ever right to hit us, as per treaty you hold. Just like anyone hitting us then better expect PB and any MDP partners we have to knock on their doors.

As it has already been explained by better people than myself on the subject. If you hit us on an oA or dodge war while hiding from it. They alliances will most likely be charged reps. (If I'm wrong it will be corrected I'm sure)

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300653164' post='2671324']
GOONS has been thoroughly crushed

Damaged? Yes, of course (the majority of a dozen or so alliances focusing their war efforts on you will do that to anyone). Crushed though? Heh, far from.

A crushed enemy rolls over and is incapable of putting up a fight. Given our large number of continuous war declarations and the fight we continue to put up, that's clearly not the case (the resources required coming internally or externally doesn't change that).

[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300654147' post='2671345']
As I've said before, we'll see where we collectively are a few months down the road. Hope you keep that optimistic attitude of yours :P

I'd be more worried about those whose allies'/coalition mates' are increasingly throwing in the towel than I would about those who have the resources and motivation to continue fighting in the lower ranks for at least a few more months. ;)

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300654909' post='2671361']
Try to slow down, be coherent, try less insults and then maybe, just maybe, people wont take your posts on subjects for the joke they are. [/quote]

Strange i talk to people how they talk to me, so if i come across as insulting, then look in the mirror as you insulted me personally first. End of subject since you are butthurt and resorting to different tactics.

Good day.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300650748' post='2671280']
Yes, because Sardonic was fully expecting you to take the first offer and not care to be bothered to negotiate.

This is the part that bothers me the most, its like people forgot about the negotiation part of surrender negotiations. Nobody counter offers. Or even worse, would make completely ludicrous counter offers and then act surprised when they were turned down.

The winners make an offer, the other side goes "NO ONLY WHITE PEACE WE WILL NOT PAY YOU EVIL PEOPLE!" and runs the to the OWF with a drama fest. I'd just once love to see somebody go "That's too high, how about we pay less, but do it in proportionally less time?". Or anything at all, its like people forgot the existence of the almighty counter offer.

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1300654726' post='2671359']
You guys really aren't launching that many wars against GOONS anymore. GOONS are launching most of the wars. If we wanted we could just stop launching wars and start rebuilding, your lower tier is so low on money you really couldn't do anything to stop it. We probably won't do that cause little GOONS nations like to fight wars.
Sorry, MK is more of a threat than you guys. But feel free to keep blowing money, once MK runs more of their people into hippy we'll come back to you for fresh targets.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1300655069' post='2671367']
Damaged? Yes, of course (the majority of a dozen or so alliances focusing their war efforts on you will do that to anyone). Crushed though? Heh, far from.

A crushed enemy rolls over and is incapable of putting up a fight. Given our large number of continuous war declarations and the fight we continue to put up, that's clearly not the case (the resources required coming internally or externally doesn't change that).
Fair enough. Let's say your warmaking capabilities have been severely reduced, as you are almost entirely relying on external aid to wage war at the lowest NS levels possible.

[quote]I'd be more worried about those whose allies'/coalition mates' are increasingly throwing in the towel than I would about those who have the resources and motivation to continue fighting in the lower ranks for at least a few more months. ;)[/quote]
Based on conversations from the few contacts I have left over from my older days, I'd say you have more to worry about than us in that regard ;)

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300654909' post='2671361']
Really, it is though. You calling others out on being retarded and you can't spell simple words, that is by definition being retarded, why can't you grasp such things? If you put your argument across without the insults of retards and such, then I would take you more seriously and I would not have responded in such a manner, you lack that ability and enjoy throwing pot shots at others every opportunity you can.

Try to slow down, be coherent, try less insults and then maybe, just maybe, people wont take your posts on subjects for the joke they are.

Again to reiterate my opinion was given to the TFP guy and you somehow felt the need to intervene with insults and a poor posting habit. Why can't you grasp that?

You think NPO is going to win, I think there is a possibility of both people winning if things change one way or another. No need to band insults around.

I fear using logic is wasted though, so continue to insult more. It's befitting your persona.
It annoys me when people who are bad at English themselves try to criticize others' use of the language.

Also an interesting redefinition of the word 'retarded,' I thought it referred to one who was mentally held back, but apparently, it is nothing more than someone who misspells a word every now and then.

Please shut up.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1300655350' post='2671370']
Strange i talk to people how they talk to me, so if i come across as insulting, then look in the mirror as you insulted me personally first. End of subject since you are butthurt and resorting to different tactics.

Good day.

Bowing out is the best post you have made yet.

Good day.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300655513' post='2671376']
It annoys me when people who are bad at English themselves try to criticize others' use of the language.

Also an interesting redefinition of the word 'retarded,' I thought it referred to one who was mentally held back, but apparently, it is nothing more than someone who misspells a word every now and then.

Please shut up.

Yea don't mind me if I disregard everything you state about others English.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1300652253' post='2671313']
REally, what are you smoking?!

TOP is a crater with no NS
TOP sucks at war, the nations I have fought at the 1k NS level were inactive!
Oh wait TOP is going to kill Umbrella with all the top tier nations cause they have high end nations and are good at war.
You are all mindless cronies!
TOP is going to kill MK some day.
TOP likes MK or they would be bombing them right now!
You are all mindless followers!
*can i have another hit*
great how you take an example and twist it.
Honestly why would TOP kill MK or Umbrella when TOP
has their lips attached to DoomHouse's ass?
you guys want to think this arrangement will last forever
while totally forgetting how many of NPO's allies backstabbed
them and violated treaties in Karma. one must never forget
the past lest ye be doomed to repeat it.
There's no middle ground, either you like MK or you don't
your actions prove that you guys would follow MK to hell and back.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300655715' post='2671382']
great how you take an example and twist it.
Honestly why would TOP kill MK or Umbrella when TOP
has their lips attached to DoomHouse's ass?
you guys want to think this arrangement will last forever
while totally forgetting how many of NPO's allies backstabbed
them and violated treaties in Karma. one must never forget
the past lest ye be doomed to repeat it.
There's no middle ground, either you like MK or you don't
your actions prove that you guys would follow MK to hell and back.

Are you trying to warn MK that TOP will betray them? But then says that TOP is a loyal MK ally.


Or is GOONS the loyal MK ally? Somebody help me out here.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1300655351' post='2671371']
This is the part that bothers me the most, its like people forgot about the negotiation part of surrender negotiations. Nobody counter offers. Or even worse, would make completely ludicrous counter offers and then act surprised when they were turned down.

What is ludicrous for an aggressor and what is ludicrous for a defender can be substantially different.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1300655351' post='2671371']
This is the part that bothers me the most, its like people forgot about the negotiation part of surrender negotiations. Nobody counter offers. Or even worse, would make completely ludicrous counter offers and then act surprised when they were turned down.

The winners make an offer, the other side goes "NO ONLY WHITE PEACE WE WILL NOT PAY YOU EVIL PEOPLE!" and runs the to the OWF with a drama fest. I'd just once love to see somebody go "That's too high, how about we pay less, but do it in proportionally less time?". Or anything at all, its like people forgot the existence of the almighty counter offer.
The counter offer of "We're not paying anyone anything" stands, because you and your allies simply deserve nothing.

We will not reward you for committing a crime. It's as simple as that.

We are trying to psychologically condition the primitive minds in DH so that they won't do this again. You see, if we reward them for this unprovoked and unwarranted war of aggression, then they'll know where they can always come for free money down the line. From a simple security standpoint, it is illogical to reward these dogs with a treat for their poor behavior.

We are doing everything we can to make them pay in blood for their actions, and we'll be damned if we then help repair the damage we cause. No matter how much crying they do on the forums about how it isn't fair that we refuse to hand them everything they want on a silver platter.

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[quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300655480' post='2671375']
Sorry, MK is more of a threat than you guys. But feel free to keep blowing money, once MK runs more of their people into hippy we'll come back to you for fresh targets.
Says the man in peace mode. If you're going to make threats, at least be in a position where you can possibly make good of them.

Edit: Considering the fact that you're trying to call out MK for being half in peace mode, make sure your own alliance is order before trying to boast about how great your alliance is. Half of [b]your[/b] alliance is in peace mode.

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