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A Dark Templar Announcement

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[quote name='Foose Babganoosh' timestamp='1297903553' post='2636145']
My Reps are simple everyone in LoSS and DT are to give me a shiny new dime and sing I'M a little Teapot POST PICS WITH THE ACTIONS OF THE SONG

This is silly... but certainly more reasonable and civil!

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1297883050' post='2635804']
I be everyone knows who would win worst military coordination of the year...

/me points to LoSS

and yes that means worse than THL and TGE.

And thats why i personally (along with DR) Came up with striketeams and target lists for our lower tier. Im pretty sure we have done 5 blitz' so far. Give or take one. If you mean with DT, i cant comment on that. That was not my job, but maybe i will make it and then we will see what happens. Not to say anything bad about CSN's military strength, but im pretty sure they are catching up on LoSS' losses. Someone do me a favor and post the NS loss of both sides. i havent looked at it in awhile.

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[quote name='HeRo1' timestamp='1297916532' post='2636336']
And thats why i personally (along with DR) Came up with striketeams and target lists for our lower tier. Im pretty sure we have done 5 blitz' so far. Give or take one. If you mean with DT, i cant comment on that. That was not my job, but maybe i will make it and then we will see what happens. Not to say anything bad about CSN's military strength, but im pretty sure they are catching up on LoSS' losses. Someone do me a favor and post the NS loss of both sides. i havent looked at it in awhile.

i cba to check war declarations but it seems overall csn is about 300k off of loss's ns losses :ph34r:

Edited by Roi Loup
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[quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1297918549' post='2636358']
i cba to check war declarations but it seems overall csn is about 300k off of loss's ns losses :ph34r:

And considering we have been hit by approximately 16mil and CSN has been hit by approximately 8mil, i think we are doing a pretty damn good job.

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[quote name='HeRo1' timestamp='1297919302' post='2636371']
And considering we have been hit by approximately 16mil and CSN has been hit by approximately 8mil, i think we are doing a pretty damn good job.

False assumption, Nuclear wars are fairly evenly destructive no matter how many pile where. NS is NS and nukes is nukes. Dog piles don't really favor the larger party until after their targets run out of nukes.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1297920857' post='2636398']
False assumption, Nuclear wars are fairly evenly destructive no matter how many pile where. NS is NS and nukes is nukes. Dog piles don't really favor the larger party until after their targets run out of nukes.
Dogpiles deplete your nuke count rapidly with multiple sdi opponents.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1297920987' post='2636400']
Dogpiles deplete your nuke count rapidly with multiple sdi opponents.

Completely off subject.. but wow.. its been forever since ive even noticed you post.. although i dont pay attention really... We go way back.. but i doubt you remember.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1297920987' post='2636400']
Dogpiles deplete your nuke count rapidly with multiple sdi opponents.

not only that but with more NS, your side will most likely have more nations with nukes which allows for more nukes to land on the underdog side.

so not only are more nukes most likely going to be landing on the underdog side but the underdog side will be depleting nukes quicker. so, i would say that dogpiles have a significant effect on damage capability.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297925455' post='2636470']
not only that but with more NS, your side will most likely have more nations with nukes which allows for more nukes to land on the underdog side.

so not only are more nukes most likely going to be landing on the underdog side but the underdog side will be depleting nukes quicker. so, i would say that dogpiles have a significant effect on damage capability.

What are you spewing? It works completely opposite of what you said. A dogpiled nation gets to nuke 3 nations a day, the dogpilers get to nuke that nation once a day.

Until the nuke stockpile runs out the attackers are eating more nukes a day.

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Another 42 pages of complaining and no one doing a damn thing.

CSN won the war hate or love them they won, something we have all learned is those who win will impose any reps they see fit.

before anyone bring up NPO and Karma please think how long it had taken for Karma to come about and even then most of those alliances in Karma (on Karma side)are just doing what they fought to stop in the first place.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1297931929' post='2636544']
What are you spewing? It works completely opposite of what you said. A dogpiled nation gets to nuke 3 nations a day, the dogpilers get to nuke that nation once a day.

Until the nuke stockpile runs out the attackers are eating more nukes a day.

20 or 25 nukes run out quick. Even if you can buy 7-14 more in that first week, it's not unreasonable to see all of them gone within the week.

I sent 12 nukes in 1 day to hit 6 targets.

[quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1297918549' post='2636358']
i cba to check war declarations but it seems overall csn is about 300k off of loss's ns losses :ph34r:

LOSS has lost 2,440,338NS since the 21st.
CSN has lost 2,257,052NS since the 22nd.

Difference of 183,286NS.

Edited by Sam Winters
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1297932277' post='2636549']
Another 42 pages of complaining and no one doing a damn thing.

Speak for yourself, I've already declared war. I've been on GOONS' EoG list since before christmas, and I made TGE disband, I'll be damned if CSN isn't going to regret asking for tech.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1297943343' post='2636587']
Speak for yourself, I've already declared war. I've been on GOONS' EoG list since before christmas, and I made TGE disband, I'll be damned if CSN isn't going to regret asking for tech.

I'll go buy a package of 134 diapers for CSN now.

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Just a note, I know this might be out of place, but I love how it seems CSN is referring to the war with DT and LoSS, but mainly DT as a beat down. When if you look at the statistics, CSN is taking the most damage, and DT, the smallest of the alliances at war, is taking the least. (No offense to our friends in LoSS).

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1297932277' post='2636549']

CSN won the war hate or love them they won, something we have all learned is those who win will impose any reps they see fit.
CSN hasn't won the war - the war is ongoing. We're just looking to end hostilities since the only reason we entered this war has been removed from the circumstances.

The Dark Templar is not defeated.

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1297892257' post='2635941']
Just noticed this garbage that you're implying. I'm not one for chest puffing, but if you think that losing is my specialty, well, you've clearly never met me nor anyone associated with me. Anyway, back to the topic.

How's Karma now?

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[quote name='Fort Pitt' timestamp='1297944817' post='2636596']
Just a note, I know this might be out of place, but I love how it seems CSN is referring to the war with DT and LoSS, but mainly DT as a beat down. When if you look at the statistics, CSN is taking the most damage, and DT, the smallest of the alliances at war, is taking the least. (No offense to our friends in LoSS).

Oh god p[i]l[/i]ease d[i]o[/i]n't say that. P[i]l[/i]ease do[i]n[/i]'t. There are c[i]o[/i]untless a[i]r[/i]gument[i]s[/i] and co[i]u[/i]nte[i]r[/i] a[i]r[/i]gum[i]en[/i]ts somewhere in the mi[i]d[/i]dl[i]e[/i] of this th[i]re[/i]a[i]d[/i].

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1297932277' post='2636549']
Another 42 pages of complaining and no one doing a damn thing.

CSN won the war hate or love them they won, something we have all learned is those who win will impose any reps they see fit.

before anyone bring up NPO and Karma please think how long it had taken for Karma to come about and even then most of those alliances in Karma (on Karma side)are just doing what they fought to stop in the first place.

All you've done is provided evidence that alliances that demand severe reparations and other over the top terms (viceroys, forced expulsions from alliances of nation leaders, etc.) may not get immediately punished in a karmic sense, not that it never happens. It *always* happens, even if not everyone agrees if the punishment was enough.

Even if you don't buy off on the karmic premise, alliances/alliance leaders who demand severe reparations and other over the top terms make enemies that never stop being enemies. Make a habit of it and eventually you'll accumulate enough enemies in the wrong places that you will get rolled hard. That's not karma, that's common sense.

As for CSN winning the war...have you heard the expression, "they won the battle, but lost the war"? The battle is still being played out even now and while CSN has numbers on its side, but the war clearly goes against them.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1297887416' post='2635860']
I think that occured awhile ago when the leadership of CSN collectively bent over and inserted their heads up each others posteriors with a little greasing from ol xiph ;)
Its called a human centipede or "pulling a CSN" in these parts.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1297931929' post='2636544']
What are you spewing? It works completely opposite of what you said. A dogpiled nation gets to nuke 3 nations a day, the dogpilers get to nuke that nation once a day.

Until the nuke stockpile runs out the attackers are eating more nukes a day.

so a dogpiled nation is fighting 4-6v1. has 25 nukes. (we will go with a 4v1) takes at least 2 nukes per attacker to hit. so now you are down by 25% of your stockpile in one day. while those doing the dogpile can nuke your nation for a week simply by switching off who hits and letting the others build up their nuke stockpiles again. Soon the dogpiled is out of nukes (most likely by day 5 of the war). in a 6v1 it could be quicker. you seem to forget this nice little wonder called the SDI that thwarts nuclear attacks. so, in reality, it works exactly like i said it does, unless of course VE does not have any SDIs?

also, you can only eat 1 nuke per day. and sure, 4 nations take 1 nuke per day for 2 to 4 days. but that single nation will end up taking 6. then there is the fact that we have all seen and heard of an SDI thwarting 10 or more in a row. could you imagine having 25 nukes and have 10 of them thwarted before you manage to nuke a single opponent. welp, now you only have 14 left (10 thwarted plus 1 hit) to nuke the other 3. and if that takes the average of 3 (iirc) that means you are down to 5. all that in a single day. which means on average, you get to nuke 1 nation the following day while you will still most likely end up taking 6.

yup. it sure does seem like the dogpilers take more damage.... (and this without even getting into spying away nukes).

[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1297932277' post='2636549']
Another 42 pages of complaining and no one doing a damn thing.

CSN won the war hate or love them they won, something we have all learned is those who win will impose any reps they see fit.

before anyone bring up NPO and Karma please think how long it had taken for Karma to come about and even then most of those alliances in Karma (on Karma side)are just doing what they fought to stop in the first place.

heh. /me looks at AA

well damn, i wish my gov had told me that CSN won and we are no longer at war.... could have sworn we were still at war...

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