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Unable to connect to forums/game

The fox

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For the past few days, I have been virtually unable to get onto either the game or the forums, whenever I attempt to access either one the page doesn't load, and instead says that Firefox/IE can't load the page. If I keep refreshing a lot of times, it eventually works, only to stop working about a minute or so later. It would appear to have something to do with two files, dml.sol and settings.sol , Once these two files are removed, everything loads fine. Though, they re-appear constantly after I remove them, and I even tried putting a empty text file as ReadMe only with the same name, though the files are then generated again only with sxx as file extension. Anyone having similiar problems, or know of a solution? Deleting them every time I log on to the game is starting to get a wee bit annoying.

I can also log in just fine in tournament, I am not running any custom scripts or such; I have not changed anything at all in the past few weeks.

Another edit; I believe I have managed to remove the program causing the files to appear, though the problem still persists, so i'm not sure whether this is the cause of the problem or not.

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.sol is a common Flash savefile extension. But, I don't see how they would have any impact on the ability of the forums/game to load. If you have any other computers/browsers (particularly ones that don't have Flash support at all), trying one of them may be in order.

Likewise, a general malware sweep may be pointful -- as I've never known Flash to behave in such a way.

(There is a known bug in MS Windows that causes the DNS cache to become corrupted, this presents similarly, except that only certain sites are effected.)

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It would appear Flash Player is storing the file as a cookie, both according to Google results and Spybot S&D. Though, after having removed and reinstalled flashplayer, removing the macromedia folder completely, then reinstalling, the problem seems to be gone. Pretty odd, if I may say so myself.. never experienced this before in all of my years on the internet.

EDIT: Seems I spoke too soon, though it would appear to somehow be related to plugin-container in FF, or viewing sites such as youtube.. for some odd reason.

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[quote name='Sakura' timestamp='1296775074' post='2618318']
Youtube does depend on Flash. (Part of why I advised a general malware sweep is because that *isn't* normal behavior for Flash, not just a spyware sweep.)

Haven't been able to get on until now; But I did do a scan with NOD32. Nothing came up.

EDIT: Seems I might have found another cause, after running a DNS flush, the site and forums loaded after about two refreshes.. time to see if that is whats causing it. Flash doesn't appear to. It seems to at least load the forums and game faster after flushing the DNS, but it still doesn't load the sites instantly >.> man this is a real pain..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like the vundo or virtumonde virus. That one, in my experience at least, is a huge pain in the ass to get rid of. If all else fails AND I MEAN ALL ELSE try combofix. I've had some success with that program and this virus, though combofix can also easily wreck your system. Most of the time when I see a computer with this virus, it's easiest just to reformat. In the future try using flashblock (though malicious redirects can still get ya) and not going to streaming porn sites.

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='Lord Xnut' timestamp='1301340729' post='2679266']
I'm doing a small bump on this topic as I seem to be experiencing the same problem.
Most webpages works, but not cybernations.net.
Try clearing your DNS cache. If you're in windows, open cmd.exe and type in ipconfig /flushdns. Make sure it's run as an administrator.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1301373727' post='2679689']
Try clearing your DNS cache. If you're in windows, open cmd.exe and type in ipconfig /flushdns. Make sure it's run as an administrator.
That didn't work for me (had already tried it), but it's working again now after speaking to broadband provider. They didn't give me a clear answer on what was wrong, but it seemed to have something about their outgoing connections or something.

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