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[quote]Yes it is, but if they optionally choose not to defend us due to they would get a bad rep thats pretty messed up.[/quote]
Or they just do not like the orders and will not support their cause? Considering it is a non chaining treaty they reserve the option to do that. So whilst I do not agree with their philosophy, I can at least respect it.

[quote]ROTAVELE never said anything. So yeah... I think it was pretty obvious we needed back up then again I was not actively involved in TPFs affairs during the war so I would not know, I was manage my battalions.[/quote]
I guess you have trouble comprehending what I said. When I said you, I was referring to your alliance in general. I don't see how it is obvious that you need backup when your leader tells TPF that you will not be requesting it... if you were not actively involved in the discussions then perhaps you should refrain from making bold statements about your own allies.

So far I have seen MCXA members flame UINE, Valhalla and TPF... Great allies you are.

Edited by Robster83
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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1297354702' post='2628016']
Or they just do not like the orders and will not support their cause? Considering it is a non chaining treaty they reserve the option to do that. So whilst I do not agree with their philosophy, I can at least respect it.

I guess you have trouble comprehending what I said. When I said you, I was referring to your alliance in general. I don't see how it is obvious that you need backup when your leader tells TPF that you will not be requesting it... if you were not actively involved in the discussions then perhaps you should refrain from making bold statements about your own allies.

So far I have seen MCXA members flame UINE, Valhalla and TPF... Great allies you are.
I never seen any flame UINE. Many MCXA members are upset at Valhalla and TPF at this time.

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[quote]I never seen any flame UINE. Many MCXA members are upset at Valhalla and TPF at this time. [/quote]
I have seen it on three instances two of your members talking trash about UINE. If you haven't seen it, it is not my problem. To publicly criticise your allies like this, for no valid reasons is just disgraceful. TPF and Valhalla are not to blame if your leadership did not make it clear to them that THE GOVERNMENT OF MCXA told them that THEY WILL NOT BE REQUESTING help.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1297353550' post='2628003']
Lets sum this up as its like 10 days old.

Some MCXA members were pissed that Valhalla and TPF didnt defend us.

TPF's Response: "You didnt defend us in the current war"

Even though the Doomhouse front didnt exist when we entered. Then your get mad we didnt defend you in Doomhouse-NPO. What goes around comes around. Not only that TPF should respect that our terms were that we not to enter in any of the war fronts for the remainder of the war. Honestly ive lost all respect for TPF, they only care to shield Pacifica now. I once would of loved to call TPF a good friend but I cant really comment on that now.

[color="#FF0000"][center]All opinions are those of my own.[/center][/color]

Nice try, but not even close.

TPF is in no way upset that you are "not defending us" in this war. Our concerns about your entry and exit from this war were voiced to your trium, and they know where they lie.

As far as why your membership was pissed, that sounds like something they need to take up with the existing trium then, because obviously they are not getting anything close to the entire story regarding the communication we had with you in regards to this war. So I haven't the slightest idea where the "TPF is upset we did not defend them" is coming from. We told your gov, on the night you notified us you were entering, that we had intel that we/NPO were going to be pre-empted shortly. At that point it was clear that we would be on separate paths and fronts in this war.

Our concern was not with your choice of allies to defend but rather the strategic implication of the targets you chose. I provided SCY with my opinion, told him it was just that, and he can take it or leave it. He chose to leave it and that is fine. But you guys knew the deal going in. I laid out the exact counter that I though was going to happen if you went in (you would get countered by the majority of CnG, specifically ODN) and that you would have little to no back up support on that front because MK and co were going to pre empt NPO. Your response was that you did not care, you felt that your entry would force surrenders from a specific list of aa's on the other side, and that you had more than enough firepower to take on ODN and co for a long time should they counter.

The exact situation you wound up in was discussed as an extreme high probability with your trium prior to your entry. All I can do as an ally is provide you with my take of what I feel would transpire given the choices you were making. The situation was outlined clearly for your gov, and they knew the risks going in, and the back-up they would have available. They also understood that NPO being hit would obviously draw us to defend our direct MADP partner rather than chaining in onto a front where you entered on an ODP bloc, and told us point blank that you would not be requesting assistance from any allies.

This is not an "I told you post", it is simply clearing this up since you seem hell bent on dragging this out on the owf. Our concerns around your departure from this war had nothing to do with a non re-entry clause or anything of the sort there either and again your Tri is informed about what our concerns were there as well.

You wound up in the situation you did because of the choices of your government, who knew damn well the lay of the land before they made the decision for MCXA to enter and what they were walking into. If you are unhappy with the outcome of the war, then I suppose you have two choices. You can either come out here and blame everyone around you (which is what you are doing in this thread) or you can get the facts and properly inform your membership of what transpired, analyze where your mistakes were made, and realize that the reason you wound up in the situation you did was because of yourselves and no one else. That may actually get you on the track to fixing whatever issues you see with the outcome of this war. Once again, this is simply my advice, and you are free to take it or leave it.

Edit for spelling

Edited by The Crimson King
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[quote name='The Crimson King' timestamp='1297356851' post='2628041']
Nice try, but not even close.

TPF is in no way upset that you are "not defending us" in this war.
[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1297296426' post='2627400']
Oh I do understand it...actions have consequences.

Actions: Ask for MCXA to support you in a war

Consequences: Get left hanging by MCXA

Sorry poor me I just thought that Kilkenny was a TPF member.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1297358114' post='2628050']
Sorry poor me I just thought that Kilkenny was a TPF member.

That is a cheapshot out of TCK's entire post and you actually prove his point by continuing to blame TPF. You address none of his points, really? That indicates to me you don't have anything to disprove what he said.

MCXA made their choices in this war, TPF made theirs. Let it go. I do wish MCXA the best of luck in rebuilding but continuing to take potshots at TPF for no reason doesn't help you any. After all, TPF is still on battlefield fighting and you left your ally on the field and this is what you're arguing over? Piece of advice, if you have a disagreement, work it out in private or you just continue to make it worse.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297365551' post='2628171']
I'd like to ask that all MCXA members stop being critical of our allies in this [i]public[/i] forum. Its a poor form, and when you do so you are working against us as an alliance.

Just curious about your emphasis on [i]public[/i] in the post above....

Maybe I just fell off a turnip truck or somethin' because to me that just enforces a desire or want to have your allies vilified in private. Not addressing the issue just trying to hide it and let it fester.

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1297376206' post='2628353']
Just curious about your emphasis on [i]public[/i] in the post above....

Maybe I just fell off a turnip truck or somethin' because to me that just enforces a desire or want to have your allies vilified in private. Not addressing the issue just trying to hide it and let it fester.

I thought SCY was trying to enforce how irresponsible it was for the member to exchange a grievance with an ally in public. Airing of issues should be done in private.

An exception to that would be =LOST= (those S.O.B.s smell like feet)

Edited by Barnaby von Farter
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1297376206' post='2628353']
Just curious about your emphasis on [i]public[/i] in the post above....

Maybe I just fell off a turnip truck or somethin' because to me that just enforces a desire or want to have your allies vilified in private. Not addressing the issue just trying to hide it and let it fester.

There are appropriate places to have conversations and place not appropriate. You shouldn't take my desire to have conversations in appropriate plkaces as a move to vilify my allies. In fact its just the opposite. When there are problems between allies they should be handled in private else we just inflame situations. I think that's pretty self evident in this thread,

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='Barnaby von Farter' timestamp='1297377786' post='2628382']
I thought SCY was trying to enforce how irresponsible it was for the member to exchange a grievance with an ally in public. Airing of issues should be done in private.

An exception to that would be =LOST= (those S.O.B.s smell like feet)

How very very dirty of you. Now =LOST- has to fight both Athens and ODN in cold war? However will they last?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297378423' post='2628398']
How very very dirty of you. Now =LOST- has to fight both Athens and ODN in cold war? However will they last?
We have good reason, those shady commies have made #lost a channel with actual conversation occurring there. A crime against all.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297365551' post='2628171']
I'd like to ask that all MCXA members stop being critical of our allies in this [i]public[/i] forum. Its a poor form, and when you do so you are working against us as an alliance.
I request that no MCXA members post in this thread. [url="http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=43367&view=findpost&p=6234958"]Thank you. [/url]

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1297358114' post='2628050']
Sorry poor me I just thought that Kilkenny was a TPF member.

Yes I am , and I was refering to UINE....the allies you came in to defend and left behind.

I never said we asked for help, and I know for a fact we never did.

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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1297396140' post='2628825']
Yes I am , and I was refering to UINE....the allies you came in to defend and left behind.

I never said we asked for help, and I know for a fact we never did.

Generally, asking MCXA members to drop it, only works if you drop it too.

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[quote name='Barnaby von Farter' timestamp='1297377786' post='2628382']
I thought SCY was trying to enforce how irresponsible it was for the member to exchange a grievance with an ally in public. Airing of issues should be done in private.

An exception to that would be =LOST= (those S.O.B.s smell like feet)

Why do you think we started our own alliance? It wasn't just for the zombie strippers.

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[quote name='Spartacus1082' timestamp='1297403554' post='2629005']
Why do you think we started our own alliance? It wasn't just for the zombie strippers.
Huh...was that your rationale? I was just looking for another crack at Nin's mom...

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297365551' post='2628171']
I'd like to ask that all MCXA members stop being critical of our allies in this [i]public[/i] forum. Its a poor form, and when you do so you are working against us as an alliance.
I request all non gov MCXA members stop posting in this thread!

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1297396708' post='2628843']
Generally, asking MCXA members to drop it, only works if you drop it too.

Hmm, well, TBH I figured that since I was in TPF and the request was made of MCXA, that I was free to actually clarify my previous remarks since there seemed to be some misunderstanding. I was very detailed in my response so there would be no further misunderstandings.

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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1297524945' post='2630340']
Hmm, well, TBH I figured that since I was in TPF and the request was made of MCXA, that I was free to actually clarify my previous remarks since there seemed to be some misunderstanding. I was very detailed in my response so there would be no further misunderstandings.

BTW, for what is worth I will be making my way to TPF's forums some time soon, so if you are angry with us, you can definately voice your opinion then.

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