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An Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1299989133' post='2662302']
I seriously don't understand the point of apologies made under duress. It makes the one apologizing look weak and the one mandating the apology has to know it isn't genuine.
See, there's one big, big difference here. The apology wasn't made under duress. There is nobody mandating the apology. The fact that the war happened reminded us of the need for an apology. It didn't create the need.
[quote name='The Godamn Batman' timestamp='1299988212' post='2662260']
Took you long enough, but i doubt groveling will get you off the hook from them.
You're right, it won't. Luckily, that wasn't the goal.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1299989258' post='2662314']
If that's the case why make a public showing?.

Because believe it or not, the public showing actually further reinforces the sincerity of the message. They know full well that they are going to get raked across the coals by the peanut gallery for doing it, but are still willing to do so rather than offer up an apology in private where no one can see it, which is in turn the far easier road to travel here if they were trying to be disingenuous.

Again you may view this differently or attribute different meaning to the reason the post is here rather than in query. You are naturally free to do so.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1299989367' post='2662319']
The war will continue. What was done will never be undone. But, what needed to be said, what was owned in words, was said.

And so we fight on.

Then what took so long in saying it. Why in the middle of a war that you are sure to lose. Why why why?. Has the Imperial Staff lost their diplomatic touch?.

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[quote name='Qazzian' timestamp='1299989181' post='2662307']
There's something to be said for publicly stating that what you did was a terrible move.

Whether this fixes anything at all or not, I don't think it matters. This is something that needed to be said, and is very long overdue.

Sure, but because of how it's been done the credibility of this apology is being questioned. It looks amateurish because a MOFA is posting in proxy for an Imperial Regent who is acting Emperor and making excuses about it. It feels insincere because it's posted to any and all and not to the aggrieved directly. Baka says FAN is free to talk to them about the apology after the fact in a later post. This also insinuates that FAN had no reason to expect this apology in a public forum.

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1299989133' post='2662302']
I seriously don't understand the point of apologies made under duress. It makes the one apologizing look weak and the one mandating the apology has to know it isn't genuine. Perhaps embarrassing the opponent is all they're after, but if that's the case, there are tons of better ways to humiliate them.
Listen, I've clearly stated about 3 times now that FAN wants dialogue, if you don't believe me you're stupid but go ahead and hear it with your own ears: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UDG5AL3P CN Talkshow episode 6.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1299989507' post='2662324']
I'm sorry, but we have a saying where I come from, A man's word are only as good as the actions that follow, I know the rivalry between FAN and NPO, but an apology isn't where I would have started, at least not publicly.
You know, maybe just maybe, FAN wanted a public apology, maybe we should wait and see their reaction.

Edited by The Pansy
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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1299989133' post='2662302']
So FAN wants a fake and transparent apology?

I seriously don't understand the point of apologies made under duress. It makes the one apologizing look weak and the one mandating the apology has to know it isn't genuine. Perhaps embarrassing the opponent is all they're after, but if that's the case, there are tons of better ways to humiliate them.

How about make the leader post a youtube video of themselves doing something ridiculous like this?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnhRogJ7TgU

That'd be at least ten times more entertaining and embarrassing than a half-hearted block of text.
To say that this was made "under duress" would be incorrect to a large degree.

It's more the case that NPO needed to be slapped around a little before they could wake up and realize that this apology was necessary.

But of course, people with an agenda will dress it up any way they like, that's what makes an announcement like this so difficult to make.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299988905' post='2662288']
Oh look, it's people who can't read the OP. And they're all uneducated swill from Doomhut. Truly, shocking.

"Simple words of "We're sorry" do not begin to make up for our actions. However, words are all we have."

It's a public apology. It's also far too little far too late.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1299987982' post='2662254']
Is Cortath alright?

Also, this is about 2 years too late. Better than never I suppose.
[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1299988692' post='2662275']
I really don't think FAN would accept this after years of !@#$ you gave them. Hopefully I am proven wrong and your relation can start out fresh.

OOC: Wherever Cortath is, I am sure we all hope he is alright
Our great Emperor is doing just fine. Other worldly matters that need his attention. He will return soon.

Everyone will recall that in the Planet Bob talk show with Airme, mpol mentioned that he/FAN wanted some sort of recognition about the past. This is only a start. I am quite sure our leaders have had and are ready to continue to have a productive dialogue with FAN to move both alliances forward.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1299989588' post='2662330']
You know, maybe just maybe, FAN wanted a public apology, maybe we should wait and see their reaction.

Mr. Pansy, you may be right, but if you are that means the apology wasn't the first thing they tried and it didn't start out publicly.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1299989717' post='2662336']
Our great Emperor is doing just fine. Other worldly matters that need his attention. He will return soon.

Everyone will recall that in the Planet Bob talk show with Airme, mpol mentioned that he/FAN wanted some sort of [u][b]recognition about the past.[/b][/u] This is only a start. I am quite sure our leaders have had and are ready to continue to have a productive dialogue with FAN to move both alliances forward.

I think they got it when they declared war on you. Full circles and all.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1299989736' post='2662337']
Mr. Pansy, you may be right, but if you are that means the apology wasn't the first thing they tried and it didn't start out publicly.
It takes a special kind of dense to believe that this is the first FAN has heard from NPO.

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As has been stated, this is between us and FAN. Yes, we have had numerous conversations with FAN (specifically Jack_Tarr). Yes, the timing on this is extremely late, but it's what we have right now. This is not a term to get us out of this war, but to start to mend our past on the right foot.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1299989736' post='2662337']
Mr. Pansy, you may be right, but if you are that means the apology wasn't the first thing they tried and it didn't start out publicly.
Mr Muddog, as has been stated in this thread, Mr Mpol said in AirMe's radio show that recognition was needed, I don't know the ins and outs personally, but we shall see, patience my friend, all will soon be revealed.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299989581' post='2662329']
Listen, I've clearly stated about 3 times now that FAN wants dialogue, if you don't believe me you're stupid but go ahead and hear it with your own ears: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UDG5AL3P CN Talkshow episode 6.

A dialogue is not the same thing as a public apology like this, but you implied in your original post that FAN wanted this statement. I expressed my confusion as to why FAN would want something like this and also why forced apologies are common practice despite being inherently pointless.

I never said you were wrong or were making !@#$ up. Chill.

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[color="#0000FF"]I must say I'm a bit surprised to see this. I had no idea that the NPO was in the business of making apologies, but better late than never I suppose is what they say. Tell me, can we expect to see apologies go out to the numerous other parties you wronged?[/color]

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299989250' post='2662312']
If you bothered to read the OP you'd see that this is only the beginning, and that Pacifica has made a promise to do everything they can to repair relations - wait for it - after the war.
"Now that you have the upper hand, we'd love to be your friends, after you stop beating us up."

What a convenient stance to take for someone in their position.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299989874' post='2662341']
It takes a special kind of dense to believe that this is the first FAN has heard from NPO.

Mr. Shadow, I would prefer to view it as a lack of interest rather than dense. If you will observe my fist post, I don't know much about the NPO, FAN rivalry.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1299989736' post='2662337']
Mr. Pansy, you may be right, but if you are that means the apology wasn't the first thing they tried and it didn't start out publicly.

Then he continues to be right.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1299989544' post='2662327']Then what took so long in saying it.[/quote]
I suppose history needed to catch up with us.

I can only say that BR in vast majority showed support for this (most of it wasnt even around back then anyway). War will go on but this needed to be said and it is now. Third party banter is really irrelevant to NPO here, you all can say what you will.

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[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1299989452' post='2662320']
This looks like a feeble attempt to get your enemies to loosen their death grip. I'm sorry but given your situation it just doesnt come off as if you truly care.

This is tantamount to being waterboarded. If you are waterboarded enough, you will apologize for anything. Does that really mean you are sorry?
Funny, how many beatdowns did Sparta take place in during their time in Q. When can we see them admit they were wrong for rolling GPA or any of those other alliances

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1299990080' post='2662350']
[color="#0000FF"]I must say I'm a bit surprised to see this. I had no idea that the NPO was in the business of making apologies, but better late than never I suppose is what they say. Tell me, can we expect to see apologies go out to the numerous other parties you wronged?[/color]

Given that they're not trying to get those other parties to leave the war, probably not.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1299989967' post='2662345']
Mr Muddog, as has been stated in this thread, Mr Mpol said in AirMe's radio show that recognition was needed, I don't know the ins and outs personally, but we shall see, patience my friend, all will soon be revealed.

Mr. Pansy, this is going to sound very off beat and "newbish", but I wasn't aware of any radio show. If you would be so kind would you direct me toward them? I look forward to the sharing of dirty laundry as I always seem to be so out of the loop.

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