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[/center][left][b]Planet Bob,[/b][/left][left][b]
[/b][/left][left][b]Four years ago, Micro Miner and Bush_84 founded the great alliance of Sparta. Since then, through sacrifice and unity, the Spartan membership has preserved this sovereignty forged by its founders, despite the great number of obstacles we've faced. [/b][b]To my fellow Spartans, this achievement is one not many alliances may take claim to. [/b][b]I am proud to share this day with you.[/b][/left][left][b]
[/b][/left][left][b]To celebrate this occasion, I invite every one of you to sheath your swords, let your hair down, put on your party boots, and get the heck over to our [url="http://www.cnsparta.com/forums/index.php?showforum=73"]dance party[/url]! We have free beer, and $2 tequila shots [/b][img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/lol1.gif[/img][/left][left][b]Just make sure you turn on your own music: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5LX16zia2k"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=m5LX16zia2k[/url][/b][/left][left][b]
[/b][/left][left][b]Our birthday, however, isn't the only cause for celebration! The last 30 days have provided Sparta with over 850,000 NS and is showing no signs of stopping![/b][/left][center][left][b][img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b214/lukapaka/SpartaGrowth.png[/img]
[/b][/left][left][b][b]To all of Bob, thank you for existing and for making this an exciting time to live in. Without you, Sparta wouldn't exist. [/b][img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/blush.gif[/img][/b][/left][left][b]
[/b][/left][left][b]Much love,[/b][/left][left][b]Lukapaka[/b][/left][left][b][i]King of Sparta[/i][/b][/left]


Sparta is a good reminder to all alliances how not to abandon their allies and how not to act. I for one will thank you for it and to continue to set an example for those who seek to be loyal allies.

Posted (edited)

Happy birthday, guys. You've been great allies for the past 3 years(if we're counting the ODP period, 2 and a half if not) and are our second oldest treaty.

Doxa Sparte!

Edited by Antoine Roquentin

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299894805' post='2660729']
Here's to Sparta developing some critical analysis skills in the year to come!

Mogar wept.
He does make a terrible Mogar..

Congrats Sparta

Posted (edited)

[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1299895614' post='2660753']
Sparta is a good reminder to all alliances how not to abandon their allies and how not to act. I for one will thank you for it and to continue to set an example for those who seek to be loyal allies.
Is this a compliment or convoluted and subtle sarcasm? I can't tell anymore :P Coming from you, I am legitimately not inclined to think it was intended to be a compliment.

If it is indeed a compliment, I thank you good sir for the kind words on our birthday, and I will make a conscious effort not to be a complete jerkbag to you on irc the next time we interact. :)

EDIT- word filter didnt catch mah cursing :/

Edited by jeff barr

[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1299897134' post='2660795']
Is this a compliment or convoluted and subtle sarcasm? I can't tell anymore :P Coming from you, I am legitimately not inclined to think it was intended to be a compliment.

If it is indeed a compliment, I thank you good sir for the kind words on our birthday, and I will make a conscious effort not to be a complete jerkbag to you on irc the next time we interact. :)

EDIT- word filter didnt catch mah cursing :/

How the heck is me calling you guys the bastion for disloyality in any way a compliment? :P

I guess though providing an example for us to turn to when we need to look at disloyality in this game is a compliment so don't argue with me instead...

y-y-you can thank me now and oh my goodness you're welcome, you're welcome! :)



Party at #CNSPARTA !!!!

BTW, who's idea was to link that song?? I'd rather been Rickrolled; now I'll have Eddie Murphy running through my head all night long...

[url="http://www.youtube.com/user/cnSPARTANcn#p/u/11/Qp5ZQcKj3nk"]Should have linked this video instead.[/url] Its abit dated, but still fairly entertaining.


Posted (edited)

[quote name='The MVP']
what ever you say. It reads like a compliment from my POV :unsure: In anycase, I am glad that your intent was as I expected. I can reason my instincts are still reliable.

[quote name = 'Ian Dox']BTW, who's idea was to link that song?? I'd rather been Rickrolled; now I'll have Eddie Murphy running through my head all night long...[/quote]
That's a great song. I didnt know eddie murphy sang until someone posted that song the other day. Rick James gold!

Edited by jeff barr
Posted (edited)

Proud to be a Spartan. Thanks our membership, our Kings and our great allies.

Thanks MHA, Fark, The Brigade, Alpha Omega, RIA, Umbrella, Ragnarok, ODN, Athens, GOD, Aasgard. We love you and This is your party as well.

Thanks to former foes such as Iron, TOOL and NV. You guys gave us thrilling moments in wars and showed honor and respect.

To more years of awesomeness!!!

Doxa Sparte

Edited by King Louis the II

[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1299894639' post='2660722']
[center][b]We have free beer,[/b][/quote]
[left]Sounds good, 1 for me ^_^[/left][/center]


[quote name='Ian Dox' timestamp='1299897549' post='2660807']

BTW, who's idea was to link that song?? I'd rather been Rickrolled; now I'll have Eddie Murphy running through my head all night long...

My friend always turns this song on at the bar. It IS WAY worse than a rickroll.

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