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Posted (edited)

[IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/duncanking/Images/corebanner.png [/IMG]

Hey there, looking for an awesome young  alliance to join? Why don't you give the Coalition of Red Empires a try.

What is CoRE- The Coalition of Red Empires  is a  new and young alliance created by KingFloater. We reside on the Red sphere but will take exceptions if you are in a trade circle or have your trade slots full.We are founded on 5 Core ways to follow
1.Be helpful
2. Be courages
3.Be Respectful
4.Be willing 
5. Have Fun 
and being willing to go to extreme lengths for our members and allies.

Whats Do I Get if I join- we currently don't offer start up aid but we can get you in tech deals that could earn you up to an estimate of $11,000,000 a month and for you Expereinced members we have Several Goverment positions,and jobs for you to do. 

How do i join- To join CoRE just switch your alliance AA to Coalition of Red Empires, and your color to Red then register and apply on http://cncore.freeforums.org/index.php
If you have any questions 

You can ask me
Or our Prime Minister
Or Visit our IRC channel: #Core
[Img] http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/dyCazaril/CoRELarge.png[/Img] 

Edited by Kingfloater

Check out our new Gov

Prime Minister:CommisarJosh
Minister of Internal Affairs:Marko Gajinovic
Minister of War:TBD
Minister of Finance:TBD
Minister of Foreign Affairs:TBD
Minister of Recruitment & Education:TBD
Come join and see if you qualify for any of our open positions


[quote name='kingshawn' timestamp='1300030337' post='2662955']
Bump to the top for CORE!..also come check our new forums out here The United Nations http://nations.freeforums.org/index.php

This is sad. Make your own thread.

Posted (edited)

These guys are good people, join em.
One thing you'll find with big alliance is that most of the government
have there heads up there ass when it comes to being friendly to a new recruit.
You won't get that here. JOIN [URL=http://z15.invisionfree.com/CNCORE/index.php?]HERE[/URL] NOW

That concludes Gotham's official report.

Edited by NoMutantAllowed

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