Xiphosis Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 (edited) This sucks. I remember Keven from way, way back [GW2-3] and I was happy to give him a shot when he started Uni. I was happy to have an old hand around again, regardless of his naivety with regards to current FA circumstances. The idea behind Uni wasn't a cookie-cutter concept and if he put in the effort, it could've been a unique alliance and not just another democracy or dictatorship. I wanted it to work, and I did my best to encourage them to success without coddling them or turning them into some colony. When you told me you were going to merge with UPN, I understood. I thought it was funny to watch Altheus plot to take Peggy out anyway, so I wasn't going to stand in the way. That's why this sucks. I considered you a friend. Of all the alliances in the world, why would you spy on mine? I just don't understand. You can stop with the denials as well... you might have had a spy in Legacy and GOONS, I don't know, but the one you thought you had in GOD hasn't been working for you. He contacted me when you recruited him and asked me for permission to infiltrate, which I granted. GOD members don't sell out GOD, and they don't sell out me. You should've known that. I've been trying to get angry about this for the last few days, but in all honesty, I'm just let down. How can you say stuff like this: [quote]Notice how it says GOD at the top? GOD and GOONS both start with a "G" and an "O". For whatever reason, perhaps I was ready a GOD declaration, or perhaps I just went to church - GOD was on my mind. I quickly corrected myself by stating "GOONS". Xiphosis has been a close friend for years, and helped me out greatly with The University. It would be a !@#$% move to cause a headache for him[/quote] With a clear conscious? You're right. You [b]were[/b] a close friend, a good ally, and someone I trusted. That just makes it all the worse. Watching the denials stream out, while I've also watched you contact what you thought was a spy, has just been a depressing contrast. The next time you reroll and embarrass yourself in front of everyone, you can now count on one less person to have your back. I no longer trust you with mine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logs for posterity: [2011-02-02 21:40:33] <Kev|Vox> First I'll need to try and get you in [2011-02-02 21:40:42] <Kev|Vox> Which shouldn't be a problem, I'll vouch for you [2011-02-02 21:40:47] <Removed|GOD|> Thanks [2011-02-02 21:40:52] <Kev|Vox> No problem [2011-02-02 21:40:56] <Removed|GOD|> If it helps I'm Lower gov in GOD [2011-02-02 21:41:02] <Kev|Vox> Wanna see what the flag is gonna look like? [2011-02-02 21:41:06] <Removed|GOD|> Sure [2011-02-02 21:41:17] <Kev|Vox> http://i56.tinypic.com/2luwc5w.png [2011-02-02 21:43:12] <Removed|GOD|> Cool [2011-02-02 21:44:08] <Kev|Vox> yar [2011-02-02 21:44:26] <Removed|GOD|> How many members are there so far [2011-02-02 21:44:41] <Kev|Vox> 244 [2011-02-02 21:44:52] <Removed|GOD|> Cool [2011-02-02 21:45:02] <Kev|Vox> 24* [2011-02-02 21:45:05] <Kev|Vox> whoops [2011-02-02 21:45:10] <Kev|Vox> pushed 4 twice [2011-02-02 21:45:13] <Removed|GOD|> Lol [2011-02-02 21:45:21] <Removed|GOD|> Meh still need to build up [2011-02-02 21:45:26] <Kev|Vox> aye [2011-02-02 21:46:00] <Removed|GOD|> Will there be people on the AA and members of others [2011-02-02 21:46:18] <Kev|Vox> Aye [2011-02-02 21:46:34] <Removed|GOD|> Cool [2011-02-02 21:46:34] <Kev|Vox> That's how we'll get our info [2011-02-02 21:46:44] <Removed|GOD|> How long does it take to become a spy [2011-02-02 21:46:57] <Kev|Vox> You have to be trusted [2011-02-02 21:47:05] <Removed|GOD|> Well you know me [2011-02-02 21:47:16] <Kev|Vox> I'm one of the trimv, so it shouldn't take to long for me to convince the others [2011-02-02 21:47:32] <Removed|GOD|> Cool [2011-02-02 21:47:56] <Kev|Vox> aye [2011-02-02 21:48:16] =-= Kev|Vox is now known as Kev|CovenantoftheLOST [2011-02-02 21:49:28] <Removed|GOD|> Will I get like some secret signal to spot other members [2011-02-02 21:51:54] <Kev|CovenantoftheLOST> perhaps [2011-02-02 21:52:05] <Removed|GOD|> Member thing agian [2011-02-02 21:52:11] <Removed|GOD|> again* [2011-02-02 21:52:47] <Kev|CovenantoftheLOST> aye [2011-02-02 21:53:14] <Removed|GOD|> Oh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2011-02-06 21:50:21] === Kevanovia <chatzilla@~edit~> ``Howdy'' [2011-02-06 21:50:21] === Kevanovia is a registered nick [2011-02-06 21:50:21] === Kevanovia: member of #voice, ~#anathema, +#upn, +#Colossus, #god, #ve, ~#ava, #coj, %#loss, #nsa, +#TIO, &#realm, #gondor, and #odn [2011-02-06 21:50:21] === Kevanovia: attached to ice.coldfront.net ``Welcome to Coldfront!'' [2011-02-06 21:50:21] --- End of WHOIS information for Kevanovia. [2011-02-06 21:50:27] <Removed|GOD|> Hey [2011-02-06 21:50:43] <Removed|GOD|> You never finished telling me about Vox [2011-02-06 21:50:48] <Kevanovia> What's up dude? [2011-02-06 21:50:51] <Kevanovia> Sorry about that [2011-02-06 21:50:57] <Kevanovia> I've been busy [2011-02-06 21:51:11] <Removed|GOD|> It's cool [2011-02-06 21:51:49] <Kevanovia> Just a sec man [2011-02-06 21:51:52] <Kevanovia> Gotta !@#$ [2011-02-06 21:52:03] <Removed|GOD|> K [2011-02-06 21:59:47] <Kevanovia> you still there? [2011-02-06 21:59:52] <Removed|sleep|> Yo [2011-02-06 21:59:58] <Removed|sleep|> A few more min [2011-02-06 21:59:59] <Kevanovia> kk [2011-02-06 22:00:03] <Kevanovia> aight [2011-02-06 22:00:13] <Kevanovia> So, you want to join for sure? [2011-02-06 22:00:16] <Removed|sleep|> Yea [2011-02-06 22:00:30] <Kevanovia> k [2011-02-06 22:00:36] <Kevanovia> The alliance is going to be OPSEC [2011-02-06 22:00:47] <Removed|sleep|> K [2011-02-06 22:00:48] <Kevanovia> We're going to pretend to be a regular alliance that is only outspoken [2011-02-06 22:00:56] <Kevanovia> The name of the alliance: Anathema [2011-02-06 22:01:02] <Removed|sleep|> K [2011-02-06 22:01:13] <Kevanovia> The forums will be completed on Wends [2011-02-06 22:01:25] <Removed|sleep|> But you want people in other AA's too [2011-02-06 22:01:49] <Kevanovia> aye [2011-02-06 22:02:02] <Removed|sleep|> k [2011-02-06 22:03:13] <Kevanovia> You should join VE or MK [2011-02-06 22:03:14] <Kevanovia> O_O [2011-02-06 22:04:12] <Removed|sleep|> K [2011-02-06 22:04:23] <Removed|sleep|> I will think about that though I have a lower gov spot in GOD [2011-02-06 22:05:03] <Kevanovia> kk [2011-02-06 22:06:21] <Removed|sleep|> So will I just be working solo or with someone else [2011-02-06 22:08:03] <Removed|sleep|> Weell I'm off [2011-02-06 22:08:05] <Removed|sleep|> Later man --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2011-02-19 00:37:56] [INFO] Query view for ``Kevanovia'' opened. [2011-02-19 00:37:56] === Kevanovia <chatzilla@~edit~> ``Howdy'' [2011-02-19 00:37:56] === Kevanovia is a registered nick [2011-02-19 00:37:57] === Kevanovia: member of #mushroom, #nsa, +#TFD, #StatusQuo, +#Gotham, #worldtaskforce, +#upn, +#Colossus, ~#ava, %#loss, +#TIO, &#realm, #gondor, and #odn [2011-02-19 00:37:57] === Kevanovia: attached to ice.coldfront.net ``Welcome to Coldfront!'' [2011-02-19 00:37:57] === Kevanovia: idle for 1 second (on since Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:26:23 AM) [2011-02-19 00:37:57] --- End of WHOIS information for Kevanovia. [2011-02-19 00:37:58] <Removed|GOD|> Yup [2011-02-19 00:38:14] <Removed|GOD|> DT things mostly [2011-02-19 00:38:32] <Removed|GOD|> There has been argument on whether or not we enter [2011-02-19 00:38:59] <Kevanovia> O_o [2011-02-19 00:39:04] <Kevanovia> logs? [2011-02-19 00:39:15] <Removed|GOD|> Naw been happening on the forums [2011-02-19 00:39:50] <Removed|GOD|> Mostly it's if we think we can handle another war, which most of us think we can, and how people will react [2011-02-19 00:39:53] <Kevanovia> screenshots? Same convo: [2011-02-19 00:49:14] <Kevanovia> You gotta get me some screenshots [2011-02-19 00:49:17] <Kevanovia> Also, logs! [2011-02-19 00:49:20] <Kevanovia> <3 [2011-02-19 00:49:37] <Removed|GOD|> I can work on logs [2011-02-19 00:49:49] <Kevanovia> kk [2011-02-19 00:49:52] <Removed|GOD|> Screenshots of gov rooms I need to work on first [2011-02-19 00:50:06] <Removed|GOD|> GODs root site has some people who are masters at forums [2011-02-19 00:50:27] <Kevanovia> O_o [2011-02-19 00:50:29] <Removed|GOD|> Looking at a screenshot gov can track who took it unless you remove the marker [2011-02-19 00:51:03] <Removed|GOD|> http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b413/Lionheart7060/My%20Sig%20work/Herpa.png [2011-02-19 00:51:07] <Removed|GOD|> Troll HQ [2011-02-19 00:51:14] <Kevanovia> dag yo ---------------------------------------------------------------- [2011-03-11 23:03:00] [INFO] Query view for ``Incitatus'' opened. [2011-03-11 23:03:00] === Incitatus <chatzilla@~Edit~> ``Howdy'' [2011-03-11 23:03:00] === Incitatus is a registered nick [2011-03-11 23:03:00] === Incitatus: member of #theninjas, @#loma, #Helljumpers, +#aesir, #theflood, %#Gotham, ~#anathema, +#upn, %#Colossus, #god, ~#ava, #coj, %#loss, #nsa, +#TIO, &#realm, #gondor, and #odn [2011-03-11 23:03:00] === Incitatus: attached to cyclone.coldfront.net ``Welcome to Coldfront!'' [2011-03-11 23:03:00] --- End of WHOIS information for Incitatus. [2011-03-11 23:03:03] <Removed|GOD|> Yo [2011-03-11 23:03:09] <Incitatus> uhm hi [2011-03-11 23:03:14] <Removed|GOD|> Wassup [2011-03-11 23:03:44] <Incitatus> Uhmm [2011-03-11 23:03:53] <Incitatus> Does GOD know about you? [2011-03-11 23:03:58] <Removed|GOD|> No [2011-03-11 23:04:14] <Removed|GOD|> But guess who is in charge of flushing out the spys [2011-03-11 23:04:21] <Incitatus> You? [2011-03-11 23:04:39] <Removed|GOD|> Mixoux is in charge and he has put me in one of the foremost positions on the committee [2011-03-11 23:04:52] <Incitatus> lmao awesome [2011-03-11 23:04:58] <Removed|GOD|> I'll be conducting interviews of our newer members and people who didn't come from homesite [2011-03-11 23:05:50] <Removed|GOD|> Also it was D_T who snitched on you [2011-03-11 23:07:38] <Incitatus> How? [2011-03-11 23:07:50] <Removed|GOD|> He came looking for Xiph to tell him and showed this [2011-03-11 23:07:53] <Removed|GOD|> http://img861.imageshack.us/i/anass.png/ [2011-03-11 23:08:04] <Removed|GOD|> Also he tried to have me give my report for you to him [2011-03-11 23:12:05] <Incitatus> Are you sure it was D_T or Hadrian? [2011-03-11 23:12:43] <Removed|GOD|> D_T [2011-03-11 23:12:49] <Removed|GOD|> He came looking for Xiph [2011-03-11 23:12:56] <Removed|GOD|> [22:52] <D_T> Kev said you were giving me the first report today? Edited March 13, 2011 by Xiphosis Quote
Big Z Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 Did you really think we wouldn't know? Quote
Hadrian Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 (edited) "2011-03-11" $%&@ you Kevanovia/Incitatus. Seriously, $%&@ you. Edited March 12, 2011 by Hadrian Quote
Locke Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 Heh, I was willing to take him at his word when said GOD wasn't a target, but I guess I was wrong. Makes me question the "we scrapped it before DoE" line too. And this is why, as much "fun" as spying can be, it's just not done; it rarely works out well for the spymaster. I have no moral objection to it myself, but the practical objections are increasingly evident. Also, spying on one of the few people who would have your back like Xiph did doesn't seem wise to me. Quote
KCToker Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1299974280' post='2661984'] I await further denials. [/quote] [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search.asp?searchstring=All&search=Incitatus]From who?[/url] Quote
Sarmatian Empire Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 It has been fun working with GOD and GOONS during this scenerio, although it is unforunate as too the reasoning we had to do so. Kev had said Legacy's spy deleted some time ago, and upon talking to kev directly and sorting through our members we believe Kev is being truthful. The potential spy has been identified and was deleted 2 months ago. If you wish to know more of what happened feel free to find me at #legacy. Quote
SirWilliam Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='KCToker' timestamp='1299974396' post='2661986'] [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search.asp?searchstring=All&search=Incitatus]From who?[/url] [/quote] Heh. In his and their absences the vocal "supporters" (and I use that term very loosely I admit) will suffice. Quote
Voytek Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Congrats on being surprised that Kevanovia is an idiot I guess? Quote
Il Impero Romano Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1299973682' post='2661972'] [2011-02-06 22:03:13] <Kevanovia> You should join VE or MK [2011-02-06 22:03:14] <Kevanovia> O_O [/quote] Oh come on. Quote
Incitatus Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 These logs are all true. There is a bit more to the story, but I can confirm these logs. I'll continue to think of you as a friend Xiph, and wish you the best of luck. I will repeat, We did not spy. Quote
Cynic2 Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 (edited) If these logs are legitimate then all I have to say is wow, just wow... Edit: Well since the post above mine confirms it... Edited March 13, 2011 by Cynic Quote
SpacingOutMan Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Keven, you are the weakest link. Goodbye. Quote
Xiphosis Posted March 13, 2011 Author Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Neuronia' timestamp='1299974764' post='2661996'] Where do I find Incitatus' nation? [/quote] He deleted it shortly before this topic went up. Quote
The MVP Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Kev I believe now is the time to cut your losses, come clean completely instead of making up fronts and apologize in order to fix the situation at hand. Don't run away from the issue, just tell them the truth and apologize for your actions and take your medicine. Quote
Locke Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1299974792' post='2661998'] Oh come on. [/quote] Everyone just loves you. Quote
Bob Ilyani Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1299974796' post='2661999'] These logs are all true. There is a bit more to the story, but I can confirm these logs. I'll continue to think of you as a friend Xiph, and wish you the best of luck. I will repeat, We did not spy. [/quote] Is there really a point to contest here? You have had numerous conversations with a member of GOD that you considered a spy. You even told him to go to VE or MK for better spying opportunities. You claimed that you haven't talked to the spy in months and yet there are logs (that you admitted are true) that date from [u]yesterday[/u]. Seriously, stop digging your grave. Quote
Delta1212 Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1299974796' post='2661999'] These logs are all true. There is a bit more to the story, but I can confirm these logs. I'll continue to think of you as a friend Xiph, and wish you the best of luck. I will repeat, We did not spy. [/quote] I... seriously? Quote
The MVP Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1299975243' post='2662013'] I... seriously? [/quote] He'll do/say everything short of admitting it and taking responsibility. The sad thing is if he'd only do those two things he'd be able to get [i]some [/i]respect back but it seems he'll continue to deny and find a way out of this although no one is buying it. Quote
Mathias Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 So has this spared us the creation of yet another Kevanovia alliance? Quote
Jens of the desert Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 I wish you the best in mending any bridges and seeing who your friends are at this point in time, Kev. Quote
Acca Dacca Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Delta is spot on with this... Seriously? Quote
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