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Why is SF so terrible?

Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Tromp' timestamp='1299589328' post='2656632']
You don't have to. Difference in opinion is a good thing, as criticism keeps people from becoming lazy.
However I do believe there's more to be considered. The simple fact is that you cannot survive a war of this scale on your own, you need friends and allies to assure yourself of victory. In this war you accepted the help of the very people you're now insulting. You come off as an immature, spoiled and ungrateful brat (or !@#$%*), and as such you do the image of your alliance no good.
A solution will eventually be found, and it is until that point that you should at least have the courtesy to withhold from judgement. My advice to you is to have more trust in your leaders and those they are working with.

So sure, if commenting on the fact that forcing communities as an entity out of the game makes me immature, then thats what I am.

I do know what my leaders are trying to achieve, but others, fighting on the same side in this conflict, really want to frustrate a good outcome for all parties involved.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299589693' post='2656635']
Pardon? We've never disbanded anyone and I don't intend to start.
Can you confirm/deny that you intend to disband NSO solely to force RV to join GOONS? :awesome:

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299589693' post='2656635']
Pardon? We've never disbanded anyone and I don't intend to start.

All Haf has done in this thread is make unfounded statements/accusations. Then failed to respond when asked to clarify.

Though, he can always take this opportunity to prove me wrong?

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[quote]In this war you accepted the help of the very people you're now insulting.[/quote]

I am, obviously, not privy to any of the requests for help made by iFOK or PB in general. I am curious, though, if iFOK (a) requested GOD's assistance; or (b) was asked to approve GOD's assistance. Afterall, CMEA is the only iFOK ally that hit UPN. RnR assisted its friends in CMEA. RnR and CMEA also assisted with USN. If I were to speculate, I'd say iFOK asked CMEA to hit USN and UPN with the understanding that RnR would come in. I'm not sure what happened behind closed doors when GOD decided to use the SF treaty to come in.

I suppose that's all academic as the regardless, the war continues.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1299568837' post='2656489']
Rag-na-rok St-ands De-feat-ed

i count 8 at least how i see it anyway

Stands is one syllable, one vowel = one syllable.

[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1299581170' post='2656586']
Fundamental question, then: does GOD feel its been backstabbed? In addition, GOD was with us the entire time before you did what you did, so it was more you going against them.

Rok was with us too, so it was more them going against themselves.

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[quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1299594318' post='2656670']
Not sure about the rest of SF being terrible but any alliance who joins a war on the side who is outgunned and outmanned has my respect.

My perception of RoK has changed on this war.
I find this ironic based on your alliance affiliation.

I don't mean this as any sort of insult - it just goes to show how the times really have changed.

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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1299593112' post='2656663']
All Haf has done in this thread is make unfounded statements/accusations. Then failed to respond when asked to clarify.

Though, he can always take this opportunity to prove me wrong?
He so silly.

[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1299591653' post='2656657']
Can you confirm/deny that you intend to disband NSO solely to force RV to join GOONS? :awesome:

The thought crossed my mind, but I would never take it that far! It is part of our long term objectives though to make RV a yoreciv (that's a reverse viceroy).

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299589693' post='2656635']
Pardon? We've never disbanded anyone and I don't intend to start.

People who make others perform for their amusement in order to obtain permission to continue to be a nation ruler on Planet Bob should refrain from discussions involving the disbanding of alliances. You call too much attention to your own crimes.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1299599459' post='2656712']
People who make others perform for their amusement in order to obtain permission to continue to be a nation ruler on Planet Bob should refrain from discussions involving the disbanding of alliances. You call too much attention to your own crimes.
Yes, making people draw pictures of a dog on a rollercoaster or write Shakespearean plays is just as bad as disbanding alliances or unreasonably high reps, thank you for opening my eyes Hal, I will shut down the mercy board immediately to prevent any further travesties against bobkind.

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1299572483' post='2656540']
Why would we thank you for your intentions of keeping people in eternal war (or else disband blah blah?). The ones we do thank for their help are CMEA and for a certain extend R&R. Btw, UPN was well covered before you jumped on them. Pxychosis chose a soft target, already down, so you guys only needed to deliver the fatal blow.

Please tell me what FARK told you about VE and in a certain extend us. I'm sure its nothing new, but it would be nice to hear from an immoralist.

Now who gives your puny alliance the right to frustrate an entire front, just because your leader wants to? Both aggressors and defendants alike had enough of this war, but your try to use PB's influence and NS to force your worthless and despicable agenda through all our throats.

You seem somewhat confused as to my alliance affiliation.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299599884' post='2656727']
Yes, making people draw pictures of a dog on a rollercoaster or write Shakespearean plays is just as bad as disbanding alliances or unreasonably high reps, thank you for opening my eyes Hal, I will shut down the mercy board immediately to prevent any further travesties against bobkind.

At some point it will occur to you that I've said in the past that easy to perform tasks, such as beer reviews, given in the spirit of fun and amusement for [b]all[/b] are actually an excellent substitute for insisting on reparations.

That's not what goes on with regard to the "mercy" board.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1299601989' post='2656761']
At some point it will occur to you that I've said in the past that easy to perform tasks, such as beer reviews, given in the spirit of fun and amusement for [b]all[/b] are actually an excellent substitute for insisting on reparations.

That's not what goes on with regard to the "mercy" board.

The mercy board itself is not a difficult task. It's actually a bit of fun. I know I was laughing at least.

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1299544159' post='2655951']
Bob I take exception to this, first off you say RoK "jumped sides" by choosing which coalition they would support, then you have the gall to say SF is borrowing other people's strength to pursue grudges? How about the fact that SF alliances, the same ones you are bashing in this post, are currently at war because of your alliance's grudge with Polaris? GOD and RIA and all of Maroon fought alliances on VE's behalf to defend YOUR ally, not ours.

Did iFOK say thanks to us? Did you? [b] I don't see anyone saying thank you.[/b] GOD went to war for VE and PB's behalf more than any other alliance in SF yet you single them out for criticism. This just goes to show you always saw us as a meatshield, and now we're a meatshield to toss under the bus.

Fark was right, and they tried to tell us but our leaders wouldn't listen and trusted you and what would become PB. We should have all done what Fark did.

Dude, you are far to smart to really think that the personal opinion of a few (literally two vocal people) are indicative of any wider appreciation. Hell, for that matter, that any opinions about this specific situation at all have a bearing on the interpersonal relationships that exist. There is no bus, there is only a few people talking loudly. As to the bold, ask Xiph or Delta before you make any assumptions like that. I really expect better critical thinking from you considering the fact that you know how things work, maybe you were just caught up in the heat of the moment though when you posted this.

Note the above is in regards to PB, not others. I don't think MK talking @#$% on the forums at anything with a pulse should come as much of a surprise though, pretty much par for the course at this point.

To the rest of you, heed Tromps words from a few pages back, he is wise.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1299601989' post='2656761']
At some point it will occur to you that I've said in the past that easy to perform tasks, such as beer reviews, given in the spirit of fun and amusement for [b]all[/b] are actually an excellent substitute for insisting on reparations.

That's not what goes on with regard to the "mercy" board.
How is writing a 200 word story on a GOON lumberjack that goes to China or whatever any harder than writing a beer review?

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1299603901' post='2656782']
How is writing a 200 word story on a GOON lumberjack that goes to China or whatever any harder than writing a beer review?

If I had a choice I'd take the beer review, personal drunken episodes always trump an imagination, just go ask Tucker Max.

Edited by Freelancer
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299599884' post='2656727']
Yes, making people draw pictures of a dog on a rollercoaster or write Shakespearean plays is just as bad as disbanding alliances or unreasonably high reps, thank you for opening my eyes Hal, I will shut down the mercy board immediately to prevent any further travesties against bobkind.
You always demand unreasonably high reps and FnKa disbanded at the end of your war with them

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SF is actually a pretty cool and straightforward bunch. With the exception of ROK that is. R&R in particular are great people and I can't imagine not being allied to them. SF might have made some mistakes but overall they are solid and I am thankful for their help in this war.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1299605200' post='2656795']
You always demand unreasonably high reps and FnKa disbanded at the end of your war with them
Don't make me PM Slap Q to get him to post how wrong you are. They were disbanding regardless of the outcome of the war, and they agreed the reparations were reasonable.

OOC: Much like the guy in your avatar you are grasping at half-truths and trying to paint a picture that isn't there.

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On the note of Rok: why would we surrender? sure we're taking damage, it's war.... This is Ragnaroks culture, it's who we are, i wouldn't expect poison clan to understand what i'm talking about, i don't expect a sense of culture from the member of a bloc that couldn't even remember which flag is PC's :smug:

Edited by lazaraus45
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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1299605657' post='2656801']
On the note of Rok: why would we surrender? sure we're taking damage, it's war.... This is Ragnaroks culture, it's who we are, i wouldn't expect poison clan to understand what i'm talking about, i don't expect a sense of culture from the member of a bloc that couldn't even remember which flag is PC's :smug:

We have too many to remember.

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