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While Scotland hadn't been his expected first choice for a foreign visit abroad, relations were good with both of the Empire's allies, so it made sense to head to Scotland since they had requested the meeting. Flying in the Emperor's plane with standard four fighter escort, the group approached Edinburgh.

"Scottish Air Control, this is Imperial Air One, with four escorts, requesting landing for a meeting. Please acknowledge."

OOC: Closed to me and Sargun. Sargun, feel free to skip right to the meeting.


“Welcome to Scotland Egalita, Emperor Atkinson-Asgeirsson. I hope you won't mind if I cut to the chase?”

“Please, Egalitor. In times like these, flowy language and flowery prose serve only to distract from tasks at hand.”

“Finally, a man who speaks the proper language. Emperor, I requested this meeting to talk about the Empire's presence in Scotland, specifically the military presence in the form of bases. I'm not privy to the specifics as it was not a high priority, but what exactly is the Empire's presence in the region and why does the Empire feel the need to have a presence here?”

“The Empire first leased the base in the former Scottish Protectorate, now Scotland Egalita, when we signed our MDoAP with the Kingdom of Ireland, now the United Kingdom of Ireland, France, and Wales. It was signed to act as a quick reaction force for any British invasion of Irish lands, which was a very real possibility at the time, but also as standard procedure for the Empire with foreign allies, as is the reason for our base near the UFE.”

“Don't get me wrong - Scotland sees the Empire as a pillar of the international community... however, having this base within Scotland right now has become an issue domestically. I'd be very willing to continue having an Imperial presence here as long as the Empire is willing to reciprocate.”

“I understand your trepidation completely. The base was originally leased to us by the Irish, and due to the falling tensions on the British Isles, we chose to halve our troop contingent here. Further reductions would be on the table for negotiation, of course. A base in our territory, however, would require a high-level military treaty with the Empire, something on the level of what the UFE or United Kingdom hold.”

“I expected such. I won't be so foolish as to ask for a high-level military treaty immediately, but we hold similar allies and interests in the world and it would be a terrible idea to let a potential friend go to waste. Would it be out of the question for Scotland and the Empire to form a partnership? The start of a partnership between ourselves and the Empire could go a long way.”

“I would not say that it is out of the question, no. Your people have been nothing but hospitable to our troops during their time off the base, and your proximity to Ireland makes strategic sense for a partnership as well. Coupled with the ever-changing European landscape, though Africa seems to want that mantle now, a partnership would be in the best interests of both nations I believe.”

“Then I see no reason why we need to have a scaling back of troop numbers in Scotland - as long as you won't pull an Ottoman Empire, that is.”

“You can be assured, Egalitor, that whatever disease has caused much of Africa to go insane has not affected the Empire. Stability is the name of the game in North America, as it has been since the Imperial-USA war.”

“Then perhaps we can get started with something to calm my nations nerves - a non-aggression pact?”

“I believe such a pact would be an excellent starting ground for a relationship between our two nations.”

“Excellent, then. I'll have a copy sent soon for looking over and signing. As it is, I have another meeting I have to attend to. Thank you for coming.”

OOC: Done on IRC.

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