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Why is SF so terrible?

Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299779079' post='2658679']
Right now, your moral compass appears to be pointing at "Will hold Polar at war for as long as Xiphosis needs to disband UPN."

Right now, your attitude and assumptions, as well as this thread in general, prove everything that's wrong with the state of affairs around here. Crying, lieing, making stuff up, and assuming the worst, [i]does not destroy your enemy's infra or tech[/i]. Get it through your head.

Or, continue to put the cart hilariously before the horse with this situation, post lots of garbage and think it means something, and loose wars. One of the two.

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[quote]So you go from Impero's implied threat, that VE holds all the cards and can give NpO whatever terms it likes, to portraying VE as an alliance admirable for its 'moral compass'? [/quote]
You'll see when peace is achieved that we aren't trying to kill Polar. I would say that having the option to be a total bully and not doing so is showing use of a moral compass, yes.

[quote]Right now, your moral compass appears to be pointing at "Will hold Polar at war for as long as Xiphosis needs to disband UPN." [/quote]
You might want to ask Polar about that because it is they who are choosing not to leave UPN on the field and they don't wish to have peace until the UPN issue is sorted. If you are trying to imply that VE supports disbanding alliances then you are simply being ridiculous (and as someone who continually complains about Invicta being tarred with the brush of Hegemony, you should know better than to try smear by association).

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1299785160' post='2658824']
So now you pray to xiphosis for luck?

That will end just as badly as if your wish were to come true :awesome:

CJ, please note that very few people actually believe in the power of GOD as an almighty being, it is mostly just a Xiphosis thing.

Also, if you would be so kind as to take a number as I believe your grievance with Polaris ranks behind that of others. As we serve our customers on a deli-style ticket basis, and you have previously failed to be sufficiently outraged as constantly as others, you will simply have to wait. Actually the list is so long right now that I suggest you form some kind of syndicate and see if you can get closer to the front of the line that way.

Just to refresh your memory though, TOP MUST DIE is first, then apparently Big Woody who has pissed and moaned several times recently wants to be next... then a massive scum forms, so many grievances, so little time. Maybe talk to Woody and see if he will let you cut in? Should see you late 2012 for WoTCII, the ultimate revenge-revenge?

Also, don't intentionally make pezstar happy, she is much more comfortable !@#$%*ing and moaning.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1299782612' post='2658776']
You'll see when peace is achieved that we aren't trying to kill Polar. I would say that having the option to be a total bully and not doing so is showing use of a moral compass, yes.

You might want to ask Polar about that because it is they who are choosing not to leave UPN on the field and they don't wish to have peace until the UPN issue is sorted. If you are trying to imply that VE supports disbanding alliances then you are simply being ridiculous (and as someone who continually complains about Invicta being tarred with the brush of Hegemony, you should know better than to try smear by association).

[color="#FF0000"]Tis true that Polar will not leave any of our allies on the battlefield till all have succeeded in reaching a peaceful resolution to their involvement in the war. Tis also true that VE has not implied disbandment of anyone involved in the Polar conflict. I know Bobby J is suffering from that Vladimir disease, but this is not a case of his symptoms :)[/color]

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299605553' post='2656800']
Don't make me PM Slap Q to get him to post how wrong you are. They were disbanding regardless of the outcome of the war, and they agreed the reparations were reasonable.

OOC: Much like the guy in your avatar you are grasping at half-truths and trying to paint a picture that isn't there.
I'll admit it was a bit of a stretch and i didnt say it was forced. I just left it open to interpretation :)

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1299791515' post='2658991']
I'll admit it was a bit of a stretch and i didnt say it was forced. I just left it open to interpretation :)
It's well beyond a stretch. It's a reversal of cause-effect. The FnKa war happened because they were disbanding and wanted to go out with a bang.

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It seems that many people in here have forgotten what this discussion was all about. So, returning to the topic at hand, I contend that the following statement is true:

[b]"With the departure of Ragnarok, the SuperFriends bloc has become decidedly worse as a result."[/b]


(Given my own alliance's treaties, it should not be difficult to understand why I might believe this to be so.)

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1299795933' post='2659087']
It seems that many people in here have forgotten what this discussion was all about. So, returning to the topic at hand, I contend that the following statement is true:

[b]"With the departure of Ragnarok, the SuperFriends bloc has become decidedly worse as a result."[/b]


(Given my own alliance's treaties, it should not be difficult to understand why I might believe this to be so.)

Agreed. End of debate.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1299795933' post='2659087']
It seems that many people in here have forgotten what this discussion was all about. So, returning to the topic at hand, I contend that the following statement is true:

[b]"With the departure of Ragnarok, the SuperFriends bloc has become decidedly worse as a result."[/b]


(Given my own alliance's treaties, it should not be difficult to understand why I might believe this to be so.)
I disagree. Rok was the middle alliance of SF. RIA and R&R are both better. GOD and CSN are worse

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1299801566' post='2659170']
What are stopping you?
You need to first surrender to VE, PC, iFOK and FOK. I'm unsure if they are requesting any reps from you so either handle that or don't worry about it. Then, I want you to rebuild. Spend all your time, money and hard work rebuilding those precious stats that were taken from you in this war. Want to know what happens after all those months of hard work?

Thats when get your ass kicked.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1299805406' post='2659242']
You need to first surrender to VE, PC, iFOK and FOK. I'm unsure if they are requesting any reps from you so either handle that or don't worry about it. Then, I want you to rebuild. Spend all your time, money and hard work rebuilding those precious stats that were taken from you in this war. Want to know what happens after all those months of hard work?

Thats when get your ass kicked.

Sounds like a good plan, I will charge you when that time comes.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1299795933' post='2659087']
It seems that many people in here have forgotten what this discussion was all about. So, returning to the topic at hand, I contend that the following statement is true:

[b]"With the departure of Ragnarok, the SuperFriends bloc has become decidedly worse as a result."[/b]


(Given my own alliance's treaties, it should not be difficult to understand why I might believe this to be so.)
In the "Does it make SF stronger?" question, the answer is no.

In the "Does it make SF more aligned in direction?" question, the answer is yes.

It reminds me of OG in Citadel in the Karma War. All of Citadel fought on one side, while OG fought on the other. It's not good for the bloc when one alliance fights for the opposite side, whether it be OG in Cit or RoK in this.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1299805406' post='2659242']
You need to first surrender to VE, PC, iFOK and FOK. I'm unsure if they are requesting any reps from you so either handle that or don't worry about it. Then, I want you to rebuild. Spend all your time, money and hard work rebuilding those precious stats that were taken from you in this war. Want to know what happens after all those months of hard work?

Thats when get your ass kicked.

Someone needs to save this post for the end of year CN Awards thread, because this man deserves a prize! There is serious gold in this post.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1299810165' post='2659373']
In the "Does it make SF stronger?" question, the answer is no.

In the "Does it make SF more aligned in direction?" question, the answer is yes.

It reminds me of OG in Citadel in the Karma War. All of Citadel fought on one side, while OG fought on the other. It's not good for the bloc when one alliance fights for the opposite side, whether it be OG in Cit or RoK in this.

*ahem* Two alliances fought on the other side. :smug:

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