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A Protectorate Agreement

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[quote name='Teltaur' timestamp='1299636264' post='2657316']
I'm sorry, but if we haven't made it completely clear to you that we aren't the kind of ignorant sheep that you play us out to be, then I don't know what you've been reading. I completely expect a response similar to "but you are, ODN is controlling you like an abusive puppetmaster etc. etc." but I'm afraid you aren't leading us from the tyrannical oppression that you like to play out so much.

We know the implications of every one of our actions, as we have clearly stated, and if you continue to treat us as truly incapable of even making our own decisions then you're only fooling yourself.
Some of your alliance mates seem to think that nothing is going to happen, and it's clear therefore that those individuals have no idea of the implications of their actions.

You seem to have somewhat of an idea at least. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I'm building a degree of respect for you personally. Sort of wounded at the straw man you just made (Tyrannical oppression? Where have I said that again? And leading you where? We're not asking you to cancel your protectorate), but it's not a terribly big deal.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299636858' post='2657331']
Some of your alliance mates seem to think that nothing is going to happen, and it's clear therefore that those individuals have no idea of the implications of their actions.

You seem to have somewhat of an idea at least. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I'm building a degree of respect for you personally. Sort of wounded at the straw man you just made (Tyrannical oppression? Where have I said that again? And leading you where? We're not asking you to cancel your protectorate), but it's not a terribly big deal.

Dude, crap or get off the pot already :rolleyes:

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299636512' post='2657322']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to downplay our coalition's ability to defend against acts of war and assure TFE that nothing is going to happen when something very clearly is, is the most disturbing and disgusting thing of this whole ordeal.

At least let ODN drag their protectorate through the mud on their own.

I think the extreme lengths to which you go to intimidate TFE into stopping the tech deals is the most disturbing. I mean honestly, do you read over what you write?

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[quote name='Debson' timestamp='1299637019' post='2657337']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to intimidate TFE into stopping the tech deals is the most disturbing. I mean honestly, do you read over what you write?
It is unfortunate that you mistake my honest attempts at a diplomatic resolution for "intimidation." It has never been my intent to intimidate, but merely to describe the situation in an upfront and honest manner. I am sorry you feel that way about my attempts towards a peaceful resolution.

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[quote name='Debson' timestamp='1299637019' post='2657337']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to intimidate TFE into stopping the tech deals is the most disturbing. I mean honestly, do you read over what you write?

It's because you're new here and he probably assumes you're clueless.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Teltaur' timestamp='1299636264' post='2657316']
I'm sorry, but if we haven't made it completely clear to you that we aren't the kind of ignorant sheep that you play us out to be, then I don't know what you've been reading. I completely expect a response similar to "but you are, ODN is controlling you like an abusive puppetmaster etc. etc." but I'm afraid you aren't leading us from the tyrannical oppression that you like to play out so much.

We know the implications of every one of our actions, as we have clearly stated, and if you continue to treat us as truly incapable of even making our own decisions then you're only fooling yourself.
I wouldn't bother with HoT. His alliance actually making an independent move is about as likely as me being struck by lightning right now. I'm pretty convinced that he doesn't actually understand the concept of independence.

[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1299635975' post='2657309']
You have one nation able to do any damage to TFE. That nation is 102NS . CoJ has one nation capable of hitting TFE. That nation is 1600NS. You are trying to bluff while showing everyone your hand. Your hand is a 6 high.
A 6 high is either a straight (2,3,4,5,6) or some set of pairs. The lowest single card high you can have is a 7. Of course, given what they have, I would say their hand looks more like a chance card, a coupon for a Chinese restaurant, a coaster, their drivers license and a piece of gum they found on the bottom of their chair.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1299637344' post='2657349']

A 6 high is either a straight (2,3,4,5,6) or some set of pairs. The lowest single card high you can have is a 7. Of course, given what they have, I would say their hand looks more like a chance card, a coupon for a Chinese restaurant, a coaster, their drivers license and a piece of gum they found on the bottom of their chair.
Crap, I was thinking (one, two, three, four, six) but of course the one would be an ace.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299636512' post='2657322']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to downplay our coalition's ability to defend against acts of war and assure TFE that nothing is going to happen when something very clearly is, is the most disturbing and disgusting thing of this whole ordeal.

At least let ODN drag their protectorate through the mud on their own.
Here's the thing, both your alliances combined might that is ready to war is less than my 4k NS nation. Stop acting like a big shot and go back to the play ground with the other toddlers.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299637156' post='2657342']
It is unfortunate that you mistake my honest attempts at a diplomatic resolution for "intimidation." It has never been my intent to intimidate, but merely to describe the situation in an upfront and honest manner. I am sorry you feel that way about my attempts towards a peaceful resolution.
"Do what we want or we will attack you"

That's intimidation right there, bro.

Edited by Debson
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299636512' post='2657322']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to downplay our coalition's ability to defend against acts of war and assure TFE that nothing is going to happen when something very clearly is, is the most disturbing and disgusting thing of this whole ordeal.

At least let ODN drag their protectorate through the mud on their own.

The idea that you could take on another alliance (especially one as large as TFE) is probably the worst idea you could possibly have.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Debson' timestamp='1299637727' post='2657358']
"Do what we want, and we won't attack you. Don't do what we want, and we will attack you."

That's intimidation right there, bro.
Not really, not when you've committed as massive acts of war against us. If anything it seems as if you guys are trying to be the intimidators: "If you try to respond to our aggressive actions, we'll get ODN to force you to disband!"

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299638296' post='2657371']
Not really, not when you've committed as massive acts of war against us. If anything it seems as if you guys are trying to be the intimidators: "If you try to respond to our aggressive actions, we'll get ODN to force you to disband!"
I wouldn't dream of trying to force ODN to disband you. That would be far more merciful than forcing you to continue to exist as 64digits.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1299638042' post='2657365']
The idea that you could take on another alliance (especially one as large as TFE) is probably the worst idea you could possibly have.
Actually for the last 8-9 pages, we have just been telling you to back up your threats.

And still you do nothing. You say you give us extra time to decide, because we are new. We have had plenty of time to decide, and our opinion will not change no matter how long you try and drag this out.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299638296' post='2657371']
Not really, not when you've committed as massive acts of war against us. If anything it seems as if you guys are trying to be the intimidators: "If you try to respond to our aggressive actions, we'll get ODN to force you to disband!"

No no, see HoT, we, and they as well are just trying to warn you. Give you a fair chance to understand the implications of your actions. As a statesman, I think it's fair that you understand what will happen if you attack TFE, so you can make the most rational decision.

It is unfortunate that you mistake my honest attempts at a diplomatic resolution for "intimidation." It has never been my intent to intimidate, but merely to describe the situation in an upfront and honest manner.

I think I've done that quite well. Now we are simply here waiting for you to make your decision. TFE has made theirs, and we will back them in it fully.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299636512' post='2657322']
I think the extreme lengths to which you go to downplay our coalition's ability to defend against acts of war and assure TFE that nothing is going to happen when something very clearly is, is the most disturbing and disgusting thing of this whole ordeal.

You kidding? Please, tell us you're kidding.

You - 64Digits and CoJ - collectively have 10 nations - HeroofTime55, [i]10[/i] nations - in range of TFE (and half are in Peace Mode). And you're at war with multiple other alliances. It's not possible to downplay your ability to defend against acts of war when it's so minuscule to begin with.

(And yes, I realize the number above doesn't include others in your coalition that are spread equally thin and who I can imagine are less than eager to jump in on TFE. Either way your overall ability to effectively wage the war you're huffing and puffing about is very small and is far from consequential.)

Are you expecting to be taken seriously here?

edit: correction, 13 nations

Edited by SirWilliam
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Thing is, the threats mean nothing anymore. At first, they had a possibility of attack. Now, they are just empty threats. It has been stated multiple times that we are firm on our position, yet you still try to persuade us to stop. It will not work. Whether you do something or not, that is up to you. However, with all of these threats and no action, I am led to believe that no action will be taken. Even if it is taken, it will not harm us.

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[quote name='joracy' timestamp='1299639735' post='2657390']
No no, see HoT, we, and they as well are just trying to warn you. Give you a fair chance to understand the implications of your actions. As a statesman, I think it's fair that you understand what will happen if you attack TFE, so you can make the most rational decision.

It is unfortunate that you mistake my honest attempts at a diplomatic resolution for "intimidation." It has never been my intent to intimidate, but merely to describe the situation in an upfront and honest manner.

I think I've done that quite well. Now we are simply here waiting for you to make your decision. TFE has made theirs, and we will back them in it fully.
[/quote] <_<

FYI, there are delays for more than just giving them a chance. There's a number of reasons, some of which you might know and many of which you probably don't. It's sort of silly that you would goad us to attack now and then laugh when we don't attack in the next five minutes. Patience, young Jedi.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299642567' post='2657433']

FYI, there are delays for more than just giving them a chance. There's a number of reasons, some of which you might know and many of which you probably don't. It's sort of silly that you would goad us to attack now and then laugh when we don't attack in the next five minutes. Patience, young Jedi.

I've been waiting a lot longer than five minutes.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299642567' post='2657433']

FYI, there are delays for more than just giving them a chance. There's a number of reasons, some of which you might know and many of which you probably don't. It's sort of silly that you would goad us to attack now and then laugh when we don't attack in the next five minutes. Patience, young Jedi.
It's been a month and ten days since you declared war and your upper tier has spent the entire war in peace. You're not going to come out and you're not fooling anyone into thinking you are.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1299646481' post='2657497']
It's been a month and ten days since you declared war and your upper tier has spent the entire war in peace. You're not going to come out and you're not fooling anyone into thinking you are.
Maybe we just like watching your frustration that you can't get at our upper tier guys? You certainly aren't making it any easier to take the next step.

For the record, as soon as one of my guys left PM to attack GOONS, guess who hit him? And ODNer who has been doing tech deals with TFE! What a goddamn surprise. I've been trying to avoid arguing within the nutty view of ODN, but now, even by your own twisted logic, TFE is directly assisting your war against 64Digits. So, uhhh, checkmate?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299648142' post='2657512']
Maybe we just like watching your frustration that you can't get at our upper tier guys? You certainly aren't making it any easier to take the next step.

For the record, as soon as one of my guys left PM to attack GOONS, guess who hit him? And ODNer who has been doing tech deals with TFE! What a goddamn surprise. I've been trying to avoid arguing within the nutty view of ODN, but now, even by your own twisted logic, TFE is directly assisting your war against 64Digits. So, uhhh, checkmate?
I have 6 times his tech, the extra hundred doesn't really matter :smug:

Or as the great Charlie Sheen would say: hecta-winning

Edited by itseZe
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299648142' post='2657512']
Maybe we just like watching your frustration that you can't get at our upper tier guys? You certainly aren't making it any easier to take the next step.

For the record, as soon as one of my guys left PM to attack GOONS, guess who hit him? And ODNer who has been doing tech deals with TFE! What a goddamn surprise. I've been trying to avoid arguing within the nutty view of ODN, but now, even by your own twisted logic, TFE is directly assisting your war against 64Digits. So, uhhh, checkmate?

Really, all I'm getting out of this is "waaaah", and not the expected "doing something". I thought we'd sort of come to the conclusion that we just simply disagree on somethings, but hey, my definition of nutty happens to be "yelling for days about doing something, when everybody knows you can't possibly enforce it, and giving excuse after excuse about why nothings been done". I suppose we'll have to disagree on that. Honestly, I'm pretty sure GGA could do something about this faster than this.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1299565505' post='2656421']
The fact that this discussion is even happening is, to be blunt, one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in my time here. Surely you all have something more to worry about than this.

This. I had to stop reading around page 6 due to the sheer stupidity. Okay they are aiding your war enemy so yes thats a CB okay...but seriously you are planning on teaching them a lesson? From a military standpoint it makes absolutely zero sense to attack them as:

1. You've already conceded the upper tiers, you realized you couldn't win a war with PB/DH/CnG's upper tier so you hit PM. Why do you care if their top nations build strength since you've already declared their effect null besides aid sending. Which lead me too

2. You should be happy they are tech dealing instead of pumping aid into the nations you are at war with who could use that money to fight your nation directly.

3. If you attack TFE you would be hitting 138 fairly active nations who otherwise would have sat alone and not fought against you and all the damage you inflict will easily be rebuilt by the large nations you ignored. Those 138 lower tier nations alone will eventually be at a point where they could easily hold 64 digits and CoJ at perma-ZI if they felt like it.

So long story short it makes zero sense to threaten TFE from a military standpoint...unless you eventually plan to attack ODN's upper tier which I find unlikely.

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TFE official statement is they don't care about your threats!
ODN official statement is they will back up TFE if you attack them and bigger consequencess will come.

What part you don;t understand? Plese post here when you've understood this, or when you decided to do something about them.
How can you talk that ODN is insignificant, when you are a bounch of nations? Maybe our ODN Applicants are larger than you.

I'm asking our fellow floodians, just to ignore these insignificant alliances. Welcome to the game. this thread is for you to know new people.

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