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A Protectorate Agreement

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[size="4"][/center][center][b]Protectorate Agreement: The Flood Empire - Orange Defense Network[/b][/center][/size]

[quote]Protectorate Agreement: The Flood Empire - Orange Defense Network

Article I: Preamble

In the spirit of good will, prosperity, and the pursuit of friendship, the Orange Defense Network (henceforth referred to as ODN), and The Flood Empire, do hereby recognize this protectorate agreement as official and agree to all terms and conditions therein. They recognize that The Flood Empire shall be deemed a protectorate of ODN until such a time that The Flood Empire can stand independently as a sovereign alliance.

Article II: Protection

In a case where The Flood Empire finds itself in an unprovoked defensive war, the ODN agrees to offer all necessary assistance to ensure The Flood Empire's protection and well being. Should The Flood Empire be the provoker in a conflict, the ODN may offer its assistance at its discretion. In a case where the ODN finds itself in a war, defensive or offensive, The Flood Empire is encouraged although not required to assist ODN.

Article III: Communication

Both the ODN and The Flood Empire agree that communication is key to any relationship. Both parties will keep each other up to date on all important information. Furthermore, the ODN will send advisers to The Flood Empire to ensure The Flood Empire is operating well and offer whatever assistance is needed. The Flood Empire also agrees to keep ODN informed about any foreign affairs decisions they may make, and gives ODN veto rights over treaties and other such agreements. The ODN will be present as an advisor to ensure an efficient development of internal programs and processes.
Section IV: Economic integration

The ODN will assist The Flood Empire in building a strong economy by any reasonable means. Both parties will grant each other preferred status in buying and selling technology, as well as finding and constructing trade circles. The Flood Empire government also agrees to encourage their members to vote for ODN favored candidates in the Aqua Team Senate where applicable.

Section V: Cancellation

Either party may cancel this treaty with 72 hours notice to the other party. During this 72 hours, the treaty remains completely in effect.

Section VI: Review

Both the ODN and The Flood Empire agree that after a period of 30 days from the signing of this treaty, they will review the status of the treaty to ensure that both signatories are satisfied with the relationship. After the end of this initial 30 days, both signatories will agree to cancel the treaty, extend the review time, or remove the review clause and fully sign the treaty. If this decision cannot be made mutually, the treaty will automatically extend for another 30 days and be reviewed again.[/quote]

Or to simplify it: TFE and ODN have become close friends over the past weeks. As such, we are formalizing our friendship with each other. And if you mess with The Flood Empire, you will have the pleasure of meeting with ODN.

For The Flood Empire:
Paulus - Leader
Teltaur - Minister of Internal Affairs
ODST27 - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Fallen one94 - Minister of Finance
Pieman191 - Security Council
Mr AwesomePizza (The Pizza Nation) -- Security Council
YahwehFreak4evr (Erde Tyrene) -- Security Council

For The Orange Defense Network:
Secretary General: OsRavan
Secretary of the Interior: Twazzlepop
Secretary of Economics: Lucius Aerillius
Secretary of Defense: itseze
Secretary of State: Joracy

Senate XXXIX:
Istus, Anthemist, Yankeefan924, Proximus, JWZepf

Edited by OsRavan
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I knew about this weeks ago. Welcome TFE.

The senate voting clause seems a little shady, imo. People shouldn't mess with other colors' senates, hopefully it won't lead to any trouble on Aqua.

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[quote name='Barnaby von Farter' timestamp='1299541540' post='2655896']
It's been a pleasure to get to know -- and work with -- The Flood Empire. I'm looking forward to more of it! :)
Seems our guys are asleep you should have give us a warning to prepere to flood the thread lol

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Glad to see this all worked out, can't wait to work with you guys further.

And thanks for the support, everyone, it means a lot to be a part of such a great community.

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[quote name='paulus magintie' timestamp='1299543321' post='2655931']
Seems our guys are asleep you should have give us a warning to prepere to flood the thread lol

I take it you are (OOC: from another forum/website/clan outside of CN) not from round here.

Congrats on getting a protector, if you're not what I put in brackets, then damn you sure have ace recruiters.

Good luck out there, I expect to see good things from you lot.

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First TPE, now TFE. I'm sensing a complex you Orange people ;)

Great choice in a protector TFE, you will not regret it!
Best of luck in your endeavors!

Edited by KingEd
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Congrats on having ODN as your protector, TFE. They're a good bunch and should do an excellent job guiding you through the experiences of Planet Bob.

You should have signed with their arch-nemesis and eternal war enemies/buddies in FEAR though :P

o/ ODN
o/ TFE

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[quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1299548813' post='2656057']
First TPE, now TFE. I'm sensing a complex you Orange people ;)

Great choice in a protector TFE, you will not regret it!
Best of luck in your endeavors!


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How long does the ODN plan to endanger its protectorate by engaging them in their war of aggression against the Justitian Mystery by the solicitation of aid during war? The Flood Empire has refused counsel that aiding an alliance at war is an act of war, has the ODN apprised those they claim to protect that it is so, so that The Flood might make their own decision on the matter knowing the full scope of their decision?

Edited by Schattenmann
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