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Preemptive Warfare


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[center][size="6"]Preemptive Warfare[/size]
[size="4"]And the Case of Doomhouse[/size][/center]

[quote][b]*[/b] Preemptive strike is a single military raid with a limited military objective which falls short of the objective of the initiation of all out war.

[b]*[/b] Preemptive war is a war that is commenced in an attempt to repel or defeat perceived inevitable offensive or invasion or to gain strategic advantage in an impending threat (allegedly unavoidable) before that threat materializes.

[b]*[/b] [i]Coup de main[/i] is a swift attack that relies on speed and surprise to accomplish it's objectives in a single blow.

Source: Wikipedia

Preemptive war is one of the most complicated operations in warfare. Given it is executed right it can award the attacker greatly. However to have success in a preemptive war one must meet many unavoidable criteria:

1) Define a clear and achievable objective to itself
2) Have means to achieve the objective.
3) Have means to deal with the outcome of the achieved objective

Since aggression in Cybernations is generally frowned upon it is very risky to declare war on someone, especially without a good casus belli, because in its basics aggression is a PR nightmare. As a result an alliance by declaring an offensive war risks on fighting with fewer allies because it may lose the support of its mutual defense pact allies. Thus an aggressive war is a risk far greater than a defensive war. Preemptive war is therefor already on shaky ground and it only becomes shakier the weaker the casus belli is, as political motives fade away and the action is shown as pursuing purely militaristic gains. In this way a war sold as preemptive can quickly become predatory: not something that should ever be taken lightly.

In theory preemptive war should “repel a perceived inevitable offensive.” In modern CN warfare most alliances have extensive war chest requirements to be able to withstand long wars. Moreover most important battles are fought in the top tiers with the use of nuclear weapons for weeks. In this case success gained by first surprise attack means little, because the enemy will not be destroyed but most commonly loses only one day of active warfare (preupdate minutes). So with modern cybernations it is impossible for one side to repel the other's incoming offensive by simply striking first. A preemptive attack can only win the war with unprepared micro alliances or in CN:TE, whereas casual WC standings are next to nothing. We see these kind of strikes there constantly, where whole 100 men alliances are crippled in a single update.

Although preemptive war usually can not repel an incoming invasion in CN, it can still fulfill some strategic objectives. Most commonly it can prevent the enemy from escaping to peacemode. We saw this case clearly this summer in “6 Million Dollar war” where SuperFriends attacked NSO very swiftly to prevent the Siths from escaping the war. Many people felt like the situation could have been resolved diplomatically, but the NSO's move towards peacemode forced the SuperFriends hand to move quickly. The objective not to let the Siths sit in peace mode was achived and the war soon after won.

In the current NpO-VE conflict we've also seen another case of preemptive warfare. The majority of the forces in AZTEC bloc had not entered the war yet, and were a potential threat to allies of Pandoras Box (in PB's view). To tie up these forces Sparta was dispatched to attack NV which in return triggered counterattacks from rest of the AZTEC. While Sparta was basically used as a meatshield here, the object was achieved: AZTEC was forced to fight on secondary importance front in view the greater scheme of things.

In summary the objectives a preemptive warfare in CN can fullfil fall into generally in 3 categories:

1) To anarchy a low tier enemy and make them unable to fight. (Only usable by micro AAs and in CN:TE)
2) To prevent the enemy from escaping into peacemode.
3) To tie up some forces on a secondary front before they can attack a vital target.

In another war where combined forces of Doomhouse and FAN attacked the New Pacific Order, the offenders have later claimed that it was a preemptive war, because NPO would have gotten involved with the conflict sooner or later anyway. This justification became more common after the public condemned Doomhouse's actions. So basically some of their claims are that they are fighting off an invasion attempt at the moment.

First of all the forces of DoomFan would have been a lot better off if they had been locked into a defensive war. If you look at them: a force with half of its nations above 32 000 NS packed with nice war chests, reinforced with their mutual defense pacts with several notable alliances like TOP and MHA. The forces of DoomFan would have been a lot better off had they been locked into a defensive war because of the good PR that they would have gained and due to the better possible use of defensive treaties. So to say they are repelling an incoming offensive is madness. Not to mention the fact that they attacked the wrong target. Legion and TPF were tied to Polar and her allies in war, not the NPO. Although DoomFan is correct that the NPO does love her allies.

Second of all, a strike to prevent NPO from escaping into peacemode was unachievable. The majority of Pacifica's high tier nations had been placed into peace mode prior to the offensive. Furthermore they would have needed a reason to try to prevent mass peace mode: is it either 6 million in aid like in NSO-RoK war or simply the desire to destroy Pacifica, but people don't attack others just to prevent them from escaping into peacemode just because. On a side note, people in peace mode aren't very effective in attacking either to further undermind the “repelling the invasion” argument.

Last, but not least DoomFan – NPO war is not a secondary importance front. If we go to Doomhouse's Declaration of War we can read long about Archon's desire to destroy Pacifica. Sparta on the contrary made a small DoW where they clearly stated they do so at the request of their ally. Umbrella and GOONS, members of Pandora's Box, however, had been sitting and waiting to fight the TPF/Legion/NPO front since the beginning.

As a conclusion DoomFan's war on NPO is not a preemptive strike neither a preemptive war. [i]Coup de main[/i] if you like fancy words, but it lacks a case of preemting something, anything. It is a simple first strike, to destroy and to conquer.

Other writings on the topic of DH-NPO war:
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97714&st=0"]War and Consequence[/url]

Consulted with Vladimir

Edited by mikk206
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[color="#FF0000"]Although this is well written, and doesn't come across with the usual level of Pacifican arrogance, it is rather ignorant of a glaring fact.

FanDoom attacked NPO because NPO was purposefully trying to keep out of the war/being kept out of the war by others in the hopes that they could save their pixels for future use when more favorable political climates prevailed. It is pretty evident that this case was made in the DH-FAN DoW. It has very little to nothing to do with ceasing a slight tactical advantage as in the case of TOPs Pre-Emptive War on CnG during BiPolar.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1297019480' post='2622419']
[color="#FF0000"]Although this is well written, and doesn't come across with the usual level of Pacifican arrogance, it is rather ignorant of a glaring fact.

FanDoom attacked NPO because NPO was purposefully trying to keep out of the war/being kept out of the war by others in the hopes that they could save their pixels for future use when more favorable political climates prevailed. It is pretty evident that this case was made in the DH-FAN DoW. It has very little to nothing to do with ceasing a slight tactical advantage as in the case of TOPs Pre-Emptive War on CnG during BiPolar.[/color]

so, you are stating there was absolutely no reason for the invasion since NPO was not going to enter. so what little justification they did have is a lie and that just like the OP stated, they invaded for no reason.

according to all the crap MK members are spouting, their side wants a multi-polar world or are delusional enough to think there is an actual multi-polar world already in place. destroying NPO only further solidifies the uni-polar world that is actually in place.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297019958' post='2622434']
so, you are stating there was absolutely no reason for the invasion since NPO was not going to enter. so what little justification they did have is a lie and that just like the OP stated, they invaded for no reason.

according to all the crap MK members are spouting, their side wants a multi-polar world or are delusional enough to think there is an actual multi-polar world already in place. destroying NPO only further solidifies the uni-polar world that is actually in place.
To be fair, they pretty much have openly admitted that they are attacking NPO for the lulz.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297019958' post='2622434']
according to all the crap MK members are spouting, their side wants a multi-polar world or are delusional enough to think there is an actual multi-polar world already in place. destroying NPO only further solidifies the uni-polar world that is actually in place.

Where did you get that? The only people spouting crap (or who even care) about a multipolar world are the ex-Vox and CoJ sympathizers and the other neglected microalliances who are losing out this war looking for someone to blame. MK simply doesn't want NPO to be one of those poles.

On the topic itself, decent points, but seems to be missing the big picture. I don't think the FanDoom/NPO strike was meant as a pre-emptive war to anything. It's only been referred to a preemptive strike for MK's respect of TOP's preemptive strike during Bipolar.

The objective was to remove NPO from power. The right moment was when any possible NPO allies and further chains, especially NpO, were distracted by another war. In keeping everyone distracted and too weak to defend NPO, they succeeded brilliantly, even more so when NPO's allies focused all their attacks on GOONS.

Edited by MrMuz
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These are some of the worst opinions I've ever read. Ever. At least Vladimir has the literary skills to mask a tiny bit of the !@#$%^&* coming from his posts. You, however, do not.

You should be ashamed.

Edit: Everything must die.

Edited by Penkala
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Conquer and destroy we shall!

Two points:
- We wanted a war, that was the main reason for entering.
- This would have been the 2nd or 3rd war NPO avoided entering because things weren't stacked in their favor. This strike stopped that. We stopped your clear opportunism.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297020839' post='2622458']
Conquer and destroy we shall!

Two points:
- We wanted a war, that was the main reason for entering.
- This would have been the 2nd or 3rd war NPO avoided entering because things weren't stacked in their favor. This strike stopped that. We stopped your clear opportunism.

- Someone forgot to tell Archon apparently.
- Lets kill GPA someday shall we? Those opportunist cowards!

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297020929' post='2622461']
- Lets kill GPA someday shall we? Those opportunist cowards!

Didn't you already do that already?

[sub][sub]Disclaimer: I was not in Umbrella during the GPA war, nor was I in [ooc]the game[/ooc] itself.[/sub][/sub]

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1297020495' post='2622451']
These are some of the worst opinions I've ever read. Ever. At least Vladimir has the literary skills to mask a tiny bit of the !@#$%^&* coming from his posts. You, however, do not.

You should be ashamed.

Edit: Everything must die.

You guys must be raising some good points ;)

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297020929' post='2622461']
- Someone forgot to tell Archon apparently.
- Lets kill GPA someday shall we? Those opportunist cowards!

You guys already tried that remember? Oh yeah, I forgot, you always try to rewrite history in your favor so I guess you have to act like you didn't do that. :awesome:

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297020929' post='2622461']
- Lets kill GPA someday shall we? Those opportunist cowards!

Don't drag GPA's name into this. They're clear neutrals, they've always been neutral and always will be. They have never ever attacked any alliance that didn't rogue them and they don't have a single defense treaty with anyone.

It's different from non-neutral alliances which may dodge a war today but attack in a different war next year. Argue with other points if you like, but a neutral alliance can't be accused of opportunism.

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[quote name='Jocko Homo' timestamp='1297021474' post='2622481']
You guys already tried that remember? Oh yeah, I forgot, you always try to rewrite history in your favor so I guess you have to act like you didn't do that. :awesome:

Yeah man totally.

[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1297021494' post='2622483']
Don't drag GPA's name into this. They're clear neutrals, they've always been neutral and always will be. They have never ever attacked any alliance that didn't rogue them and they don't have a single defense treaty with anyone.

It's different from non-neutral alliances which may dodge a war today but attack in a different war next year. Argue with other points if you like, but a neutral alliance can't be accused of opportunism.

I love how the party line has changed from "they were going to attack sooner or later!!" to "they were not going to take part in the war"

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297020929' post='2622461']
- Someone forgot to tell Archon apparently.[/quote]
Just because something isn't in the DoW doesn't make it false.

[quote]- Lets kill GPA someday shall we? Those opportunist cowards!
As Mr. Muz said, GPA is neutral to the core and never has and never will be a threat to any alliance. On the contrary NPO is very much not neutral, brags about getting revenge in the past, and clearly had us in their sights.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297020839' post='2622458']
Conquer and destroy we shall!

Two points:
- We wanted a war, that was the main reason for entering.
- This would have been the 2nd or 3rd war NPO avoided entering because things weren't stacked in their favor. This strike stopped that. We stopped your clear opportunism.

I just want to know what NPO could have done to avoid this? Is there anything? You attacked NPO because they avoided going to war for so long that you were concerned that they would eventually go to war one day. Do you realize how absurd that sounds? Then after attacking them for not doing anything because you wanted to destroy them while you were still in a position of power, you have the nerve to call THEM opportunists. I understand why you did it, but I don't like the fact that NPO couldn't have done anything to avoid it.

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[quote name='2burnt2eat' timestamp='1297018649' post='2622406']
I always found it funny how they call it a "preemptive strike" when in their own DoW they recognize that NPO wasn't going to get involved. That's not preemptive; it's just invasion.
There are not many things I am 100 % certain about, but the NPO and MK being on opposite sides in a future war is one things I am totally confident about. Given the inevitble war between our alliances we choose when and where we would fight instead of waiting until the odds were no longer in our favor. It doesn't get more rational then that. Also, it's incredible entertaining and isn't that the ultimate goal of any alliance?

Edited by der_ko
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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297021847' post='2622497']
Just because something isn't in the DoW doesn't make it false.[/quote]

So Archon's op was basically a lie to hide the real intentions for the war. K

[quote]As Mr. Muz said, GPA is neutral to the core and never has and never will be a threat to any alliance. On the contrary NPO is very much not neutral, brags about getting revenge in the past, and clearly had us in their sights.

I love how everyone is able to mind read Cortath these days.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297019958' post='2622434']
so, you are stating there was absolutely no reason for the invasion since NPO was not going to enter. so what little justification they did have is a lie and that just like the OP stated, they invaded for no reason.

according to all the crap MK members are spouting, their side wants a multi-polar world or are delusional enough to think there is an actual multi-polar world already in place. destroying NPO only further solidifies the uni-polar world that is actually in place.

[color="#FF0000"]This seems to be a regular occurrence between us. I am honored, I truly am.

No. The reason is right there in front of you, in my post, and in the DoW. NPO was attempting to remain out of the conflict in spite of it's obligations, and its constant adversarial role against DH/MK/PB and its constant arrogance. In my opinion, the Sir Paul "Pretender Act" was enough to roll NPO. Luckily I dont set MK policy and am not good friends with High Prophet Archon.[/color]

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